  1. C
    1. Course Schedule
  2. L
    1. Lecture Slides
  3. O
    1. Oculus Best Practices Guide
  4. U
    1. Unity
  5. V
    1. Virtual Reality, LaValle 2016
  6. Y
    1. YouTube Lectures: VR Systems and Humans
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Project Part 1: First Scene

Due date: .
In this part of the project we want you to start setting up a scene in Unity3D. This may or may not be the scene you end up using in your final project, but we want you to get started and send us a screenshot of your work. In the meantime, you can continue finalizing your project ideas with your teammates.

Install and Open Unity

If you need to install Unity3D on your machine, you can use the following tutorial to do so:

Create Your First Scene

Once you have Unity3D Installed, you can start building your first scene. You do not need your HMD headset to start working in Unity3D. You can also start working individually, as this will help you to divide your work with your project teammates later.
If you have never used Unity3D in the past, this tutorial (developed as a homework for Introduction to XR course) is a step-by-step guide on how to get started in Unity3D from scratch. Consider this a helpful resource rather than something you need to do or follow to the letter.

Place "VR@Oulu" in Your Scene

It is too easy to find screenshots of Unity3D scenes on the web. To assure no cheating takes place, please place VR@Oulu,2023 in your scene. You can do it in any way you like, you can place it as a text on a wall (as the above tutorial guides you to), or in some other way.
Note that in your final project you will need to place multiple instructions for us as a text in your environment, therefore, this exercise is a useful step for that.

Submit a Screenshot of Your First Scene

Once your first scene is ready, please take a screenshot of it, save it as a .jpeg file on your machine. Make sure that VR@Oulu,2024 is easily visible to us in your screenshot to receive full grade. Now you are ready to submit the link to your .jpeg file to us.
  1. Make sure only one of the students from your group submits the link.
  2. You can use Google Drive or a similar service to share the link to your .jpeg file using the textbox below:

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You will be graded according to how well your first scene is designed and the following rubric:
Name Points, % Description
Unity3D screenshot 1.5 You submitted a valid link to a Unity3D screenshot.
VR@Oulu, 2023 1.5 VR@Oulu, 2023 is visible in your scene.
Total 3
Lectures and labs schedule for the VR Systems and Humans course, Fall 2024
Lecture slides, VR Systems and Humans course, University of Oulu
Informative Guides to Help You Design, Develop, and Distribute Your VR App.
The platform for interactive, real-time, 3D content creation.
Virtual Reality, LaValle 2016 is the free online textbook we use in this course.
YouTube Channel: VR Systems and Humans, Fall 2022
University of Oulu