  1. C
    1. Course Schedule
  2. L
    1. Lecture Slides
  3. O
    1. Oculus Best Practices Guide
  4. U
    1. Unity
  5. V
    1. Virtual Reality, LaValle 2016
  6. Y
    1. YouTube Lectures: VR Systems and Humans
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QUIZ: Introduction, Bird's-Eye View

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Leave any comments about the questions below here. For example, if any of the questions seem unfair, or confusing. This is not a graded question, you don't have to write answers here.

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Question 1

In the definition of Virtual Reality we use in class, how would you clarify the concept of awareness?
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Question 2

What is one obvious visual flaw of the following VR experience, based on the screenshot below of the two images presented to two eyes?
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Question 3

The first ever VR headset was released by Nintendo, together with the game Virtual Boy.
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Question 4

Realistic graphics is essential for immersion in VR.
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Question 5

What is the minimum number of frames per second at which continuous apparent motion occurs, rather than frames perceived individually?
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Question 6

As determined in class, how many senses does the human body have?
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Question 7

What is a sensor/sense as defined in class?
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Question 8

What is a similarity between the human senses and the engineered sensors?
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Question 9

In the context of eye tracking for HMDs, how many DOFs does the human eye have?
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Question 10

As discussed in class, how many DOFs does the human ear have?
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Question 11

What is the largest number of DOFs that the Oculus Quest 2 HMD can track?
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Question 12

What is the artificial stimulus produced by audio displays?
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Question 13

What is the artificial stimulus produced by visual displays?
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Question 14

Which one of the following is a visual display as defined in class?
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Question 15

Any moving object on a digital screen with 12 FPS refresh rate will appear continuous.
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Question 16

Any moving object on a digital screen with 1000 FPS refresh rate will appear continuous.
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Question 17

As commonly used in class, what does IMU stand for?
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Question 18

Which one is NEVER a part of an IMU?
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Question 19

An accelerometer measures:
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Question 20

A magnetometer measures:
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Anna LaValle.
Lectures and labs schedule for the VR Systems and Humans course, Fall 2024
Lecture slides, VR Systems and Humans course, University of Oulu
Informative Guides to Help You Design, Develop, and Distribute Your VR App.
The platform for interactive, real-time, 3D content creation.
Virtual Reality, LaValle 2016 is the free online textbook we use in this course.
YouTube Channel: VR Systems and Humans, Fall 2022
University of Oulu