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    1. Course Schedule
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    1. Lecture Slides
  3. O
    1. Oculus Best Practices Guide
  4. U
    1. Unity
  5. V
    1. Virtual Reality, LaValle 2016
  6. Y
    1. YouTube Lectures: VR Systems and Humans
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HW: Bad Visuals, What Makes Content Eye-Friendly?

Due date: .


To complete this homework, you might want to refer to the following readings:


Start with downloading the following zipped VR application:

Find Visual Phenomena/Flaws

The objective of this homework is to teach you to recognize various unwanted phenomena/flaws in VR. Once you download the above file, connect your Oculus HMD, unzip the whole package behind the link, and start the StereoMess.exe. You can move around in the VR experience using the A and X buttons of your controller.
The VR experience consists of nine rooms, each simulating different hardware, software, and design flaws. We've designed each room with one specific phenomenon/flaw in mind, something that is perceptually most obviously wrong in that room. Your task is to identify and describe this phenomenon/flaw in each room and answer our questions below.
To rephrase, we intentionally introduced software bugs in each room and your goal is to use what you've learned in class to make an informed judgment about what we might have done.

Question 1

Why is viewing the red cube uncomfortable in Room 1?
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Question 2

What is the biggest reason behind judder and tracking delay in Room 2?
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Question 3

What makes the cube in Room 3 unusual?
Varoitus: Et ole kirjautunut sisään. Et voi vastata.

Question 4

Why do you feel like your eyesight for one eye is poorer than another in Room 4?
Varoitus: Et ole kirjautunut sisään. Et voi vastata.

Question 5

How are the two cubes in Room 5 different?
Varoitus: Et ole kirjautunut sisään. Et voi vastata.

Question 6

What mismatches for each eye are there in the paintings on the wall of Room 6? You can read more about these paintings by Salvadore Dali here.
Varoitus: Et ole kirjautunut sisään. Et voi vastata.

Question 7

When you stare at a point on the wall of Room 7, you notice that the room rotates slowly. What might be the reason behind it?
Hint: You might need to wait a minute or two to notice the problem.
Varoitus: Et ole kirjautunut sisään. Et voi vastata.

Question 8

How do you feel inside Room 8?
Varoitus: Et ole kirjautunut sisään. Et voi vastata.

Question 9

Why is Room 9 an example of bad project design?
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Question 10

In which of the rooms does diplopia occur?
Hint: Look at various objects with one eye at a time, and observe if what you see is different in two eyes.
Varoitus: Et ole kirjautunut sisään. Et voi vastata.

Question 11

In which of the rooms your height feels altered?
Varoitus: Et ole kirjautunut sisään. Et voi vastata.

Question 12

Recommend one multiple choice question for this homework. If you design a good question, we might use it in the next installment of the course. Make sure to include multiple answer options, and to point out the correct answer, to get full points.

Varoitus: Et ole kirjautunut sisään. Et voi vastata.


Aayush Kafle, Anna LaValle, and Matti Pouke
Lectures and labs schedule for the VR Systems and Humans course, Fall 2024
Lecture slides, VR Systems and Humans course, University of Oulu
Informative Guides to Help You Design, Develop, and Distribute Your VR App.
The platform for interactive, real-time, 3D content creation.
Virtual Reality, LaValle 2016 is the free online textbook we use in this course.
YouTube Channel: VR Systems and Humans, Fall 2022
University of Oulu