Introduction to Linux Systems

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Exercise Objectives

The objective of this exercise is to make the student familiar with using a Linux workstation. After the exercise the student has access to the computing equipment at the Department of Computer Science.
Learning objectives: After passing the exercise the student understands the directory structure of Unix-based operating systems, and can use Linux from the command line. The student finds help in using new commands from manual pages, knows how to change permissions of files and knows how to find files from directory structures.

Passing the Exercise

In order to do the assignments of this exercise, you need an account to the Lovelace system. You can create the account from box in the top right corner of this page. We will identify you based on your student ID number, so make sure to either use it as your login, or input it afterwards by going to Settings (same top right box). After creating an account, log in and do all the assignments (links at the top of this page). When you have completed all assignments, you have completed the exercise.
In case you can't finish all the lab work in the four hours reserved, you may continue doing them later by yourself by logging in to Lovelace.

Time and Place

The assingments can be completed independently.

Before the Lab

  1. Register yourself to the lab work by writing your name and IT administration account name to the list of a lab session. You may find the list on a bulletin board next to the course material shelf on the third floor of Tietotalo. IT administration account is necessary for creating your department account.
  2. Come to the lab session on time.


Material of the earlier "Introduction to the Use of Workstation" course can be obtained from the following address.
You can also look at the intro slides:

Remote Connection to Workstation from a Windows Computer

You can connect remotely and securely to the workstation by using a program called PuTTY, which is found on all the Windows workstations administrated by IT administration. PuTTY is also available from the software distribution of the IT administration (log in with paju account).
For remote access outside university you need to have an Eduvpn profile and use Open VPN, instructions below:
Below are the instructions for creating a remote connection with PuTTY:
  1. Open PuTTY.
  2. Type the computer name (e.g., to which you want to connect, to the Host Name field.
  3. Click Open.
  4. The opening window should display text "login as". Type you username and press enter.
  5. Next, type your password and press enter.
  6. You have now logged in remotely and can continue finishing the assignments.
  7. You can close the remote connection with command exit or key combination Ctrl+A+D.
Hint: save the connections that you use regularly:
  1. In addition to Host Name, give a name to your connection under Saved Sessions text.
  2. Save the connection by pressing Save.
  3. The connection name should appear to the Saved Sessions list. Next time you open PuTTY, you can select this connection by double clicking its name.
With Mac computers, you can connect remotely with ssh, which you learn to use in one of the assignments.