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    1. Oculus Best Practices Guide
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    1. Unity
  5. V
    1. Virtual Reality, LaValle 2016
  6. Y
    1. YouTube Lectures: VR Systems and Humans
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QUIZ: Vestibular System

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When the term "vection" is used in the questions below, it specifically refers to visually induced vection. For optic flows, use the following coordinate system:

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Leave any comments about the questions below here. For example, if any of the questions seem unfair, or confusing. This is not a graded question, you don't have to write answers here.

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Question 1

Which part of the vestibular system measures linear accelerations?
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Question 2

Which of the following statements is known to be true?
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Question 3

Which one of the following statements is FALSE about VR screens?
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Question 4

Which of the following statements about vection is FALSE?
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Question 5

Which of the following statements is TRUE about vection in VR HMDs?
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Question 6

Which one of the following optic flows is always guaranteed to lead to vection?
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Question 7

Which of the following statements is FALSE about optic flows in VR HMDs?
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Question 8

Which motion should NOT cause vision-vestibular mismatch when moving an avatar using a controller?
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Question 9

When moving an avatar using a controller it is considered to be most comfortable to _______.
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Question 10

For large menus in VR, it is considered to be most comfortable to present ____________.
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Anna LaValle.
Lectures and labs schedule for the VR Systems and Humans course, Fall 2024
Lecture slides, VR Systems and Humans course, University of Oulu
Informative Guides to Help You Design, Develop, and Distribute Your VR App.
The platform for interactive, real-time, 3D content creation.
Virtual Reality, LaValle 2016 is the free online textbook we use in this course.
YouTube Channel: VR Systems and Humans, Fall 2022
University of Oulu