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QUIZ 3: Light and Optics

Due date: 2024-09-08 23:59.



In all of the questions in this quiz, unless otherwise stated, assume a person with no vision defects and a simplified model of an HMD as discussed in class.

Question 1

What is the term for the bending of light as it passes from one material into another?
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Question 2

What is the diopter of a lens with a positive focal distance of f = 5 cm?
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Question 3

Diopters are a convenient way to quantify optical power because they allow one to calculate the optical power of a system of lenses by __________________ the diopters of all lenses in the system.
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Question 4

Consider the following graph for spectral reflectance. What color will this object appear in daylight?
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Question 5

Think about a laser emitting red light rays in 3 dimensions which pass through a spherical lense. If the rays have one focal point in one plane, and a different focal point in another plane, what type of optical aberration is it?
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Question 6

Think about white light rays propagating in 3 dimensions and passing through a spherical lense. If the rays have multiple focal points depending on the wavelength, what type of optical aberration is it?
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Question 7

What is collimated light?
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Question 8

How far should the source of light be from a converging lens to produce parallel rays coming out of the lens?
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Question 9

Lenses in modern head-mounted displays enable users to focus on a display that is very close to their eyes by producing __________.
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Question 10

Which of the following statements is NOT true about spherical lenses commonly used in modern head-mounted displays?
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Question 11

Which one of the following is NOT a problem commonly associated with spherical lenses in modern HMDs?
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Question 12

Optical distortion occurs when straight lines appear curved after looking through the lens.
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Question 13

What is the main cause of chromatic aberration?
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Question 14

In an HMDs virtual objects appear as if they are at infinity because:
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Question 15

Why do young people who are farsighted usually not need glasses when using an HMD?
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Question 16

Why do nearsighted people typically need glasses when using an HMD?
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Question 17

Human eyes adjust their focus (accomodation) to see real-life objects at different distances, but in VR, the focus is typically fixed, and accommodation does not occur.
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Question 18

Vergence is coupled with accommodation when observing virtual objects in HMDs.
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Question 19

Why is accommodation typically missing in an HMD?
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Question 20

What is VR vergence-accommodation mismatch, and why does it occur?
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Anna LaValle.