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HW6: Bad Design, UI Havoc

Due date: 2024-10-02 23:59.


To complete this homework, you might want to refer to the following readings:


Start with downloading the following VR Cardboard application:

Find Design Flaws

The objective of this assignment is to help you better understand and recognize bad and good design practices when it comes to user interaction, UI, and UX in VR applications. After downloading the above file, make sure to use the correct QR code that you generated in HW1 when running the application. To interact with the environment in this apk, you’ll use the "gaze" method, which involves looking at an interactive object or button and waiting for about a second.
The application contains seven scenes. Each scene contains one bad design practice. Your task is to recognize these design problems and answer our questions about what you see/perceive the issue are, and how things could be done differently to improve user experience in VR applications.
This homework can also be seen as an inspiration for your final project, in which you could implement more perceptual flaws/tunings/illusions of your choice.

Question 1

When designing menus, mention one bad design choice in Scene 1.
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Question 2

Mention one bad design choice in Scene 2.
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Question 3

What could improve the discomfort in Scene 2?
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Question 4

There is one design choice problem in Scene 3, what would fix it?
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Question 5

Which UI choice in Scene 4 is better and why?
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Question 6

Choose the best option for the menu design in Scene 5.
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Question 7

Mention one bad design choice in Scene 6.
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Question 8

What could improve the discomfort in Scene 6?
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Question 9

Mention one bad design choice in Scene 7.
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Question 10

What could improve the discomfort in Scene 7?
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Max Garcia, Aayush Kafle, and Anna LaValle.