  1. A
    1. Absolute Path
    2. Ajonaikainen
    3. Alustaminen
      variables values
    4. Argumentti
      values functions
    5. Arvo
    6. Assignment
      variables values
    7. Assignment Operator
      variables values operators
    8. Attribute
    9. Attribuutti
    10. Avainsana
    11. Aliohjelma
  2. B
    1. Boolean
      control flow
    2. Boolean Operator
      control flow operators
    3. Boolen operaattori
      Boolean Operator
    4. Branch
      try structures conditional structures
    5. Bug
      problem solving
    6. Bugi
    7. Builtin Function
    8. Block
      Code Block
    9. break
      loops keywords
  3. C
    1. Callback
    2. Carriage Return
      escaping strings files windows
    3. Code Block
      control flow functions
    4. Code File
    5. Command Line Argument
    6. Comparison Operator
      control flow operators
    7. Comparison Value
    8. Condition
      control flow
    9. Conditional Statement
      control flow
    10. Conditional Structure
      conditional structures control flow
    11. Constant
      variables values
    12. Control Structure
      try structures loops conditional structures
    13. Call
      Function Call
    14. Ctrl + C
    15. Code
      Source Code
    16. Callback
    17. Command Prompt
    18. continue
      loops keywords
  4. D
    1. Data
    2. Data Format
      strings files
    3. Data Structure
      dictionaries concepts lists
    4. Debugging
    5. Default Value
      values functions parameters
    6. Dictionary
      data structures
    7. Docstring
  5. E
    1. Epätosi
    2. Error Message
      problem solving
    3. Escape
    4. Evaluointi
      expressions values
    5. Event
    6. Exception
      try structures problem solving
    7. Exception class
      exceptions control flow
    8. Execution
      expressions concepts
    9. Element
    10. enumerate
      lists loops
  6. F
    1. False
    2. File Extension
    3. File Handle
      objects files
    4. Filename
      strings files
    5. Float
      values types
    6. Format
      strings printing
    7. Formatting
    8. Function
    9. Function Call
      functions statements
    10. Function Definition
    11. f string
    12. for
  7. G
    1. Generator
      objects loops
    2. Globaali muuttuja
      variables values
    3. Global Scope
  8. H
    1. Handle
      File Handle
    2. Handler
      functions concepts
    3. Hyppy
      control flow
    4. Hardkoodaus
  9. I
    1. if statement
      Conditional Statement
    2. if structure
      Conditional Structure
    3. Identifier
      variables functions
    4. Indentation
    5. Index
      values lists
    6. Index Subscription
      values lists
    7. Infinite Loop
    8. Input
      strings concepts
    9. Interface
      modules functions concepts
    10. Item
      values lists
    11. Iteration
    12. import
  10. K
    1. Key
      dictionaries values
    2. Keyword Argument
    3. Kirjasto
    4. Kommentti
      debugging documentation
    5. Kovakoodaus
    6. Käyttöliittymäelementti
    7. KeyboardInterrupt
  11. L
    1. Lause
    2. Lauseke
    3. List
    4. Literal
    5. Local Variable
    6. Loop
      control flow
    7. Loop Variable
      variables loops
  12. M
    1. Main Program
    2. Merkki
    3. Merkkijono
      values types
    4. Method
      functions objects
    5. Member Function
    6. Method Call
      expressions objects
    7. Module
    8. Mutable
      values concepts lists
    9. Muuntumaton
      values strings concepts
    10. Määrittely
  13. N
    1. Name Conflict
    2. Namespace
      modules functions concepts
    3. Newline
      strings files
    4. Nimeämätön vakio
      values constants
    5. Näppäimistökeskeytys
  14. O
    1. Objekti
    2. Olio
    3. Ohjelmointityyli
    4. Ominaisuus
    5. Opening Mode
    6. Operand
    7. Operation
    8. Operator
    9. Optional Argument
      values functions parameters
  15. P
    1. Parameter
    2. Parametrization
    3. Path
    4. Placeholder
      strings printing
    5. Poikkeusten käsittely
      control flow exceptions
    6. Precedence
      expressions concepts
    7. Presedenssi
    8. Precedence
    9. Printing
      strings concepts
    10. Programming Problem
      problem solving
    11. Python Console
    12. Python Interpreter
  16. R
    1. Running
    2. Recursion
      functions concepts
    3. Referring
      variables values objects
    4. Relative Path
    5. Return
      values functions
    6. Return Value
  17. S
    1. Silmukka
    2. Suoritusjärjestys
    3. Sapluuna
      strings concepts
    4. Scope
      concepts blocks
    5. Separator
      strings files lists input
    6. Sequence
      data structures concepts loops
    7. Slicing
    8. Solution Model
      problem solving
    9. Source Code
    10. State
    11. Stub
      problem solving functions
    12. Syntax
    13. Syntax Error
    14. Shell
    15. Stacktrace
  18. T
    1. Taikaluku
      Nimeämätön vakio
    2. try-rakenne
      Poikkeusten käsittely
    3. Takaisinkutsu
    4. Terminal
    5. Testaaminen
      problem solving concepts
    6. Text File
    7. Tosi
    8. True
    9. Traceback
      problem solving
    10. Tuple
      data structures lists
    11. Type Conversion
      values functions types
    12. Tyylisääntö
    13. Tyyppi
      values concepts
  19. U
    1. User Interface
  20. V
    1. Variable
      values concepts
  21. W
    1. while
    2. with
Completed: / exercises

4. Material: Conscious Modules

Last Things Before Doomsday

The latest material left us at a point where our ability to produce program logic allowed us to make all kinds of programs - at least theoretically. So far we've conquered variables, functions, conditional structures, data structures, loops, and a handful of basic types. We've also gone through design and implementation priciples, and learned practices that make our code nice and clean. The last basics can be found from this material's text stream. We are rising above program logic, and talk mostly about ways of doing things instead. However, the biggest topic of this material is taking advantage of work others have done before us.
A programmer is never alone. Way back in the beginning we noticed that Python comes with quite a few bucketfuls of code. The Internet is also full of more modules like these, and Python even comes with a built-in tool to install them, which we already used to install IPython. In this material we'll take a look at some more modules that come with Python, and even branch out to a few external ones.
This is where the road to "real programming" truly opens up: using existing code allows us to escape from simple command line programs to windowed user interfaces, or to the web, with minimal effort. We're only scratching the surface of graphical user interfaces within this course, and web is left for learner's own devices. However all of that contains more or less similar code that we've been working with so far. The results may look different, but program logic follows the same rules.
This material also teaches you how to process other files using Python. Even though direct manipulation of files is not particularly common these days as it is usually done through some module, in order to understand how these modules work it's best to learn how to manipulate files with code written by your very own hands. In some cases a do-it-yourself solution can be smoother than any existing one - or at least more suitable for the specific purpose you have planned.
Making your own tools is in general a good reason to learn programming. Although there are existing tools for almost everything, a self-made precision tool is often more effective in one specific task. When you make your own tools you are aware of all task specific details, and you can make assumptions that a multipurpose tool cannot afford.

List Cleaning

We'll pick up exactly where we left off with the last material. There were two holes in our collection management program: removing and modifying albums. There's also a couple more things we didn't implement yet, and we'll get to them as well. Let's take care of our unfinished business first though, and implement removal and editing.
To refresh your memory, here's what we have so far:
Learning goals: How to remove items from lists, and what complications are involved. How to modify items in a list.

Lists on a Diet

Image source 1
Currently our program's remove function is a
stub function
that doesn't do anything. Since the feature is advertised by the user interface, it probably would be nice if it also did something. In order to achieve this, we need to look at how to remove
in the first place. Lists have a
called remove for this purpose. Here's what it's documentation says:
remove(...) method of builtins.list instance
    L.remove(value) -> None -- remove first occurrence of value.
    Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
Some notes: removal is based on
; only one occurrence of this value is removed even if the same value appears multiple times. As long as the value is exactly equal it is removed. This is straightforward for lists that contain simple values but in our case it would be slightly unreasonable to require the user to write the entire representation of an album accurately in order to remove it (since it's a dictionary) - how would they even manage that with string inputs? We could definitely be a bit more merciful, and allow users to select an album to remove by entering artist's name and album title (separate artists can have albums with the same title, but one artist usually doesn't unless we want to keep track of different editions as well - but then we'd have to have a field for that too). So basically what we want the action to look like is:
Enter artist name for album to remove: Mono
Enter album title for album to remove: You Are There
Getting there is going to need a bit more than just the remove method, but starting with how to use it is still a good idea. Let's look at the following code snippet that could be found from a terminal version of an internet personality test (that authentically always gives the same result):
week = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
print("There's seven days in a week")
print(", ".join(week))
removal = input("Which day do you want to remove: ").capitalize()
print("Your week has these days remaining:")
print(", ".join(week))
print("This choice is typical for people with paranormal disorders.")
Because the documenation for remove says it throws an
if the
isn't in the list, we also need to add exception handling with try:
except ValueError:
    print("This day does not exist")
    print("Choosing nonexistent days is typical for paranoid individuals")
    print("Your week has these days remaining:")
    print(", ".join(week))
    print("This choice is typical for people with paranormal disorders.")
The use of remove by itself is not exactly rocket science. However, removing with an exactly matching value is only one scenario, and more often we actually went to remove
that fulfill some
. In these cases the only way is to iterate through the list with a
for loop
, and remove matching items as we encounter them. This also conveniently allows removal of more than one occurrence. A student who got tired of donkeys everywhere in the material developed the following code snippet, and just to be safe, decided to remove all animals starting with d:
animals = ["monkey", "cat", "squirrel", "warus", "donkey", "llama"]
for animal in animals:
    if animal.startswith("d"):
print(", ".join(animals))

Sherlock de Bug and The Mystery of the Persistent Donkey

Learning goals: Learn that removing an
from a
inside a loop may have some complications...

We will run the same code as the student who got tired of donkeys. We do so with a different list though.
In [1]: animals= ["squirrel", "dog", "donkey", "walrus", "cat", "llama", "moose"]
In [2]: for animal in animals:
   ...:     if animal.startswith("d"):
   ...:         animals.remove(animal)
In [3]: print(", ".join(animals))

Answer Specification:
Copy the printed line from the console to the answer box.
What kind of a list are we left with after running that code? Copy the answer you get into the answer box.
Warning: You have not logged in. You cannot answer.
Image source 2
Is there something special about donkeys after all? Unfortunately no, we just like them. However, there is something special about how this code works. The crux of the problem is that the
from the same list it is iterating through. Iteration goes through
from 0 to N-1, where N is list length. When an item is removed, the indices of all items after it will drop by one while the iteration counter advances every time. These two things combined cause some items to be skipped. When an item from index 2 is removed, the item in index 3 immediately drops to index 2, but iteration resumes to index 3 - i.e. to the item that used to be in index 4! The animation below illustrates what happens:
There's a small inaccuracy in the animation: the
loop variable
should retain its latest value until it gets
a new value on the next iteration. At the end the animal variable would actually still hold the
"duck". We left this out intentionally because in its current form the animation demonstrates the real issue at hand better.
In order to fix this issue, we need to iterate through a copy of the
instead of the original in our
. This way removals from the original list do not affect the sequence we're iterating through. This can be achieved with a very small change to the
for loop
for animal in animals[:]:
The new thing in this line, [:] at the end of the list name, is a variation of something we've already learned. It's actually a
operation, the very same we did at the end of the previous material. Previously we just always had numbers at least on one side of the colon. Because both sides of the colon are now empty we take a "slice" that contains all items from the list, but is still a separate copy. This seemingly small change alters how the entire loop works rather significantly:
This animation contains the same minor inaccuracy as the previous one (the loop variable would be "moose" at the end), but it demonstrates what we wanted it to. In our catalog program we wanted to remove albums that match the artist name - album title pair given by the user. The principle is the same as in the animal example. The
conditional statement
inside the
is just a bit different. We're also going to iterate over the copy, in case there's more than one album to remove (unlikely, but we haven't specifically prevented duplicates).
def remove(collection):
    print("Fill in the album title and artist name to select which album to remove")
    print("Leave album title empty to quit")
    while True:
        title = input("Album title: ").lower()
        if not title:

        artist = input("Artist name: ").lower()
        for album in collection[:]:
            if album["artist"].lower() == artist and album["album"].lower() == title:
                print("Album removed")
We sowed some extra lower
method calls
to inputs and the conditional statement to make the comparisons case-insensitive while retaining the names in the collection in their original written form. This fuction only exits when the user has removed all albums they wanted to. Let's test it:
This program manages an album collection. You can use the following features:
(A)dd new albums
(R)emove albums
(S)how the collection
(O)rganize the collection
Make your choice: s
 1. Alcest - Kodama (2016) [6] [42:15]
 2. Canaan - A Calling to Weakness (2002) [17] [1:11:17]
 3. Deftones - Gore (2016) [11] [48:13]
 4. Funeralium - Deceived Idealism (2013) [6] [1:28:22]
 5. IU - Modern Times (2013) [13] [47:14]
   -- press enter to continue --
 6. Mono - You Are There (2006) [6] [1:00:01]
 7. Panopticon - Roads to the North (2014) [8] [1:11:07]
 8. PassCode - Clarity (2019) [13] [49:27]
 9. Scandal - Hello World (2014) [13] [53:22]
10. Slipknot - Iowa (2001) [14] [1:06:24]
   -- press enter to continue --
11. Wolves in the Throne Room - Thrice Woven (2017) [5] [42:19]
Make your choice: r
Fill in the album title and artist name to select which album to remove
Leave album title empty to quit
Album title: color crush
Artist name: elris
Album removed
Album title:
Make your choice: s
 1. Alcest - Kodama (2016) [6] [42:15]
 2. Canaan - A Calling to Weakness (2002) [17] [1:11:17]
 3. Deftones - Gore (2016) [11] [48:13]
 4. Funeralium - Deceived Idealism (2013) [6] [1:28:22]
 5. IU - Modern Times (2013) [13] [47:14]
   -- press enter to continue --
 6. Mono - You Are There (2006) [6] [1:00:01]
 7. Panopticon - Roads to the North (2014) [8] [1:11:07]
 8. PassCode - Clarity (2019) [13] [49:27]
 9. Scandal - Hello World (2014) [13] [53:22]
10. Wolves in the Throne Room - Thrice Woven (2017) [5] [42:19]
Make your choice: q
With this we have implemented all necessary basic features of the program. It can now add albums to the collection, remove them, and show the collection with sorting options.

Introduction to Digital Filters

Filtering is related to preparing data for processing. The goal is to usually make the processing easier, or possible in the first place. One very simple form of filtering is the removal of obvious errors from the data. This means values that are several magnitudes higher than expected. In this task you get to implement a function that does this very simple filtering.
Learning goals: Removing
from a
correctly inside a

Function specification: filter_errors
  • Parameters:
    • list of measurements (list, contains floats)
    • threshold value (float)
The function must remove all values from the list that are higher than the threshold. Note that the function doesn't have a return statement, and all removals must be done directly on the list received as a parameter.
Function Testing:
You can test your function with the following main program:
measurements = [12.2, 54.2, 42345.2, 23534.1, 55.7, 8982.4]
filter_errors(measurements, 8000)

Use Examples:
With the given main program you should see:
[12.2, 54.2, 55.7]
Warning: You have not logged in. You cannot answer.


Our second objective is to add the ability to edit information for albums in the collection. This allows careless users to fix their errors.
The contents of a
can be modified by changing individual
. This typically involves choosing an item with
index subscription
, and then changing it either by
a new value to replace it, or - if the value is
(e.g. list) - change it with e.g. a
. Once again it's important to understand the significant difference between mutable and
types. Let's start our investigation from a list that contains
In [1]: animals = ["walrus", "doggo", "donkey", "llama", "koala", "duck", "moose"]
The easiest thing to do is replacing an item with a new one:
In [2]: animals[1] = "elephant"
In [3]: animals
Out[3]: ['walrus', 'elephant', 'donkey', 'llama', 'koala', 'duck', 'moose']
Just like when modifying the values in a
, the left side of the assignment denotes where in the list the new value should go to, and the new value itself goes to the right. The index subscription is on the left side which makes it the target of the assignment. Replacing an existing value with a new one is the only way to modify immutable values in a list (like strings). Other stuff fails:
In [4]: animals[2].upper()
Out[4]: 'DONKEY'
In [5]: animals
Out[5]: ['walrus', 'elephant', 'donkey', 'llama', 'koala', 'duck', 'moose']
Once again, a string method only returns a copy of the original string, leaving the original as it was. If we want to apply the upper method to the "donkey" value in the list, it has to be assigned back to itself:
In [6]: animals[2] = animals[2].upper()
In [7]: animals
Out[7]: ['walrus', 'elephant', 'DONKEY', 'llama', 'koala', 'duck', 'moose']
Another notable fact about how
work in this context:
In [8]: animal = animals[3]
In [9]: animal = "bear"
In [10]: animals
Out[10]: ['walrus', 'elephant', 'DONKEY', 'llama', 'koala', 'duck', 'moose']
This is where it becomes extremely important to understand what it means when we say that a variable is a
to a
. When created, the new animal variable does indeed refer to the
"llama" inside the list. However as soon as we assign a new value to it, its reference changes to the new value "bear", but the reference to "llama" within the list does not change. The only connection the two ever had was referring to the same value.
However, if we have a list that contains lists, things work differently because lists are
. This example shows some Blackjack starting hands in a list.
In [1]: hands = [["A", "8"], ["5", "7"], ["3", "10"]]
Swapping a hand with another one is done exactly like we did with
In [2]: hands[2] = ["4", "8"]
In [3]: hands
Out[3]: [['A', '8'], ['5', '7'], ['4', '8']]
Things get different if we want to change one
with a
, e.g. draw one card. In this case assignment is not needed:
In [4]: hands[0].append("5")
In [5]: hands
Out[5]: [['A', '8', '5'], ['5', '7'], ['4', '8']]
This is because
, and therefore the first line appends directly to the list that exists in memory. Meanwhile the inner lists contain strings so the rules that apply to strings apply here as well. If we want to change a card to another, it has to be done through assignment:
In [6]: hands[2][0] = "9"
In [7]: hands
Out[7]: [['A', '8', '5'], ['5', '7'], ['9', '8']]
This also shows a new
: how to do
to a list within a list. There's now another pair of braces after the first subscription. The first subscription returns a reference to the inner list, and the second subscription selects an index from the inner list to replace with a new value.
If we create a new
to refer to one of the list
, and then assign a new value to the same variable, we get the same result as we did when working with
In [8]: hand = hands[0]
In [9]: hand = ["10", "5"]
In [10]: hands
Out[10]: [['A', '8', '5'], ['5', '7'], ['9', '8']]
However if we instead do the same assignment from the list to a variable but then append to the variable:
In [11]: hand = hands[0]
In [12]: hand.append("2")
In [13]: hands
Out[13]: [['A', '8', '5', '2'], ['5', '7'], ['9', '8']]

Sherlock de Bug and The Uncanny Connection

This task shows some facts about copying of two-dimensional lists (i.e. lists that contain lists). We previously found list copying to be useful when removing items inside a loop. This task shows you why copying two-dimensional lists in the same way as previously may not have the expected results... This task should make you more curious about what we're about to tell you next.
Learning goals: What happens when an inner
inside a copy of a list is modified.

Setup in the
In [1]: hands = [["A", "8"], ["5", "7"], ["3", "10"]]
In [2]: copy = hands[:]
We're going to do two things. First a new item is appended to the copy list:
In [3]: copy.append(["2", "9"])
Before you continue, you might want to check what the list looks like. Next we're going to change the first item inside the first item of the copy from A to 3:
In [4]: copy[0][0] = "3"

Answer Specification:
In order for you to properly wonder about what's going on, we want you to give four entire lines as your answer. These lines are (in the given order):
  1. the contents of copy after the append
  2. the contents of hands after the append
  3. the contents of copy after assigning the 3
  4. the contents of hands after assigning the 3
Follow the instructions very carefully and copy the requested lists to the box below.
Warning: You have not logged in. You cannot answer.
There is a perfectly logical explanation to this result. The statement copy = hands[:] does create a new
but this new list is just a different set of
to the same
lists as the original. Because of this any actions that modify this new list directly (i.e. the first append) only affect this copy, but any actions that modify the nested lists also sneakily affect the original list. The inner lists are not copied at all, so there only exists one of each of them, and they are simply referred to from two different lists. This is important to keep in mind, especially when stomping mines.
Armed with this information we can attack the edit
of our catalog program. Truth be told it's more challenging to select the album and which field to modify than it is to actually perform the edit. We solved the first problem already in the remove function: the user
album title and artist name. Let's copy this part from the remove function:
def edit(collection):
    print("Fill in the album title and artist name to select which album to remove")
    print("Leave album title empty to quit")
    while True:
        title = input("Album title: ").lower()
        if not title:

        artist = input("Artist name: ").lower()
        for album in collection[:]:
            if album["artist"].lower() == artist and album["album"].lower() == title:
                print("Album removed")
When editing we also need to ask which field should be modified, and what the new value should be. These changes apply to the for loop. While we're at it we can also edit the prints to replace mentions of remove with mentions of edit. Because this code is pretty good for selecting an album, let's place the field editing into its own function. We can call it edit_fields. We can replace the list remove method call with a call to this function that we'll implement immediately after.
def edit(collection):
    print("Fill in the album title and artist name to select which album to edit")
    print("Leave album title empty to quit")
    while True:
        title = input("Album title: ").lower()
        if not title:

        artist = input("Artist name: ").lower()
        for album in collection[:]:
            if album["artist"].lower() == artist and album["album"].lower() == title:
                print("Album edited")
This looks very similar to the remove function, but in this case it would be somewhat hard to turn them both into one function where
dictate what actually happens to the selected album (and what verb to use in prints). We could fix this by restructuring the program a bit, e.g. by choosing the album first and then choosing the action to take.
Instead of merging these two function right now though, we're just going to move on to implementing the edit_fields function. This function is used for editing the fields of one album in the collection. We can once again use a
while loop
where the user chooses fields until they've done all they wanted.
def edit_fields(album):
    print("Current information:")
    print("{artist}, {album}, {no_tracks}, {length}, {year}".format(**album))
    print("Choose a field to edit by entering its number. Leave empty to stop.")
    print("1 - artist")
    print("2 - album title")
    print("3 - number of tracks")
    print("4 - album length")
    print("5 - release year")
    while True:
        field = input("Select field (1-5): ")
        if not field:
        elif field == "1":
            album["artist"] = input("Artist name: ")
        elif field == "2":
            album["album"] = input("Album title: ")
        elif field == "3":
            album["no_tracks"] = prompt_number("Number of tracks: ")
        elif field == "4":
            album["length"] = prompt_time("Album length: ")
        elif field == "5":
            album["year"] = prompt_number("Release year: ")
            print("Field does not exist")
Majority of this
is old news. Because the collection list contains
values (
), the modifying itself is just assigning new values to dictionary
, but the results are reflected in the collection. We need separate branches in the
conditional structure
for each field because some of the values are prompted using different functions. Test run to show it works:
This program manages an album collection. You can use the following features:
(A)dd new albums
(E)dit albums
(R)emove albums
(S)how the collection
(O)rganize the collection
Make your choice: e
Fill in the album title and artist name to select which album to edit
Leave album title empty to quit
Album title: modern times
Artist name: iu
Current information:
IU, Modern Times, 13, 0:47:14, 2013
Choose a field to edit by entering its number. Leave empty to stop.
1 - artist
2 - album title
3 - number of tracks
4 - album length
5 - release year
Select field (1-5): 4
Album length: 32:14
Select field (1-5):
Album edited
Album title:
Make your choice: s
 1. Alcest - Kodama (2016) [6] [42:15]
 2. Canaan - A Calling to Weakness (2002) [17] [1:11:17]
 3. Deftones - Gore (2016) [11] [48:13]
 4. Funeralium - Deceived Idealism (2013) [6] [1:28:22]
 5. IU - Modern Times (2013) [13] [32:14]
   -- press enter to continue --
 6. Mono - You Are There (2006) [6] [1:00:01]
 7. Panopticon - Roads to the North (2014) [8] [1:11:07]
 8. PassCode - Clarity (2019) [13] [49:27]
 9. Scandal - Hello World (2014) [13] [53:22]
10. Slipknot - Iowa (2001) [14] [1:06:24]
   -- press enter to continue --
11. Wolves in the Throne Room - Thrice Woven (2017) [5] [42:19]
Make your choice: q
Now that the features we intended to do last time we can actually move to new challenges. It just never ends. Until it ends.

Files Open Up to the Coder

The very first thing we need to fix is the most glaring flaw in our collection manager: the collection cannot be saved on exit, or loaded on startup for that matter. So far the collection has just been written directly into the program code, which is obviously not very good programming. It'd be much better to save it into a separate file.
In order to achieve this, we'll get to take a look at how Python handles text files. There's two stages to this project: writing data into a file, and reading it from there. Because writing is actually simpler, we'll start from there. Just to recap, the code below is what we have right now.
import math


def prompt_number(prompt):
    while True:
            number = int(input(prompt))
        except ValueError:
            print("Input an integer")
            return number

def prompt_time(prompt):
    while True:
        parts = input(prompt).split(":")
        if len(parts) == 3:
            h, min, s = parts
        elif len(parts) == 2:
            min, s = parts
            h = "0"
            print("Input the time as hours:minutes:seconds or minutes:seconds")

            h = int(h)
            min = int(min)
            s = int(s)
        except ValueError:
            print("Times must be integers")

        if not (0 <= min <= 59):
            print("Minutes must be between 0 and 59")
        if not (0 <= s <= 59):
            print("Seconds must be between 0 and 59")
        if h < 0:
            print("Hours must be a positive integer")

        return f"{h}:{min:02}:{s:02}"

def select_artist(album):
    return album["artist"]

def select_title(album):
    return album["album"]

def select_no_tracks(album):
    return album["no_tracks"]

def select_length(album):
    return album["length"]

def select_year(album):
    return album["year"]

def load_collection():
    Creates a test collection. Returns a list that contains dictionaries of
    five key-value pairs.
    Dictionary keys match the following information:
    "artist" - name of the album artist
    "album" - title of the album
    "no_tracks" - number of tracks
    "length" - total length
    "year" - release year

    collection = [
            "artist": "Alcest",
            "album": "Kodama",
            "no_tracks": 6,
            "length": "0:42:15",
            "year": 2016
            "artist": "Canaan",
            "album": "A Calling to Weakness",
            "no_tracks": 17,
            "length": "1:11:17",
            "year": 2002
            "artist": "Deftones",
            "album": "Gore",
            "no_tracks": 11,
            "length": "0:48:13",
            "year": 2016
            "artist": "Funeralium",
            "album": "Deceived Idealism",
            "no_tracks": 6,
            "length": "1:28:22",
            "year": 2013
            "artist": "IU",
            "album": "Modern Times",
            "no_tracks": 13,
            "length": "0:47:14",
            "year": 2013
            "artist": "Mono",
            "album": "You Are There",
            "no_tracks": 6,
            "length": "1:00:01",
            "year": 2006
            "artist": "Panopticon",
            "album": "Roads to the North",
            "no_tracks": 8,
            "length": "1:11:07",
            "year": 2014
            "artist": "PassCode",
            "album": "Clarity",
            "no_tracks": 13,
            "length": "0:49:27",
            "year": 2019
            "artist": "Scandal",
            "album": "Hello World",
            "no_tracks": 13,
            "length": "0:53:22",
            "year": 2014
            "artist": "Slipknot",
            "album": "Iowa",
            "no_tracks": 14,
            "length": "1:06:24",
            "year": 2001
            "artist": "Wolves in the Throne Room",
            "album": "Thrice Woven",
            "no_tracks": 5,
            "length": "0:42:19",
            "year": 2017
    return collection

def save_collection(collection):
    Saves the collection, one day in the future 


def add(collection):
    print("Fill the information for a new album. Leave album title empty to stop.")
    while True:
        title = input("Album title: ")
        if not title:

        artist = input("Artist name: ")
        no_tracks = prompt_number("Number of tracks: ")
        length = prompt_time("Total length: ")
        year = prompt_number("Release year: ")
            "artist": artist,
            "album": title,
            "no_tracks": no_tracks,
            "length": length,
            "year": year
        print("Album added")

def remove(collection):
    print("Fill in the album title and artist name to select which album to remove")
    print("Leave album title empty to quit")
    while True:
        title = input("Album title: ").lower()
        if not title:
        artist = input("Artist name: ").lower()
        for album in collection[:]:
            if album["artist"].lower() == artist and album["album"].lower() == title:
                print("Album removed")

def edit(collection):
    print("Fill in the album title and artist name to select which album to edit")
    print("Leave album title empty to quit")
    while True:
        title = input("Album title: ").lower()
        if not title:
        artist = input("Artist name: ").lower()
        for album in collection[:]:
            if album["artist"].lower() == artist and album["album"].lower() == title:
                print("Album edited")

def edit_fields(album):
    print("Current information:")
    print("{artist}, {album}, {no_tracks}, {length}, {year}".format(**album))
    print("Choose a field to edit by entering its number. Leave empty to stop.")
    print("1 - artist")
    print("2 - album title")
    print("3 - number of tracks")
    print("4 - album length")
    print("5 - release year")
    while True:
        field = input("Select field (1-5): ")
        if not field:
        elif field == "1":
            album["artist"] = input("Artist name: ")
        elif field == "2":
            album["album"] = input("Album title: ")
        elif field == "3":
            album["no_tracks"] = prompt_number("Number of tracks: ")
        elif field == "4":
            album["length"] = prompt_time("Album length: ")
        elif field == "5":
            album["year"] = prompt_number("Release year: ")
            print("Field does not exist")            
def show(collection):
    pages = math.ceil(len(collection) / PER_PAGE)
    for i in range(pages):
        start = i * PER_PAGE
        end = (i + 1) * PER_PAGE
        format_page(collection[start:end], i)
        if i < pages - 1:
            input("   -- press enter to continue --")

def format_page(lines, page_n):
    for i, album in enumerate(lines, page_n * PER_PAGE + 1):
            f"{i:2}. "
            f"{album['artist']} - {album['album']} ({album['year']}) "
            f"[{album['no_tracks']}] [{album['length'].lstrip('0:')}]"

def organize(collection):
    print("Choose a field to use for sorting the collection by inputting the corresponding number")
    print("1 - artist")
    print("2 - album title")
    print("3 - number of tracks")
    print("4 - album length")
    print("5 - release year")
    field = input("Choose field  (1-5): ")
    order = input("Order; (a)scending or (d)escending: ").lower()
    if order == "d":
        reverse = True
        reverse = False
    if field == "1":
        collection.sort(key=select_artist, reverse=reverse)
    elif field == "2":
        collection.sort(key=select_title, reverse=reverse)
    elif field == "3":
        collection.sort(key=select_no_tracks, reverse=reverse)
    elif field == "4":
        collection.sort(key=select_length, reverse=reverse)
    elif field == "5":
        collection.sort(key=select_year, reverse=reverse)
        print("Field doesn't exist")

collection = load_collection()
print("This program manages an album collection. You can use the following features:")
print("(A)dd new albums")
print("(E)dit albums")
print("(R)emove albums")
print("(S)how the collection")
print("(O)rganize the collection")
while True:
    choice = input("Make your choice: ").strip().lower()
    if choice == "a":
    elif choice == "e":
    elif choice == "r":
    elif choice == "s":
    elif choice == "o":
    elif choice == "q":
        print("The chosen feature is not available.")

Learning goals: This section should teach you how to open files, write into them and read their contents. You should also pick up on some philosophy about what kinds of complications are involed in processing text-based data.

The Short Philosophy of Files

Our save
is a bit on the short side at the moment:
def save_collection(collection):
    Saves the collection, one day in the future

In the near future this function should vomit the contents of the collection list into a
text file
in a way that it can be loaded again later. In general deciding on a suitable
data format
for files is one of the biggest problems involved. The process of saving is quite straightforward.
When saving a
that contains
, one typical choice is to save one row per dictionary. In our example this would mean putting the data of one album on one row in the text file. Note that the
are not saved at all - returning values to the correct keys is done in the loading function. Another common practice is to use a
to separate each field's value from each other. We've done something quite similar actually:
Input value and unit to convert: 12 yd
12 yd is 10.97 m
In this example, space was used as a separator. Because it's impossible for the computer to know which characters are data and which are separators, it's best to choose a separator that cannot be present in the data (if possible). Comma is a very common separator, to the extent that there is a commonly used file format called CSV - comma separated values. If we look at our data we can see that it doesn't contain any commas, at least at the moment.
The risk definitely exists though because there are no rules in the world of music against having commas in artist or album names. However, a
that could not theoretically be in a name doesn't even exist. We make a prediction right now that we'll need a more sophisticated
data format
further along the line. But for what we have right now, commas will do the trick. So let's just agree that for now the collection will be saved into a text file that looks like this:
Alcest, Kodama, 6, 0:42:15, 2016
Canaan, A Calling to Weakness, 17, 1:11:17, 2002
Deftones, Gore, 11, 0:48:13, 2016
This format is easy to read with just the
split method. As it turns out, everything that is read from a text file is read into strings. In real life we don't have any guarantees that any given string would not be present in an artist or album name. This means we eventually need a reading solution that doesn't rely just on split. Still, we have to start from somewhere.

Open Book

Files are opened with with the open
for both reading and writing. An opened file can be
to a
. This variable will act as a
file handle
which is used figuratively to grab the file.
handle = open("myfile")
When opening files, the open function must be told how the file will be opened (i.e. for reading or writing). If a file is opened for reading, it must exist. If opened for writing, it will be created at the moment of writing if it didn't exist before. Depending on the exact
opening mode
, an existing file with the same name may be entirely replaced by the new contents, or new contents will be written to the end of an existing file. Shown below are the three basic ways to use open:
read = open("donkey.txt")
write = open("donkey.txt", "w")
append = open("donkey.text", "a")
This also shows that reading is the default mode (it would be "r", but it's not needed). The other two are "w" (write) and "a" (append). The latter is familiar from the list append method, and similarly it also means adding something to the end. However, files are not normally opened using the above syntax. Instead, the
with statement
is used. It looks like this:
with open("donkey.txt") as read:
This statement must be followed by an indented
which contains all statements that operate on the opened file. When the with statement is used, the target
where the
file handle
will be
to is found on the right side of the as
. Typically on the left of the keyword is the statement that opens the file, usually a
to the open function.
The advantage of the with statement is automatically closing the file once all statements in the block have been completed - whether they are executed or interrupted by an
. Otherwise it would be the programmer's responsibility to make sure the file handle's close method gets called, and recognize all situations when the file needs to be closed.
In addition to opening the file using the with statement, exceptions related to actually opening the file must also be taken into consideration. This is the topic of the next task.

Sherlock de Bug and The Mystery of the Lost File

As usual, we can't catch an exception if we don't know what it is. Let's find out.
Learning goals: What
is raised when trying to open a file that doesn't exist.

Try to open any file in the
that you know does not exist. For instance:
In [1]: with open("thisfiledoesnotexist.null.void") as source:
   ...:     print(source.read())
If a file with that name exists for whatever reason, try another name...

Answer Specification:
The exception name is sufficient for the answer. You should memorize it because it's needed quite often when opening files in programs...
What's the name of the exception you get?
Warning: You have not logged in. You cannot answer.
Because the open
function call
is in the with statement, the whole thing needs to be wrapped into a try:
    with open("donkey.txt") as read:
        content = read_file(read)
except ??:
    print("Unable to open the file.")
Of course you need to replace ?? with the
you found out in the exercise. In normal cases opening a file will always look like this.

Data Storage

Now that we know all we need to know about opening
text files
, we can finally write something into them. Let's start by adding the above basic structure into our save_collection function:
def save_collection(collection, filename):
        with open(filename, "w") as target:
    except IOError:
        print("Unable to open the target file. Saving failed.")
We also sneakily added a second
to this function. We did this with the foresight that in the future we might want to be able to manage multiple collections, each stored in their own file, and even allow the user to choose which files to use. For this reason it's a good idea to handle the filename as a
from the start so this part of the code does not need to be changed later. In general the less assumptions you make with a tool function, the better.
At this point all we need to do is to replace the pass statement with actual code that implements writing into the file. To recap, our plan was to write one row for each
in the collection
. We encountered a similar problem when we were printing the collection in the last material. The solution could be this familiar
for album in collection:
The act of writing itself is carried out by the
file handle's
. It works kind of like print does, but there's two key differences. First of all, write doesn't accept anything except
In [1]: with open("donkey.txt", "w") as target:
   ...:     target.write(5)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-174567876ea2> in <module>()
      1 with open("donkey.txt", "w") as target:
----> 2     target.write(5)

TypeError: write() argument must be str, not int
This means that everything that will be written to a file needs to be converted to strings first, with some chosen way. A simple way is to use the str function, but often it's more convenient to shape the entire row into a single string with the
method. This also allows us to tread on familiar ground:
for album in collection:
        f"{i:2}. "
        f"{album['artist']} - {album['album']} ({album['year']}) "
        f"[{album['no_tracks']}] [{album['length'].lstrip('0:')}]"
Now we just need to replace the print with the write method:
def save_collection(collection, filename):
        with open(filename, "w") as target:
            for album in collection:
                    f"{i:2}. "
                    f"{album['artist']} - {album['album']} ({album['year']}) "
                    f"[{album['no_tracks']}] [{album['length'].lstrip('0:')}]"
    except IOError:
        print("Unable to open the target file. Saving failed.")
Done? Almost.

Sherlock de Bug in The Sticky Lines Incident

When stuff is written to a file with the write method there is one notable difference to printing. The example in this task hasn't taken the difference into account, and as a result, our resident code detective has to inspect weird results.
Learning goals: What shows up in the file when the write
is called multiple times.

Cast the following spells in the
In [1]: with open("party.txt", "w") as target:
   ...:     target.write("donkey")
   ...:     target.write("swings")
Pay attention to which folder you were in when you opened the console. After running this code you need to find the party.txt that was just created, and it will be in that exact folder. Open the file in some sensible text editor and gaze at it in wonder.

Answer Specification:
Copy the contents of party.txt as they are - no more, no less.
Drop the contents here
Warning: You have not logged in. You cannot answer.
We notice that write doesn't do the kind of magic print does with newlines. Print produces them automatically, but it turns out write does not. This means we have to add it to the
manually - but how? We go all the way back to the second material, where we saw special use for the \ character:
print("Inch (in or \")")
The backslash was called an
escape character
, and it meant that the next character would be interpreted in a special way. So far we've used it to include a string delimiter character inside the string itself without breaking anything. However there's a second use as well: when the escape character precedes a normal letter, some of them produce special meanings. The three most common are n, r and t - but especially n, for newline. \n produces a newline character when it's inside a string. \t produces tabulation and \r just kind of makes you go
Anyway, this means there's an easy solution to our problem. Just include a newline characer in the format template string.
def save_collection(collection, filename):
        with open(filename, "w") as target:
            for album in collection:
                    f"{i:2}. "
                    f"{album['artist']} - {album['album']} ({album['year']}) "
                    f"[{album['no_tracks']}] [{album['length'].lstrip('0:')}]\n"
    except IOError:
        print("Unable to open the target file. Saving failed.")
Now we can just add a second argument to the
function call
at the end of the
main program
save_collection(collection, "collection.txt")
file extension
here doesn't really matter to us, but Windows likes to use it to sniff out which program should open the file by default. We used .txt so Windows can open this file with a text editor. Now we can save the collection by running and quitting the program once.
Image source 3

Like Putting Money in a Bank

If a character is present in the data that is saved, it's usually not so smart to use that character as a separator. This task shows you one such case. In big numbers commas are used as thousands separators, like when dealing with money: $10,930,638. We used comma as a separator before, but now it would clearly be a bad move!
Learning goals: Writing data from a list to a file so that the data can still be loaded later back into a list.
Goal: A function that writes data into a file

Function Specification: write_sums
  • Parameters
    • data to save (
      that contains lists that contain strings)
    • filename to save to (
The sums of money to save come in a list that contains lists. Each inner list contains four
- four sums of money written as shown in the example.
Each series of four sums needs to be saved on its own line in the file. You need to iterate through the received list with a
for loop
as done in the preceding examples. This time the list just contains lists instead of dictionaries.
You can use either
or the join
to write individual lines. Because comma is present in the data, use colon as the
between individual sums on each line.
The file must be opened and closed within your function.

Function Testing:
You can use the following code snippet as your
main program
in order to test your function. This snippet also shows you what the list given as the first
looks like. Eah item represents one year, containing the quartal results for that year.
quartal_results = [
    ["$123,123,123", "$56,548", "$666,666,666,666", "$945,246,000"], 
    ["$45", "$645,231", "$765,312,765", "$12,000,000,001"],
    ["$18,618,639", "$911", "$312", "$517,629,086"],
    ["$633,811", "$243,632,851,833,606", "$328,421,688,104", "$803"],
    ["$626", "$235,493,388", "$469,980", "$985,435,012,285,386"],
    ["$34,934", "$829,830,625,455", "$757,180,630,342,645", "$615,239"],
    ["$214,081", "$350,257", "$669", "$98,002,803,712,471"],
    ["$807,266,013,233", "$43,931,320,272,886", "$106,873,623,674", "$409,966"],
    ["$901", "$23,797,858,928,694", "$916", "$648,091,994,611"]
write_sums(quartal_results, "quartals_2001-2009.txt")

Use Examples:
With the given main program, a correctly implemented function should save a file called quartals_2001-2009.txt with the following contents:
Warning: You have not logged in. You cannot answer.

Reading Club

Now that the collection is safely saved we can think about how to load it. As was hinted earlier, the split
will be used. For the time being we're just going to trust that there aren't any names in the collection that would contain commas. The file is opened in reading mode this time, but otherwise the code that opens and reads the file looks very similar to the previous function:
def load_collection(filename):

    # The order of values in each row corresponds to dictionary keys:
    # 1. "artist" - artist name
    # 2. "album" - album title
    # 3. "no_tracks" - number of tracks
    # 4. "length" - album length
    # 5. "year" - release year
    collection = []
        with open(filename) as source:
    except IOError:
        print("Unable to open the target file. Starting with an empty collection.")

    return collection
We start by initializing the collection as an empty
. If the denoted file is not found this allows us to start with an empty collection by returning an empty list. We also added the filename
to this
for the same reason we did that for the save function.
File contents are mostly read by two different
file handle
: read and readlines. The first one reads the entire contents of the file into a single
where as the latter gives a list where each row in the file is an
. In most cases the latter is more useful - especially in all cases where one row corresponds to one unit of data. Picture a file like this:
Eeyore, depression
Pooh, eating disorder
Piglet, anxiety
Rabbit, OCD
Christopher Robin, schizophrenia
Tigger, ADHD
Let's call this file "pooh.txt"
In [1]: with open("pooh.txt") as pooh:
   ...:     contents = pooh.read()
In [2]: contents
Out[2]: 'Eeyore, depression\nPooh, eating disorder\nPiglet, anxiety\nRabbit, OCD\nChristopher Robin, schizophrenia\nTigger, ADHD'
In [3]: with open("pooh.txt") as pooh:
   ...:     contents = pooh.readlines()
In [4]: contents
['Eeyore, depression\n',
 'Pooh, eating disorder\n',
 'Piglet, anxiety\n',
 'Rabbit, OCD\n',
 'Christopher Robin, schizophrenia\n',
 'Tigger, ADHD']
Linebreaks were added manually. As advertised, the first one produces one string, and the latter produces a list of strings. We can also see that the result of readlines is not exactly the same as using split on the string produced by read:
In [5]: with open("pooh.txt") as pooh:
   ...:     contents = pooh.read().split("\n")
In [6]: contents
['Eeyore, depression',
 'Pooh, eating disorder',
 'Piglet, anxiety',
 'Rabbit, OCD',
 'Christopher Robin, schizophrenia',
 'Tigger, ADHD']
As you can see, readlines leaves the
newline characters
where they were. They are pretty easy to remove later with the strip
, that can also be used to remove unnecessary spaces from the data.
As we said earlier, further processing often consists of splitting the rows using a predefined
, which allows us to access individual
. These can then be transferred to a
or a
. Usually the result of readlines is iterated over in a
for loop
with open("pooh.txt") as pooh:
    for row in pooh.readlines():
Likewise, the results are often appended to some list:
patients = []
with open("pooh.txt") as pooh:
    for row in pooh.readlines():
This is the most typical way to read simple data back into a list inside the program. The entire point of saving and loading is that a program saves data in a way that allows it to restore its
, or the state of its data.
Of course this process can become quite complex if we think about how video games save their data. For instance, how much information needs to be saved to reproduce the game state of a massive open world game like Skyrim? Luckily we don't need to worry about that because we have our own relatively simple case at hand. Let's apply the above code to our program:
def load_collection(filename):

    # The order of values in each row corresponds to dictionary keys:
    # 1. "artist" - artist name
    # 2. "album" - album title
    # 3. "no_tracks" - number of tracks
    # 4. "length" - album length
    # 5. "year" - release year
    collection = []
        with open(filename) as source:
            for row in source.readlines():
    except IOError:
        print("Unable to open the target file. Starting with an empty collection.")

    return collection
doesn't show how individual rows are handled. That problem has been postponed to the implemention of the read_row function.
Before actually implementing that function it's a good idea to examine what kinds of potential issues lay in wait when a line of text is read into a
with split. Most of the problems are familiar from splitting
in the last material.
In a way we can trust
a bit more than user inputs because at least in theory they've been produced by the same program that reads them. However we need to acknowledge the fact that some hackerman can edit them manually.
Image source 4
So our goal is to turn this:
"Agalloch, The Mantle, 9, 1:08:36, 2002\n"
into this:
    "artist": "Agalloch",
    "album": "The Mantle",
    "no_tracks": 9,
    "length": "1:08:36",
    "year": 2002
Let's demonstrate this whole process in the
Python console
in order to make the intermediate steps visible. Everything begins with a split because we have no other way to access parts of the
In [1]: row = "Agalloch, The Mantle, 9, 1:08:36, 2002\n"
In [2]: parts = row.split(",")
In [3]: parts
Out[3]: ['Agalloch', ' The Mantle', ' 9', ' 1:08:36', ' 2002\n']
Here we can see that the spaces after commas that were considered good practice in writing code actually cause some extra spaces to appear in the data, and those should be gotten rid of. The extra newline character should also be dealt with.
In [4]: for i, part in enumerate(parts):
   ...:     parts[i] = part.strip()
In [5]: parts
Out[5]: ['Agalloch', 'The Mantle', '9', '1:08:36', '2002']
This also shows a trick we haven't done before: how to change the contents of a
that contains
values inside a
. The basic principle is to make a modified copy of the
stored in the
loop variable
, and replace the original item with it. This must be done with
- if we tried to do part = part.strip() we would end up creating a new part variable that no longer refers to the same value as parts[i].
So far we've achieved:
['Agalloch', 'The Mantle', '9', '1:08:36', '2002']
All that's left is to convert two items into integers. For the sake of brevity of this example, we'll do the conversion directly to the list, but in practice this should be done when this list is turned into a dictionary.
In [8]: parts[2] = int(parts[2])
In [9]: parts[4] = int(parts[4])
In [10]: parts
Out[10]: ['Agalloch', 'The Mantle', 9, '1:08:36', 2002]
Converting this list into a dictionary is done in the actual program example. As a whole this process wasn't quite simple enough to be done with just a couple of lines. At this point it should be clear why it's best to do this in a separate function. Next we have a fun little game: what can go wrong?

Sherlock de Bug and A Serious Case of Dyslexia, Part 1

In this two-part bug thriller we're about to find out all kinds of wonderful ways in which reading from files can go wrong. The first case is something that can happen even when the program is used correctly. We've talked a lot about what would happen with names that contain commas. Now you are finally about to see it for yourself.
Learning goals: Observe what
happens when there are extra commas, and recognize which
in the code causes it.

In order to produce the problem, we need to have a
that contains a row of data. In the actual program it would have been read from a file but here we can just make one up and assign it to the variable:
In [1]: row = "Canaan, Of Prisoners, Wandering Souls and Cruel Fears, 22, 1:41:06, 2012\n"
After this we can try to do the same thing we did above:
In [2]: parts = row.split(",")
In [3]: parts[2] = int(parts[2])
In [4]: parts[4] = int(parts[4])

Answer Specification:
Two things are wanted from your answer, each on their own line and in the given order:
  1. which line in causes the exception - copy the line of code from above (without the console interface characters)
  2. the name of the exception
Answers here, remember the order.
Warning: You have not logged in. You cannot answer.

Sherlock de Bug and A Serious Case of Dyslexia, Part 2

One must always look for connected cases in an investigation. In this related incident we're about to find out what happens when a text file has been edited manually. The user in this case didn't know the album's length - which is required - and tried to be clever and bypass this by writing directly into the file.
Learning goals: What happens when a row doesn't have enough data.

The process is the same, but we have a different row of data:
In [1]: row = "Void of Silence, The Grave of Civilization, 6, 2010\n"
and the process:
In [2]: parts = row.split(",")
In [3]: parts[2] = int(parts[2])
In [4]: parts[4] = int(parts[4])

Answer Specification:
Same deal as previously, looking for:
  1. which line of code causes the exception - copy the line (without console interface characters)
  2. what's the name of the exception
Answer format is the same: which line of code crashes, and which exception does it cause?
Warning: You have not logged in. You cannot answer.
The way in which we tried to figure out whether there's too many
in the
isn't very good. It's much better to notice immediately at splitting that there aren't enough values (or there's too many). For this reason we could actually split directly into five
. This way we also don't need to remember which index is which field.
def read_row(row):
        artist, album, no_tracks, length, year = row.split(",")
    except ValueError:
        print(f"Unable to read row: {row}")
we used earlier to do the stripping cannot be used in this solution because we no longer have a list. However, two fields out of five need special treatment anyway, so we don't lose that much by processing each variable individually. The values have to be inserted into a
as well, and that is easiest to do at this stage. We can do this by creating a new dictionary where the values are derived from the above variables.
def read_row(row):
        artist, album, no_tracks, length, year = row.split(",")
        album = {
            "artist": artist.strip(),
            "album": album.strip(),
            "no_tracks": int(no_tracks),
            "length": length.strip(),
            "year": int(year)
    except ValueError:
        print(f"Unable to read row: {row}")
Coincidentally, ValueError is what happens if split doesn't result in exactly 5 items, and also the exception int gives if it cannot convert a value. Lucky us, we get away with one except. We also notice that int doesn't give two hoots about blanks in strings (i.e. spaces, tabs, newlines).
The only thing left to do is
the dictionary and deciding what to do when an unreadable row is encountered. At the moment we only print an error message along with the row that caused problems. However, we also need to somehow tell the load_collection function to not append anything (it would append a None otherwise).
We have at least three ways to deal with this problem:
  1. read_row returns a value that indicates there was a problem, and load_collection can use a
    conditional statement
    to check the returned value.
  2. read_row can leave the ValueError exception uncaught, and we can do its handling in load_collection instead
  3. the collection can be handed over to the read_row function as a second
    , making it responsible for deciding when to append.
All of these are perfectly valid. There are many contributing factors to choosing between them. In this case we'll show how to implement the last option. This calls for some changes to the read_row function.
def read_row(row, collection):
        artist, album, no_tracks, length, year = row.split(",")
        album = {
            "artist": artist.strip(),
            "album": album.strip(),
            "no_tracks": int(no_tracks),
            "length": length.strip(),
            "year": int(year)
    except ValueError:
        print(f"Unable to read row: {row}")
no longer needs to
anything because appending to the
is done locally. Now we just need to change the load_collection function to provide the second argument.
def load_collection(filename):

    # The order of values in each row corresponds to dictionary keys:
    # 1. "artist" - artist name
    # 2. "album" - album title
    # 3. "no_tracks" - number of tracks
    # 4. "length" - album length
    # 5. "year" - release year
    collection = []
        with open(filename) as source:
            for row in source.readlines():
                read_row(row, collection)
    except IOError:
        print("Unable to open the target file. Starting with an empty collection.")

    return collection
Finally we need to make the
main program
provide the collection's filename to the load_collection function with this line:
collection = load_collection("collection.txt")
Let's try it out:
This program manages an album collection. You can use the following features:
(A)dd new albums
(E)dit albums
(R)emove albums
(S)how the collection
(O)rganize the collection
Make your choice: s
 1. Alcest - Kodama (2016) [6] [42:15]
 2. Canaan - A Calling to Weakness (2002) [17] [1:11:17]
 3. Deftones - Gore (2016) [11] [48:13]
 4. Funeralium - Deceived Idealism (2013) [6] [1:28:22]
 5. IU - Modern Times (2013) [13] [47:14]
   -- press enter to continue --
 6. Mono - You Are There (2006) [6] [1:00:01]
 7. Panopticon - Roads to the North (2014) [8] [1:11:07]
 8. PassCode - Clarity (2019) [13] [49:27]
 9. Scandal - Hello World (2014) [13] [53:22]
10. Slipknot - Iowa (2001) [14] [1:06:24]
   -- press enter to continue --
11. Wolves in the Throne Room - Thrice Woven (2017) [5] [42:19]
Make your choice: a
Fill the information for a new album. Leave album title empty to stop.
Album title: All Around Us
Artist name: Miaou
Number of tracks: 10
Total length: 59:39
Release year: 2008
Album added
Album title:
Make your choice: q
This program manages an album collection. You can use the following features:
(A)dd new albums
(E)dit albums
(R)emove albums
(S)how the collection
(O)rganize the collection
Make your choice: s
 1. Alcest - Kodama (2016) [6] [42:15]
 2. Canaan - A Calling to Weakness (2002) [17] [1:11:17]
 3. Deftones - Gore (2016) [11] [48:13]
 4. Funeralium - Deceived Idealism (2013) [6] [1:28:22]
 5. IU - Modern Times (2013) [13] [47:14]
   -- press enter to continue --
 6. Mono - You Are There (2006) [6] [1:00:01]
 7. Panopticon - Roads to the North (2014) [8] [1:11:07]
 8. PassCode - Clarity (2019) [13] [49:27]
 9. Scandal - Hello World (2014) [13] [53:22]
10. Slipknot - Iowa (2001) [14] [1:06:24]
   -- press enter to continue --
11. Wolves in the Throne Room - Thrice Woven (2017) [5] [42:19]
12. Miaou - All Around Us (2008) [10] [59:39]
Make your choice: q
The new addition appears at the end of the collection because we didn't sort the thing at any point. At least it's easy to spot that the change we made has persisted through separate runs of the program.
This closes the chapter on reading files. There would be a lot more to reading and writing files but the more difficult or complex the solution is starting to look like, the more probably it's time to move from do-it-yourself solutions to something that already exists, and where Someone Else (tm) has already taken care of exceptions.

Files With Results

Data is commonly read from files into data structures because something needs to be done to it beyond just printing it as it is written. This operation is usually called parsing. In this task you'll get to do simple post-processing that can only be done if the data is in a proper data structure. There's one particular mine that you may step on in this task. We're leaving it for you to find out which should help you remember it better in the future.
Learning goals: Reading data from a file to a Python
data structure
and some simple post-processing. Slamming into one particular feature of text files.
Goal: A function that reads data from a file and prints in a different format.

Function Specification: show_results
  • Parameters
    • filename to open (
The function should read data that where each row has the following values in the given order:
player 1 name, player 2 name, player 1 score, player 2 score
In order to print the contents of a row in different format, they must be parsed into a
. This is best done with string
. The printing order can be achieved with e.g.
index subscription
. The printing should be:
player score - score player
where there's a different player's name and score on each side of the dash, obviously. You can find actual examples from the examples section. All rows can be assumed valid, exception handing is therefore not needed.
The file must opened inside the function.

Function Testing:
You can test your function with the sample file by using this line as your main program:

Use Examples:
With the file given below, your function should print:
Hemulen 13 - 4 Moominpappa
Abbath 6 - 6 Fenriz
Contents of the file (save as .csv)

Warning: You have not logged in. You cannot answer.

Someone Else's Problem

In real life programming data saving is not usually done in such an elementary fashion as we just did. Depending on the nature of the program - and its data - an existing tool or database solution is typically used. Even without going further than Python's own modules one can find several solutions for saving data between runs of a program. One of the more common ones is csv which saves data on comma-separated rows - in practice a complete version of what we just tried to accomplish. However, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) suits our program better. It is quite commonly used in communication between web services, and in configuration files. Python also has pickle, which saves Python objects between runs. However, pickle is less generic as it only applies to Python, while JSON can be processed quite easily with almost any language.
Image source 5
Learning goals: To see how easy it is to save collection type data with Python's json module. You'll also see how
command line arguments
can be used to configure a program at startup.

JSON in a Nutshell

The basic use of the json module is extremely simple. A JSON file can be produced with the dump function that eats Python data structures, and loaded with the load function.
In [1]: impot json
In [2]: measurement_1 = {
   ...:     "date": "2014-08-03",
   ...:     "location": "animal crossing",
   ...:     "results": [12.54, 6.35, 20.38, 13.76, 45.51],
   ...:     "comment": "donkeys are heavy"
   ...: }
In [3]: with open("measurement.json", "w") as target:
   ...:     json.dump(measurement_1, target)
This produces a file with the following contents:
{"date": "2014-08-03", "results": [12.54, 6.35, 20.38, 13.76, 45.51], "comment": "donkeys are heavy", "location": "animal crossing"}
It's just as easy to load it back:
In [4]: with open("measurement.json") as source:
   ...:     measurement_1 = json.load(source)
In [5]: measurement_1
{'date': '2014-08-03',
 'results': [12.54, 6.35, 20.38, 13.76, 45.51],
 'comment': 'donkey are heavy',
 'location': 'animal crossing'}
If we apply this new tech to our program we'll notice that both loading and saving are simplified "a bit". The basic limitation of JSON is that each document can only contain one object. However, this doesn't slow us down at all because that one object can be a
, that can contain
, other lists etc. In all its simplicity, the save function becomes:
def save_collection(collection, filename):
        with open(filename, "w") as target:
            json.dump(collection, target)
    except IOError:
        print("Unable to open the target file. Saving failed.")
We also want to change the target filename to a new one in the main program:
save_collection(collection, "collection.json")
At this point we should run the program in order to load the collection with the old mechanism, and then save it with the new one, effectively converting our collection file to JSON. After that we can reimplement the loading function:
def load_collection(filename):
        with open(filename) as source:
            collection = json.load(source)
    except (IOError, json.JSONDecodeError):
        print("Unable to open the target file. Starting with an empty collection.")
        collection = []

    return collection
Note that the read_row function is no longer used. This is a good time to feel a bit silly: we went through a whole lot of trouble to create our own (deficient) loading solution, only to notice that, given the proper module, we could have done it with like two lines of code. The only noteworthy new thing in this function is the addition of a second exception to the except statement: json.JSONDecodeError. This is an exception that's been defined in the json module, and it occurs if the given file is not compliant to JSON syntax. After we change the main program's loading function to use this new JSON format, we can show that commas no longer cause problems:
This program manages an album collection. You can use the following features:
(A)dd new albums
(E)dit albums
(R)emove albums
(S)how the collection
(O)rganize the collection
Make your choice: a
Fill the information for a new album. Leave album title empty to stop.
Album title: Black Tar Prophecies Volumes 4, 5 & 6
Artist name: Grails
Number of tracks: 12
Total length: 50:36
Release year: 2013
Album added
Album title:
Make your choice: q
This program manages an album collection. You can use the following features:
(A)dd new albums
(E)dit albums
(R)emove albums
(S)how the collection
(O)rganize the collection
Make your choice: s
 1. Alcest - Kodama (2016) [6] [42:15]
 2. Canaan - A Calling to Weakness (2002) [17] [1:11:17]
 3. Deftones - Gore (2016) [11] [48:13]
 4. Funeralium - Deceived Idealism (2013) [6] [1:28:22]
 5. IU - Modern Times (2013) [13] [47:14]
   -- press enter to continue --
 6. Mono - You Are There (2006) [6] [1:00:01]
 7. Panopticon - Roads to the North (2014) [8] [1:11:07]
 8. PassCode - Clarity (2019) [13] [49:27]
 9. Scandal - Hello World (2014) [13] [53:22]
10. Slipknot - Iowa (2001) [14] [1:06:24]
   -- press enter to continue --
11. Wolves in the Throne Room - Thrice Woven (2017) [5] [42:19]
12. Miaou - All Around Us (2008) [10] [59:39]
13. Grails - Black Tar Prophecies Volumes 4, 5 & 6 (2013) [12] [50:36]
Make your choice: q

An Argument for Better Usability

We've mentioned at least once how nice it would be if the user could relatively effortlessly choose which collection file is loaded when the program is started, and even where it is saved. Our saving and loading
already support this, but prompting the location is missing from the program. We could do this with the input function, but there's another way to give this kind of information to a program. Whereas input is usually used when the program is already running, the method we'll look into next is used to give instructions when the program is started. Our program loads the collection at startup and saves it at the very end. So it would make sense to define these locations at startup.
The answer is once again found from a
. Our solution is offered by the sys module which is used for all kinds of deeper interaction with the computer's operating system. We will only scratch its very surface as we only need one feature from it - and it isn't even a function. The feature, or attribute really, is called argv, abbreviation for argument vector. It contains the
that were used when running the program. Our normal way to run a Python program is:
ipython collection.py
On this line, ipython is the actual command, and collection.py is its first and only argument. That's not all though. Programs can be given more than one argument - an arbitrary amount of them in fact. Handling the arguments is the program's responsibility. Technically we could run our program by adding a whole bunch of arguments:
ipython collection.py i can haz cheezburger
Because the program doesn't react to the extra arguments in any way, nothing special happens, the program just runs normally. What we actually want to accomplish though, is for the program to be ran like this:
ipython collection.py collection.json
So the user can now give the collection's
as an argument. We could also add the option to give another filename in case the user wants to save to a different file instead of the file it was loaded from:
ipython collection.py collection.json copy.json
It's a bit hard to demonstrate the argument vector in the console, so we have to create a small code file instead:
import sys

C:\path\to\somewhere>ipython arg.py i can "haz cheezburger"
['arg.py', 'i', 'can', 'haz cheezburger']
This shows that an argument vector is actually just a normal
that contains
. We can also see that it uses spaces to separate individual arguments from each other, but spaces inside quotes are interpreted as space characters instead of
. Because the filename is handled inside the program as a string, taking it out from this list should not be much of a challenge for us. One thing we have to do though, is to do some exception handling for the argument vector, and instruct the user if needed. The best place to do this is a new
def read_arguments(arguments):
This function should
: file where the collection is, and file where it should be saved to. If the save file hasn't been given separately, the program uses the same file for both. This is a rather simple scenario: if there are three arguments, there should be two filenames; if there's two, only the source file has been given; and if there is only one (the program's name), the user hasn't given enough arguments and the program cannot be run. This function always returns two values. Both are left empty (None) if the function fails entirely. This way the main program can check from the returned values whether filenames were found from the arguments.
def read_arguments(arguments):
    if len(arguments) >= 3:
        source = arguments[1]
        target = arguments[2]
        return source, target
    elif len(arguments) == 2:
        source = arguments[1]
        return source, source
        return None, None
main program
also needs some changing:
source, target = read_arguments(sys.argv)
if source:
    menu(source, target)
    print("python collection.py source_file (target_file)")
A new
will also be needed in the beginning:
import json
import math
import sys
We took this opportunity to move the old main program into the menu function so that we don't need to put it inside one if statement with all its bells and whistles.
def menu(source_file, target_file):
    collection = load_collection(source_file)
    print("This program manages an album collection. You can use the following features:")
    print("(A)dd new albums")
    print("(E)dit albums")
    print("(R)emove albums")
    print("(S)how the collection")
    print("(O)rganize the collection")
    while True:
        choice = input("Make your choice: ").strip().lower()
        if choice == "a":
        elif choice == "e":
        elif choice == "r":
        elif choice == "s":
        elif choice == "o":
        elif choice == "q":
            print("The chosen feature is not available.")
    save_collection(collection, target_file)
Doing this also allows us to handle Ctrl + C nicely:
source, target = read_arguments(sys.argv)
if source:
        menu(source, target)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("Program was interrupted, collection was not saved.")
    print("python collection.py source_file (target_file)")
When the entire menu
function call
is placed like this inside a try, the user can press Ctrl + C at any time during program execution and it always results in a clean exit to the
. Again we could wrap the entire contents of the menu function into the try instead, but let's just agree that what we just did looks much more elegant. At this point we once again have a pretty nice program.
import json
import math
import sys


def prompt_number(prompt):
    while True:
            number = int(input(prompt))
        except ValueError:
            print("Input an integer")
            return number

def prompt_time(prompt):
    while True:
        parts = input(prompt).split(":")
        if len(parts) == 3:
            h, min, s = parts
        elif len(parts) == 2:
            min, s = parts
            h = "0"
            print("Input the time as hours:minutes:seconds or minutes:seconds")

            h = int(h)
            min = int(min)
            s = int(s)
        except ValueError:
            print("Times must be integers")

        if not (0 <= min <= 59):
            print("Minutes must be between 0 and 59")
        if not (0 <= s <= 59):
            print("Seconds must be between 0 and 59")
        if h < 0:
            print("Hours must be a positive integer")

        return f"{h}:{min:02}:{s:02}"

def select_artist(album):
    return album["artist"]

def select_title(album):
    return album["album"]

def select_no_tracks(album):
    return album["no_tracks"]

def select_length(album):
    return album["length"]

def select_year(album):
    return album["year"]

def load_collection(filename):
        with open(filename) as source:
            collection = json.load(source)
    except (IOError, json.JSONDecodeError):
        print("Unable to open the target file. Starting with an empty collection.")
    return collection
def save_collection(collection, filename):
        with open(filename, "w") as target:
            json.dump(collection, target)
    except IOError:
        print("Unable to open the target file. Saving failed.")

def add(collection):
    print("Fill the information for a new album. Leave album title empty to stop.")
    while True:
        title = input("Album title: ")
        if not title:

        artist = input("Artist name: ")
        no_tracks = prompt_number("Number of tracks: ")
        length = prompt_time("Total length: ")
        year = prompt_number("Release year: ")
            "artist": artist,
            "album": title,
            "no_tracks": no_tracks,
            "length": length,
            "year": year
        print("Album added")

def remove(collection):
    print("Fill in the album title and artist name to select which album to remove")
    print("Leave album title empty to quit")
    while True:
        title = input("Album title: ").lower()
        if not title:
        artist = input("Artist name: ").lower()
        for album in collection[:]:
            if album["artist"].lower() == artist and album["album"].lower() == title:
                print("Album removed")

def edit(collection):
    print("Fill in the album title and artist name to select which album to edit")
    print("Leave album title empty to quit")
    while True:
        title = input("Album title: ").lower()
        if not title:
        artist = input("Artist name: ").lower()
        for album in collection[:]:
            if album["artist"].lower() == artist and album["album"].lower() == title:
                print("Album edited")

def edit_fields(album):
    print("Current information:")
    print("{artist}, {album}, {no_tracks}, {length}, {year}".format(**album))
    print("Choose a field to edit by entering its number. Leave empty to stop.")
    print("1 - artist")
    print("2 - album title")
    print("3 - number of tracks")
    print("4 - album length")
    print("5 - release year")
    while True:
        field = input("Select field (1-5): ")
        if not field:
        elif field == "1":
            album["artist"] = input("Artist name: ")
        elif field == "2":
            album["album"] = input("Album title: ")
        elif field == "3":
            album["no_tracks"] = prompt_number("Number of tracks: ")
        elif field == "4":
            album["length"] = prompt_time("Album length: ")
        elif field == "5":
            album["year"] = prompt_number("Release year: ")
            print("Field does not exist")            
def show(collection):
    pages = math.ceil(len(collection) / PER_PAGE)
    for i in range(pages):
        start = i * PER_PAGE
        end = (i + 1) * PER_PAGE
        format_page(collection[start:end], i)
        if i < pages - 1:
            input("   -- press enter to continue --")

def format_page(lines, page_n):
    for i, album in enumerate(lines, page_n * PER_PAGE + 1):
            f"{i:2}. "
            f"{album['artist']} - {album['album']} ({album['year']}) "
            f"[{album['no_tracks']}] [{album['length'].lstrip('0:')}]"

def organize(collection):
    print("Choose a field to use for sorting the collection by inputting the corresponding number")
    print("1 - artist")
    print("2 - album title")
    print("3 - number of tracks")
    print("4 - album length")
    print("5 - release year")
    field = input("Choose field  (1-5): ")
    order = input("Order; (a)scending or (d)escending: ").lower()
    if order == "d":
        reverse = True
        reverse = False
    if field == "1":
        collection.sort(key=select_artist, reverse=reverse)
    elif field == "2":
        collection.sort(key=select_title, reverse=reverse)
    elif field == "3":
        collection.sort(key=select_no_tracks, reverse=reverse)
    elif field == "4":
        collection.sort(key=select_length, reverse=reverse)
    elif field == "5":
        collection.sort(key=select_year, reverse=reverse)
        print("Field doesn't exist")

def read_arguments(arguments):
    if len(arguments) >= 3:
        source = arguments[1]
        target = arguments[2]
        return source, target
    elif len(arguments) == 2:
        source = arguments[1]
        return source, source
        return None, None

def menu(source_file, target_file):        
    collection = load_collection(source_file)
    print("This program manages an album collection. You can use the following features:")
    print("(A)dd new albums")
    print("(E)dit albums")
    print("(R)emove albums")
    print("(S)how the collection")
    print("(O)rganize the collection")
    while True:
        choice = input("Make your choice: ").strip().lower()
        if choice == "a":
        elif choice == "e":
        elif choice == "r":
        elif choice == "s":
        elif choice == "o":
        elif choice == "q":
            print("The chosen feature is not available.")        
    save_collection(collection, target_file)
source, target = read_arguments(sys.argv)
if source:
        menu(source, target)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("Program was interrupted, collection was not saved.")
    print("python collection.py source_file (target_file)")

In case you happen to need more complex handling of command line arguments, fiddling with sys.argv manually gets tiresome pretty quickly. The argparse module can be a big help in such situations.

Third Party Solutions

Eventually you'll encounter a situation where Python's built-in
are no longer sufficient. While it's true that you can use them in theory to make everything under the blue sky, a lot of things will take unreasonable effort. Especially considering that someone has most likely already solved your problem. In this section we'll familiarize ourselves with so-called third party modules that generally offer solutions to most problems that are not extremely specific. We'll employ thid party modules in the last feature of our little collection manager.
Ain't no one got the time to input album information into a collection manager manually. This is even more true in modern times where the music library is usually on a computer (or not, because Spotify is a thing, but then we would not need this program in the first place...) Let's make a reasonable proposal: the program should parse the collection contents by reading the computer's music library. If the library is well-organized, it shouldn't be too hard to read things like album titles and artist names from folder names on the disk. Number of tracks can also be figured out by counting the number of music files in an album folder. Even release year can be found from folder names in some cases. But what about album lengths? We can find track lengths from the metadata of music files, but how can we access them?
One option is to dig up the music format's specification and find out how metadata can be accessed from music files. Or we could take the easier way and install a module that does this.
This section won't have as much explanation of individual solutions as the preceding material. If you have questions about the solutions we implement, ask about them via email or chat, or from a TA in the exercises. The main focus of this section is on how to employ modules made by others, and also how to make modules that could be used by others.
Learning goals: After this section you know where to look for Python packages and how to install them. As an additional bonus we'll show you some code about how to rummage through the contents of your hard drive, and how to make a separate code module.

Packages from the Internet Wonderland

As usual, you should be careful about what you install on your computer. The default place where Python packages should be looked for is the Python Package Index aka PyPI. PyPI is a repository maintained by the Python Software Foundation, so it can be considered as a rather reliable source. Packages in PyPI can be installed with the pip installation script that we used to install IPython at the very beginning of this course. There's no need to download packages with a web browser and then install them separately. Let's head to the PyPI web page and search for "mp3 tag read" which should produce a bunch of results. The results' descriptions indicate that there are quite a few packages that could fit our purposes. So, how do we know what to choose? Usually by reading each package's documentation or code examples.
This time we're choosing tinytag because its front page has clear use examples, and judging by them it looks suitable for what we want to do. It also looks like an alive project given that the latest update is from this month (as of writing this, in Spring 2020). It only supports reading tags but that is perfectly adequate for our program. Its license is MIT which is also perfect for us as it allows free use. All of these are factors that should be taken into consideration when choosing a Python package. For personal uses anything that works and is not harmful is usually adequate.
We can use pip to install packages from PyPI. The documentation page for tinytag shows a simple example.
pip install tinytag
This is written in the
. The installation should look like this:
C:\some\folder>pip install tinytag
Collecting tinytag
  Using cached https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/74/cb/844151777ec728692b7
Installing collected packages: tinytag
  Running setup.py install for tinytag ... done
Successfully installed tinytag-1.3.1
Running the installation script usually requires writing access to Python's library folder. This usually means you need admin privileges. Refer to instructions in Pre-Exercises and Installations if you've forgotten how. After this installation the module can be imported in Python just like any of Python's built-in modules. All in all, not a particulary complicated process. Now we just have the small detail of writing the code that uses this package.
In case you are using Linux you should check what's the recommended practice for managing Python packages in your distribution. In case you cannot obtain the installation privileges on your computer, you can look into using virtual environments. Using virtual environments is generally a good practice in Python programming, but it's a bit far-removed from the basics, albeit not a very long lesson.

Sniffing Module

Now that we have a shiny new tool, we are itching to use it. Let's create an entirely new
code file
for this purpose, one that we can then import to our collection program. Mostly to get a bit of familiarity with the process. Let us call this new module sniffer.py. We'll start with a couple of empty
and one
import tinytag

def read_folder(folder):

def read_metadata(filename, collection):
Of the two functions, read_metadata will be the one that reads data from a single music file. The entire program will proceed by starting from a given folder, and then crawling into its subfolder (and their subfolders), inspecting every music file it finds on the way. Whenever a new album is found (previously unknown combination of artist name and album title), a new
is created to represent it, and it is appended to the collection
. This matches the structure we previously had for the collection. The album's release year can be read from the metadata. Finally, a new key is added to each dictionary: "lenghts". This will be a list where we collect the lengths of individual tracks on the album. After the search is over, these lists are used to calculate the total length of each album, and also the number of tracks from the number of
We can start by reading a single file in order to get familiar with our new toy. According to the documentation we can get a tag like this:
tag = TinyTag.get('/some/music.mp3')
However, since we used a normal
instead of from-import, we need to do it like this:
tag = tinytag.TinyTag.get('/some/music.mp3')
In our case location on disk and name of the files come to the function as a
. The data we need can be read as follows:
def read_metadata(filename, collection):
    tag = tinytag.TinyTag.get(filename)
    title = tag.album
    artist = tag.artist
    year = tag.year
    length = tag.duration
Because we haven't tested whether tinytag actually does what we want, the best course of action right now is to throw some test prints into the program:
Then we need a short
main program
that calls the
in order to see what happens. If you want to test this on your own computer you naturally need to have at least one music file somewhere. Note that the
must be either
for the file to be found. This example has an absolute path to an external drive in Windows. The collection can be an empty list because we're not using it for anything yet.
read_metadata("E:/Music/Encore Show/Scandal - 10 - Cute!.mp3", [])
With the above prints this outputs:
Encore Show
This tells us two things: 1) tinytag works like we expected, allowing us to get what we need; and 2) song length is given in seconds, which we can also find out in the documentation. Now that we've tested it, we can remove the prints from the function (the test code in the main program can stay for now). Next we need a familiar snippet of code that searches whether an album is already in the collection:
    for album in collection:
        if album["artist"].lower() == artist.lower() and album["album"].lower() == title.lower():
Doing this for every file is gonna get pretty taxing, and it can lead into very slow performance when the collection grows. Let's not worry about that right now tho - code should not be optimized until it's proven to be slow. Reading the tag also took a while, so performance is not necessarily hinged on this
. Either way if the album is already found, all we do is append the song's length to the existing list of lengths:
        for album in collection:
            if album["artist"].lower() == artist.lower() and album["album"].lower() == title.lower():
If an album has not been added to the collection yet, it will be added. As it is impossible to tell this while inside the loop (since it hasn't gone through everything yet) in the
if statement
, we cannot attach an else to this statement. However, there is a new trick we can use: the else
of a
for loop
. The else branch in a loop will be entered if the entire loop goes through without being interrupted (by e.g.
or return). If we add an else branch to our loop, it means the code within it is only executed if no album in the collection fulfilled the aforementioned condition.
    for album in collection:
        if album["artist"].lower() == artist.lower() and album["album"].lower() == title.lower():
            "artist": artist.strip(),
            "album": title.strip(),
            "lengths": [],
            "year": int(year)
At this point the albums don't have lenght or number of tracks yet because we have no way to know them. We can once again test it by adding a print that shows the collection after calling the above function once.
collection = []
read_metadata("E:/Music/Aura/Saor - 01 - Children of the Mist.mp3", collection)
If we run the program we can see that something was indeed added:
[{'year': '2014', 'artist': 'Saor', 'album': 'Aura', 'lengths': [733.4138775510204]}]
We can also test whether the length appending works correctly by picking another example from the same album:
collection = []
read_metadata("E:/Music/Aura/Saor - 01 - Children of the Mist.mp3", collection)
read_metadata("E:/Music/Aura/Saor - 02 - Aura.mp3", collection)
This seems to work too:
[{'year': '2014', 'artist': 'Saor', 'album': 'Aura', 'lengths': [733.4138775510204, 817.1885714285714]}]
At this point it seems safe to say that this function works like we wanted it to. Hopefully we no longer need to touch it, unless we want to change its behavior later, or we discover surprising
when testing with real data instead of just a couple of examples.

Squirrel in the Directory Tree

Image source 5
The trickier step - or at least one where we encounter some new stuff again - is going through the folders. The basic concept is quite straightforward: take the directory listing of a folder's contents and iterate through it one item at a time: folders are opened for further processing while files are read with the previous function. While the concept is not that complicated, its implementation raises some questions. Namely, how to navigate an unknown directory tree when we can't know in advance how many levels of subfolders there will be? We have two ways to do this: one is called recursion, where a
calls itself with new
; the other is collecting folders into a to-do
as we encounter them. In our scenario we can expect that there won't be too many levels of subfolders so we can choose recursion. Meanwhile, minestompers should avoid recursion because Python does not appreciate too many
function calls
piling up.
Both of these solutions have the same principle: the algorithm marks its own future tasks (i.e. folders to open) either by queueing function calls or appending folder names to a list. When a folder has been opened and processed, it is removed from the task list. The algorithm defines its own number of iterations in a way. As the directory tree is hierarchical and we only move in one way, there's no risk of an infinite loop, and each folder is only visited once.
The function we are implementing is read_folder. Its
is the
of the folder reading should start from. The first phase is to find out what's in the folder. This can be done with the os module, and more specifically its functions for files and directories. There we can find the listdir function. We can test it quickly in the
In [1]: import os
In [2]: os.listdir("E:/Music/Aura")
['Saor - 04 - Farewell.mp3',
 'Saor - 05 - Pillars of the Earth.mp3',
 'Saor - 01 - Children of the Mist.mp3',
 'Saor - 02 - Aura.mp3',
 'Saor - 03 - The Awakening.mp3']
As we can see, the function returns the contents of a directory as file (and folder) names. If the names are strings, how can we tell what's a file and what's a folder? The answer can be found from the os.path submodule that's used for all kinds of operating system
processing. One of its functions, isdir, can be used to ask the OS whether a certain path belongs to a folder - if it's not a folder, then it's a file. Another problem we have is skipping files that are not music files. Again we have two options: look at file extensions with a
conditional statement
, or find out what
tinytag causes when it can't read a file. The latter option is much better in this case because we can expect music folders to mostly contain music files. So let's start by finding out what the exception actually is.
In [1]: import tinytag
In [2]: tinytag.TinyTag.get("sniffer.py")
TinyTagException                          Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-1e6241557a86> in <module>
----> 1 tinytag.TinyTag.get("sniffer.py")

c:\program files\python37\lib\site-packages\tinytag\tinytag.py in get(cls, filen
ame, tags, duration, image, ignore_errors)
    126             return TinyTag(None, 0)
    127         if cls == TinyTag:  # if `get` is invoked on TinyTag, find parse
r by ext
--> 128             parser_class = cls._get_parser_for_filename(filename, except
    129         else:  # otherwise use the class on which `get` was invoked
    130             parser_class = cls

c:\program files\python37\lib\site-packages\tinytag\tinytag.py in _get_parser_fo
r_filename(cls, filename, exception)
    117                 return tagclass
    118         if exception:
--> 119             raise TinyTagException('No tag reader found to support filet
ype! ')
    121     @classmethod

TinyTagException: No tag reader found to support filetype!
This exception belongs to tinytag so we need to prefix it with tinytag when using it in our code. With this knowledge we can finally write a test function (also showing the added import):
def read_folder(folder, collection):
    contents = os.listdir(folder)
    for name in contents:
        path = os.path.join(folder, name)
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            print("Found folder:", name)
                read_metadata(path, collection)
            except tinytag.TinyTagException:
                print("Skipping", name)
The first line inside the
joins each name from the directory listing to the folder's
- without this Python looks for the file in the wrong place (from the folder the program was started from). The prints that describe what the program does verbally are good for testing. In order to run the test we're gonna create an additional empty folder into a folder that contains music files - we'll call it "test". We also create one text file. This way we can cover all cases. Let's change our main program to test this new function:
collection = []
read_folder("E:/Music/Aura", collection)
Found folder: test
Skipping donkey.txt
[{'lengths': [733.4138775510204, 817.1885714285714, 606.3804081632653, 499.9836734693878, 729.5738775510204], 'artist': 'Saor', 'album': 'Aura', 'year': '2014'}]
With this we can once again safely assume that our control flow structures work like we wanted. Now we can change the code to its final form where the print for folders is replaced by calls to the same
. For the except
a simple pass will suffice. The program could also print which folder it's currently inspecting to preserve the user's sanity. This way they can follow the progress instead of looking at a black screen and wondering if the program's stuck or just taking a really long time.
def read_folder(folder, collection):
    print("Opening folder:", folder)
    contents = os.listdir(folder)
    for name in contents:
        path = os.path.join(folder, name)
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            read_folder(path, collection)
                read_metadata(path, collection)
            except tinytag.TinyTagException:
                print("Skipping", name)
You could now run this for your entire music collection by changing the main program test code:
collection = []
read_folder("E:/Music/Aura", collection)
for album in collection:
This may take a while, depending on how big the collection is. Shown below is a small snippet of a run that shows one thing about os.listdir: it's definitely not giving contents in alphabetic order. Majority of the output has been cut out, as indicated by the ellipsis.
Opening folder:  E:/Music
Opening folder:  E:/Music\Exercises in Futility
Opening folder:  E:/Music\Pelagial
Opening folder:  E:/Music\Moonlover
Opening folder:  E:/Music\Guardians
{'artist': 'Mgla', 'lengths': [478.58938775510205, 468.5583673469388, 278.02122448979594, 285.7534693877551, 495.6734693877551, 529.5804081632654], 'album': 'Exercises in Futility', 'year': '2015'}
{'artist': 'The Ocean', 'lengths': [72.48979591836735, 356.31020408163266, 264.5420408163265, 198.11265306122448, 267.36326530612246, 207.934693877551, 305.34530612244896, 67.1869387755102, 557.9232653061224, 545.410612244898, 355.6048979591837], 'album': 'Pelagial', 'year': '2013'}
{'artist': 'Ghost Bath', 'lengths': [87.04, 548.6497959183673, 524.6432653061224, 287.63428571428574, 243.905306122449, 453.48571428571427, 385.5412244897959], 'album': 'Moonlover', 'year': '2015'}
{'artist': 'Saor', 'lengths': [692.610612244898, 632.0065306122449, 669.2832653061224, 687.8824489795918, 679.3926530612245], 'album': 'Guardians', 'year': '2016'}

Packing Up

One more feature is missing: the data doesn't quite yet match the format used in the collection manager. We still need to calculate the values for no_tracks and length. The length is also in seconds while we wanted it to be as a more human-readable string. If you guessed we're gonna use another module to solve the issue, you were 100% correct. Our friend this time around is the time
. It contains all sorts of useful functions related to time. The one tool that does what we need is the strftime
that formats a time. It works kind of like the format method does, but has its own way for marking placeholders. Details can be found from the function's documentation.
The date of writing this could be printed like this:
In [1]: import time
In [2]: time.strftime("%d.%m.%Y", time.localtime())
Out[2]: '31.03.2020'
More often we want to display dates in a different format that sorts without problems. We'll also add the time to get a proper timestamp:
In [3]: time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
Out[3]: '2020-03-31 11:49:07'
At the end of the string we can see the time format we wanted for lenghts. Unfortunately the lenght is currently as seconds, and if we try to offer seconds to strftime it's not happy:
In [4]: time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", 453)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-c2ee80529b06> in <module>()
----> 1 time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", 453)

TypeError: Tuple or struct_time argument required
The exception here is telling us that we need to have a
or a mysterious struct_time object. The function we used in the previous examples, localtime, returns the current time in this format by default, but it can also be given a number of seconds as an argument. E.g. for a three minute song:
In [5]: time.localtime(180)
Out[5]: time.struct_time(tm_year=1970, tm_mon=1, tm_mday=1, tm_hour=2, tm_min=3, tm_sec=0, tm_wday=3, tm_yday=1, tm_isdst=0)
That shows all kinds of information. The date is the official epoch used in computing, 1.1.1970 00:00:00, so basically the time is now 3 minutes after the clocks for computing were started. We can pick individual components from a struct_time:
In [6]: length = time.localtime(180)
In [7]: length.tm_min
Out[7]: 3
In [8]: length.tm_hour
Out[8]: 2
Wait what, where did that two hours come from?! It came from timezones because localtime takes them into account. This is useful if we actually wanted the current time but less useful if we want to make an object from an album or song's length as seconds. Luckily we also have the gmtime function which does the same but without accounting for timezones. So the correct statement to convert seconds into a time object would be:
In [9]: time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(180))
Out[9]: '00:03:00'
If we apply this, we can write a function that goes through the entire collection and converts length information from the current
format to strings that we used earlier.
def parse_lenghts(collection):
    for album in collection:
        album["length"] = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(sum(album["lengths"])))
        album["no_tracks"] = len(album["lengths"])
A trial run gives the following results:
{'artist': 'Mgla', 'album': 'Exercises in Futility', 'year': '2015', 'length': '00:42:16', 'kpl_n': 6}
{'artist': 'The Ocean', 'album': 'Pelagial', 'year': '2013', 'length': '00:53:18', 'kpl_n': 11}
{'artist': 'Ghost Bath', 'album': 'Moonlover', 'year': '2015', 'length': '00:42:10', 'kpl_n': 7}
{'artist': 'Saor', 'album': 'Guardians', 'year': '2016', 'length': '00:56:01', 'kpl_n': 5}
Finally we'll make a function that the collection program can call when it needs to parse a collection. This is very similar to the main program that we used for testing.
def read_collection(folder):
    collection = []
    read_folder(folder, collection)
    return collection
Now we can move back to the collection manager to implement this new feature. But before we go and import our shiny new module to the collection manager, we need to talk about one important thing regarding modules. We'll approach it through a task.

A Leaky Ball

When old code files are converted to modules for other programs, it's important to add a condition that prevents the main program from being executed when the module is imported. This task demonstrates what happens when this is not done. We're using absolutely ancient code here, all the way from the first exercises comes the ball measurement program. In this task we are making a program that uses two functions from the ball module: calculate_area and calculate_volume. Instead of copying the functions, we want to use them through import.
Learning goals: See what happens when a
doesn't have the if __name__ == "__main__":
conditional statement
in its
main program

Download the code file and save it as ball.py. Open the target folder in the
and start the
. Type:
In [1]: import ball

Answer Specification:
As your answer copy and paste the very first line that is printed into the terminal when you've done the above import.

import math

def calculate_area(radius):
    return 4 * math.pi * radius ** 2

def calculate_volume(radius):
    return 4 / 3 * math.pi * radius ** 3

def calculate_radius(circumference):
    return circumference / (math.pi * 2)

def calculate_ball_properties(circumference):
    radius = calculate_radius(circumference)
    area = calculate_area(radius)
    volume = calculate_volume(radius)
    return area, volume

print("This program calculates the area and the volume of the ball, when we know it's circumference")
    measurement = float(input("Enter ball circumference: "))
except ValueError:
    print("Input must be a plain number.")
    ball_area, ball_volume = calculate_ball_properties(measurement)
    print("Volume:", round(ball_volume, 4))
    print("Surface area:", round(ball_area, 4))

What happens? Copy the first line that gets printed in the answer box.
Warning: You have not logged in. You cannot answer.
This is not how our
behaved earlier! Is there something different about writing
after all? Not really. What import actually does, is that it executes the imported module. Keep in mind that def is a statement that - when executed - only creates a
. The problem with our module is that it contains other statements that are not defs or imports. Therefore
main program
gets executed during import, and this is not ok. Of course we could just delete the main program code. However, there are definitely cases where we want to employ parts from programs that are meant to be used independetly as well.
Luckily there's a best of both worlds solution in Python. When modules are executed, they are given an internal
called __name__. Normally __name__ contains the module's name but if the module is the program that was executed, __name__ gets the special value "__main__". We can use this to tell when a module is being executed, and when it's being imported (i.e. when we don't want to execute its main program). This test can be done with a simple
if statement
if __name__ == "__main__":
The entire main program is placed inside this statement. Let's do this for the ball module:
import math

def calculate_area(radius):
    return 4 * math.pi * radius ** 2

def calculate_volume(radius):
    return 4 / 3 * math.pi * radius ** 3

def calculate_radius(circumference):
    return circumference / (math.pi * 2)

def calculate_ball_properties(circumference):
    radius = calculate_radius(circumference)
    area = calculate_area(radius)
    volume = calculate_volume(radius)
    return area, volume

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("This program calculates the area and the volume of the ball, when we know it's circumference")
        measurement = float(input("Enter ball circumference: "))
    except ValueError:
        print("Input must be a plain number.")
        ball_area, ball_volume = calculate_ball_properties(measurement)
        print("Volume:", round(ball_volume, 4))
        print("Surface area:", round(ball_area, 4))

If we try to import it now:
In [1]: import ballmodule
Nothing visible happens - as it should be. This way only the
definitions have been executed from the module, and the
main program
has been ignored. However, we can still run the module from the terminal with ipython ballmodule.py and execute its main program. Let's do the same to the sniffer module's main program, and to the collection programs' as well while we're at it. After this our new module can be imported to the collection manager by adding an import:
import json
import sys
import time
import sniffer
Add the new feature to the main menu:
def menu(source_file, target_file):
    collection = load_collection(source_file)
    print("This program manages an album collection. You can use the following features:")
    print("(C)onstruct collection")
    print("(A)dd new albums")
    print("(E)dit albums")
    print("(R)emove albums")
    print("(S)how the collection")
    print("(O)rganize the collection")
    while True:
        choice = input("Make your choice: ").strip().lower()
        if choice == "c":
            collection = construct_collection()
        elif choice == "a":
        elif choice == "e":
        elif choice == "r":
        elif choice == "s":
        elif choice == "o":
        elif choice == "q":
            print("The chosen feature is not available.")
    save_collection(collection, target_file)
And all that's left is writing the new function to implement the feature:
def construct_collection():
    folder = input("Enter music library folder: ")
        collection = sniffer.read_collection(folder)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("Folder not found")
    return collection
In this implementation the constructed collection replaces the one loaded at startup. Now that there's finally a bit more stuff in the collection we can change the prins per page back to its initial value of 20. Final code files below:
import json
import sys
import time
import sniffer


def prompt_number(prompt):
    while True:
            number = int(input(prompt))
        except ValueError:
            print("Input an integer")
            return number

def prompt_time(prompt):
    while True:
        parts = input(prompt).split(":")
        if len(parts) == 3:
            h, min, s = parts
        elif len(parts) == 2:
            min, s = parts
            h = "0"
            print("Input the time as hours:minutes:seconds or minutes:seconds")

            h = int(h)
            min = int(min)
            s = int(s)
        except ValueError:
            print("Times must be integers")

        if not (0 <= min <= 59):
            print("Minutes must be between 0 and 59")
        if not (0 <= s <= 59):
            print("Seconds must be between 0 and 59")
        if h < 0:
            print("Hours must be a positive integer")

        return f"{h}:{min:02}:{s:02}"

def select_artist(album):
    return album["artist"]

def select_title(album):
    return album["album"]

def select_no_tracks(album):
    return album["no_tracks"]

def select_length(album):
    return album["length"]

def select_year(album):
    return album["year"]

def load_collection(filename):
        with open(filename) as source:
            collection = json.load(source)
    except (IOError, json.JSONDecodeError):
        print("Unable to open the target file. Starting with an empty collection.")
        collection = []
    return collection

def save_collection(collection, filename):
        with open(filename, "w") as target:
            json.dump(collection, target)
    except IOError:
        print("Unable to open the target file. Saving failed.")

def add(collection):
    print("Fill the information for a new album. Leave album title empty to stop.")
    while True:
        title = input("Album title: ")
        if not title:

        artist = input("Artist name: ")
        no_tracks = prompt_number("Number of tracks: ")
        length = prompt_time("Total length: ")
        year = prompt_number("Release year: ")
            "artist": artist,
            "album": title,
            "no_tracks": no_tracks,
            "length": length,
            "year": year
        print("Album added")

def remove(collection):
    print("Fill in the album title and artist name to select which album to remove")
    print("Leave album title empty to quit")
    while True:
        title = input("Album title: ").lower()
        if not title:
        artist = input("Artist name: ").lower()
        for album in collection[:]:
            if album["artist"].lower() == artist and album["album"].lower() == title:
                print("Album removed")

def edit(collection):
    print("Fill in the album title and artist name to select which album to edit")
    print("Leave album title empty to quit")
    while True:
        title = input("Album title: ").lower()
        if not title:
        artist = input("Artist name: ").lower()
        for album in collection[:]:
            if album["artist"].lower() == artist and album["album"].lower() == title:
                print("Album edited")

def edit_fields(album):
    print("Current information:")
    print("{artist}, {album}, {no_tracks}, {length}, {year}".format(**album))
    print("Choose a field to edit by entering its number. Leave empty to stop.")
    print("1 - artist")
    print("2 - album title")
    print("3 - number of tracks")
    print("4 - album length")
    print("5 - release year")
    while True:
        field = input("Select field (1-5): ")
        if not field:
        elif field == "1":
            album["artist"] = input("Artist name: ")
        elif field == "2":
            album["album"] = input("Album title: ")
        elif field == "3":
            album["no_tracks"] = prompt_number("Number of tracks: ")
        elif field == "4":
            album["length"] = prompt_time("Album length: ")
        elif field == "5":
            album["year"] = prompt_number("Release year: ")
            print("Field does not exist")            
def show(collection):
    pages = math.ceil(len(collection) / PER_PAGE)
    for i in range(pages):
        start = i * PER_PAGE
        end = (i + 1) * PER_PAGE
        format_page(collection[start:end], i)
        if i < pages - 1:
            input("   -- press enter to continue --")

def format_page(lines, page_n):
    for i, album in enumerate(lines, page_n * PER_PAGE + 1):
            f"{i:2}. "
            f"{album['artist']} - {album['album']} ({album['year']}) "
            f"[{album['no_tracks']}] [{album['length'].lstrip('0:')}]"

def organize(collection):
    print("Choose a field to use for sorting the collection by inputting the corresponding number")
    print("1 - artist")
    print("2 - album title")
    print("3 - number of tracks")
    print("4 - album length")
    print("5 - release year")
    field = input("Choose field  (1-5): ")
    order = input("Order; (a)scending or (d)escending: ").lower()
    if order == "d":
        reverse = True
        reverse = False
    if field == "1":
        collection.sort(key=select_artist, reverse=reverse)
    elif field == "2":
        collection.sort(key=select_title, reverse=reverse)
    elif field == "3":
        collection.sort(key=select_no_tracks, reverse=reverse)
    elif field == "4":
        collection.sort(key=select_length, reverse=reverse)
    elif field == "5":
        collection.sort(key=select_year, reverse=reverse)
        print("Field doesn't exist")

def construct_collection():
    folder = input("Enter music library folder: ")
        collection = sniffer.read_collection(folder)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("Folder not found")
    return collection
def read_arguments(arguments):
    if len(arguments) >= 3:
        source = arguments[1]
        target = arguments[2]
        return source, target
    elif len(arguments) == 2:
        source = arguments[1]
        return source, source
        return None, None

def menu(source_file, target_file):        
    collection = load_collection(source_file)
    print("This program manages an album collection. You can use the following features:")
    print("(C)onstruct collection")
    print("(A)dd new albums")
    print("(E)dit albums")
    print("(R)emove albums")
    print("(S)how the collection")
    print("(O)rganize the collection")
    while True:
        choice = input("Make your choice: ").strip().lower()
        if choice == "c":
            collection = construct_collection()
        elif choice == "a":
        elif choice == "e":
        elif choice == "r":
        elif choice == "s":
        elif choice == "o":
        elif choice == "q":
            print("The chosen feature is not available.")        
    save_collection(collection, target_file)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    source, target = read_arguments(sys.argv)
    if source:
            menu(source, target)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print("Program was interrupted, collection was not saved.")
        print("python collection.py source_file (target_file)")

import os
import tinytag

def read_folder(folder, collection):
    print("Opening folder:", folder)
    contents = os.listdir(folder)
    for name in contents:
        path = os.path.join(folder, name)
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            read_folder(path, collection)
                read_metadata(path, collection)
            except tinytag.TinyTagException:
                print("Skipping", name)
def read_metadata(filename, collection):
    tag = tinytag.TinyTag.get(filename)
    title = tag.album
    artist = tag.artist
    year = tag.year
    length = tag.duration
    for album in collection:
        if album["artist"].lower() == artist.lower() and album["album"].lower() == title.lower():
            "artist": artist.strip(),
            "album": title.strip(),
            "lengths": [],
            "year": int(year)
def parse_lenghts(collection):
    for album in collection:
        album["length"] = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(sum(album["lengths"])))
        album["no_tracks"] = len(album["lengths"])
def read_collection(folder):
    collection = []
    read_folder(folder, collection)
    return collection

You get to practice making your own
in the exercises. What about the final projec, should you split it into modules? Normally no. The amount of code in the project is relatively small and there isn't much to be gained from splitting it. Of course you are allowed to split it if you feel like it and it's clearer for you. Splitting code into modules follows the same rules as many other things: whatever you do, do it consistently. Code can be split into modules thematically, e.g. minestomper can have a separate module for the main menu, and another for each main feature.

Graphical Brilliance

Let's be real here: text-based terminal programs are a bit too 80s. In these modern times we should at least try to do something that opens in its own window, and can be poked at with a mouse or touchscreen. As our finishing touch we'll move the collection manager from the terminal to a windowed interface. The things in this section aren't really elementary in any way or shape, but a lot of modern programming is based on some of the concepts we're about to learn. Furthermore, modern tools for making graphics are so cool that even with just a scratch to the surface one can do pretty impressive stuff.
As usual, we're not diving in head first without a plan. Reaching for the moon from the sky might be a bit beyond us so we'll rather be content with the most straightforward way to transform the current text-based interface to a windowed one. All main features should be accessible from buttons in the main window, and submenus should open in separate windows as needed. The collection can be seen in a table or text box in the main window. We need a
that can offer these basic UI features.
One thing to keep in mind when reading through this example is that it's more complex than the minimum requirements for the course project - you'll get away with less.
Learning goals: In this section you'll learn the very bare minimum about how modern(-ish) user interface libraries work. In particular this includes the inner workings of
handler functions
and how to share information between them. In addition you'll learn how to use one of the graphical user interface libraries that we made specifically for this course. The other is introduced in the last exercise example.

Library Tour

At this stage we'd normally do some research about which library is the best for what we planned. However, we don't really have enough programming experience yet to make a reasonable evaluation, so we'll skip that. Python comes with the TKinter library that's older than stone weapons and produces interfaces that are uglier than a salty Dota player's behavior at 3 am, but it does offer all the basics for graphical user interfaces in a relatively simple manner. Not simple enough that we'd go through it in this context though. Instead, we've made a module that simplifies some of TKinter's features into several
that are a bit easier to comprehend. The code has also been documented rather extensively with
guilib - simple user interface library

@author Mika Oja, University of Oulu

This module is a collection of functions that students can use to implement a
simpe user interface that uses matplotlib to draw figures. The library makes a
lot of relatively sane assumptions so that students don't need to learn an
entire user interface library or study one's details. This may result in some
limitations regarding what can be implemented.

The library is basically a wrapper around TkInter that comes with Python. More
information here:


One of the most notable limitations is that while Tk will take care of most of
the widget placement (based on which frames they are in), the figure and
textbox sizes will be defined statically. Their dimensions will therefore
dictate what the interface will look like. If you want to make your interface
look neater, try to adjust the sizes of these components.

The main program of this module contains a small example that gives a some
directions about how to create basic widgets with this library.


import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.ttk import Separator
from tkinter import messagebox, filedialog

TOP = tk.TOP

def create_window(title):
    Creates a window for the user interface. The window is the root for
    everything else. This function needs to be called before any of the other
    functions can be used.

    :param str title: window title
    :return: returns the created window object

    # we're using a global variable so that start and quit functions can be 
    # called without arguments
    global window
    window = tk.Tk()
    return window

def create_frame(host, side=LEFT):
    Creates a frame where other widgets can be placed. Frames can be used to
    divide the interface into segments that are easier to handle. They are also
    needed if widgets are to be placed along more than one axis.
    Frames can be placed inside the window, or inside other frames. The first
    argument of the function must therefore be either a window object or a
    frame object. The second argument influences where the frame will be placed
    inside its container. All components are packed against a wall - they form
    a stack of sorts. For instance, if two frames are packed against the top
    border, the frame that was packed first will be topmost, and the other
    will be below it.
    :param widget host: frame or window that will host the frame
    :param str side: which border of the host this frame is packed against
    :return: returns the created frame object

    frame = tk.Frame(host)
    frame.pack(side=side, anchor="n")
    return frame

def create_button(frame, label, handler):
    Creates a button that the user can click. Buttons work through handler
    functions. There must be a function in your code that is called whenever
    the user presses the button. This function doesn't receive any arguments.
    The function needs to be given to this function as its handler argument.
    def donkey_button_handler():
        # something happens
    create_button(frame, "donkey", donkey_button_handler)

    Buttons are always packed against the top border of their frame which means
    they will be stacked on top of each other. If you want to pack them in a
    different way, you can always use this function as an example and write
    your own. 
    :param widget frame: frame that will host the buttons
    :param str label: text on the button
    :param function handler: function that is called when the button is pressed
    :return: returns the created button object

    button = tk.Button(frame, text=label, command=handler)
    button.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH)
    return button

def create_textbox(frame, width=80, height=20):
    Creates a textbox that can be written into much like terminal programs use
    print to output text. By default the textbox fills all available space in
    its frame. More specifically, this function creates a frame that contains
    the actual textbox, and a vertical scrollbar that's attached to it. 
    However, the frame and scrollbar objects are not returned, only the
    textbox itself.

    :param widget frame: frame to host the textbox
    :param int width: box width as characters
    :param int height: box height as rows
    :return: textbox object

    boxframe = create_frame(frame, tk.TOP)
    scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(boxframe)
    box = tk.Text(boxframe, height=height, width=width, yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set)
    box.pack(side=tk.LEFT, expand=True, fill=tk.BOTH)
    scrollbar.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y)
    return box

def write_to_textbox(box, content, clear=False):
    Writes a line of text into the selected textbox. The box can also be
    cleared before writing by setting the optional clear argument to True.

    :param widget box: textbox object to write to
    :param str content: text to write
    :param bool clear: should the box be cleared first

    if clear:
            box.delete(1.0, tk.END)
        except tk.TclError:
    box.insert(tk.INSERT, content + "\n")

def create_listbox(frame, width=80, height=20):
    Creates a listbox. Unlike textboxes, the rows inside a listbox are separate
    entities. This means they can be clicked with the mouse, and can be removed
    and inserted individually.

    :param widget frame: host frame for the listbox
    :param int width: box width as characters
    :param int height: box height as rows
    :return: listbox object

    boxframe = create_frame(frame, tk.TOP)
    scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(boxframe)
    box = tk.Listbox(boxframe,
    box.pack(side=tk.LEFT, expand=True, fill=tk.BOTH)
    scrollbar.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y)
    return box

def add_list_row(box, content, place=tk.END):
    Adds a textrow to a listbox. Place can be given as an optional argument
    which inserts the row into the selected spot. If place is not given, the
    new row will be appended to the end.

    :param widget box: listbox to add the row to
    :param str content: contents of the row
    :param int place: place in the list for insertion (optional)

    box.insert(place, content)

def remove_list_row(box, index):
    Removes the selected row from a listbox. Row is chosen with an index.

    :param widget box: listbox to remove from
    :param int index: index of the row


def read_selected(box):
    Reads which row in a listbox has been selected with the mouse. Returns the
    index and contents of the row. If no rows have been selected, returns two

    :param widget box: listbox to read from

    selected = box.curselection()
    if selected:
        content = box.get(selected)
        return selected[0], content
    return None, None

def create_label(frame, text):
    Creates a static label that can be used to display state information or
    give labels to components or frames. 

    :param widget frame: frame to host the label
    :param str label: text of the label
    :return: label object

    label = tk.Label(frame, text=text)
    label.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH)
    return label

def update_label(label, text):
    Updates the text of the given label.

    :param widget label: label to update 
    :param str label: new text


def create_textfield(frame):
    Creates a textfield where the user can write text. The contents of the
    field can be accessed with the read_field function.

    :param widget frame: frame to host the textfield
    :return: textfield object

    field = tk.Entry(frame)
    field.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH)
    return field

def read_field(field):
    Reads the contents of the selected textfield and returns it.

    :param widget field: textfield to read
    :return: contents as a string

    return field.get()

def clear_field(field):
    Clears the selected textfield.

    :param widget field: textfield to clear

    field.delete(0, len(field.get()))

def write_field(field, content):
    Writes to the selected textfield.

    :param widget field: textfield to write to
    :param str content: content to write

    field.insert(0, content)

def create_horiz_separator(frame, margin=2):
    Creates a horizontal separator that can be used e.g. to partition the UI
    more clear. The function's optional argument can be used to adjust how much
    margin is left on both sides of the separator.

    :param widget frame: frame to host the separator
    :param int margin: amount of margin as pixels

    separator = Separator(frame, orient="horizontal")
    separator.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, pady=margin)

def create_vert_separator(frame, margin=2):
    Creates a vertical separator that can be used e.g. to partition the UI
    more clear. The function's optional argument can be used to adjust how much
    margin is left on both sides of the separator.

    :param widget frame: frame to host the separator
    :param int margin: amount of margin as pixels

    separator = Separator(frame, orient="vertical")
    separator.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, pady=margin)

def open_msg_window(title, message, error=False):
    Opens a popup window with a message to the user. The window can be defined
    as an error message by setting the error parameter as True. This changes
    the icon displayed in the window. The window is given a title and a message
    to display.

    :param str title: window title
    :param str message: message to display
    :param bool error: determines window type (info or error)

    if error:
        messagebox.showerror(title, message)
        messagebox.showinfo(title, message)

def open_folder_dialog(title, initial="."):
    Opens a folder selection dialog. Useful for choosing a data folder. The
    dialog must be given a title, and it can also be given an initial folder
    which will be open in the dialog when it pops up. The initial folder
    defaults to the folder where the program was started in. The function
    returns the folder chosen by the user as a string.

    :param str title: folder dialog title
    :param str initial: path to initial folder
    :return: path of the chosen folder

    path = filedialog.askdirectory(title=title, mustexist=True, initialdir=initial)
    return path

def open_file_dialog(title, initial="."):
    Opens a file selection dialog. The dialog must be given a title, and it can
    also be given an initial folder which will be open in the dialog when it
    pops up. The initial folder defaults to the folder where the program was
    started in. The function returns the chosen file's path as a string.

    :param str title: file dialog title
    :param str initial: path to initial folder
    :return: path of the chosen file

    path = filedialog.askopenfilename(title=title, initialdir=initial)
    return path

def open_save_dialog(title, initial="."):
    Opens a file selection dialog. The dialog must be given a title, and it can
    also be given an initial folder which will be open in the dialog when it
    pops up. The initial folder defaults to the folder where the program was
    started in. The function returns the chosen file's path as a string. The
    dialog for saving is a bit different than the one for opening.

    :param str title: file dialog title
    :param str initial: path to initial folder
    :return: path of the chosen file

    path = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(title=title, initialdir=initial)
    return path

def remove_component(component):
    Removes a component from the inteface. Needed for temporary widgets.

    :param widget component: component to remove

    except AttributeError:

def create_subwindow(title):
    Creates a subwindow that can be customized. A subwindow works just like a
    frame, i.e. any other components can be placed inside it. A subwindow can
    be hidden and showed again with the show_subwindow and hide_subwindow
    functions. The subwindow will also hide itself if the user closes it.

    :param str title: subwindow title
    :return: created subwindow object

    sub = tk.Toplevel()
    sub.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", sub.withdraw)
    return sub

def show_subwindow(sub, title=None):
    Shows the selected subwindow.

    :param object ali: subwindow to show

    if title:

def hide_subwindow(sub):
    Hides the selected subwindow.

    :param object ali: subwindow to hide


def start():
    Starts the program. Call this once your interface setup is done.


def quit():
    Exits the program and closes the window.


if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Disabling two pylint warnings because it would complain about the test
    # code despite it being perfectly valid.
    # pylint: disable=missing-docstring,unused-argument

    # rare case of defining a function inside this block. This is because it is
    # only used for testing the library.
    def greet():
        name = read_field(namefield)
        job = read_field(jobfield)
        if name and job:
            message = f"Hello {name}, I head you're a {job}."
            write_to_textbox(labelbox, message)
            open_msg_window("Missing info",
                "You didn't give name and occupation",

    testwindow = create_window("O Hai!")
    topframe = create_frame(testwindow, TOP)
    bottomframe = create_frame(testwindow, TOP)
    buttonframe = create_frame(topframe, LEFT)
    inputframe = create_frame(topframe, LEFT)
    greetbutton = create_button(buttonframe, "greet", greet)
    quitbutton = create_button(buttonframe, "quit", quit)
    namelabel = create_label(inputframe, "Name:")
    namefield = create_textfield(inputframe)
    joblabel = create_label(inputframe, "Job:")
    jobfield = create_textfield(inputframe)
    labelbox = create_textbox(bottomframe, 34, 20)

This is the same library as the one used in Spectral Matters and Run, Circuit! Run! course projects, but we removed the matplotlib connections so that minestompers don't need to install it just to test these examples. We'll only cover the parts of the library that are actually needed here, figuring out the rest is left as homework while doing the course project.

Callback to Wonderland

We used
with minimal explanation when working on sorting
. To recap, we were able to give the sort
as an argument, and that function was used during sorting to derive
comparison values
from the lists's
. We used this power to choose what property of the list's items was used for sorting, like this:
collection.sort(key=choose_length, reverse=reverse)
The special thing here is that we're not calling the choose_length function at any point in our own code - it is called when the program's control has been temporarily handed over to the sort method instead. Giving the function - not its return value - as an argument here instructs the sort method that this is the function it should call when it needs to obtain comparison values. Because the function is called from the sort method, the arguments given to it are also determined there. This means they're not in our control, and we also cannot control what is done with the returned value. When implementing a callback function it's very important to research what arguments are given to the function and what is done with its return value. This information tells us the number of
and their
, as well as what the function should
. The function in our example had exactly one parameter (one item from a list) and it returned exactly one value:
def choose_length(album):
    return album["length"]
Reviewing this is important because the same mechanism is found in user interface and game libraries, but the scale is larger. Typically the main loop that runs the entire program is somewhere deep inside the library. In our program the main loop is currently the while True: loop in the menu function, and something like this will not be seen in our code once it's changed to work with an inteface library. In a way the program's flow is outside our control. The reason is quite plain: the main loop needs to react to every interaction the user has with the interface, and that results in quite a lot of code. Writing all this code by ourselves isn't particularly pleasant, and probably the library already does it better.
Of course this leaves us wondering about how to implement anything at all if the program's control has been removed from our hands. This is where callbacks come in, and in this context they're also called
handler functions
. Before starting the main loop, we can tell the library what kinds of
are interesting to us. Event means something happening, like the user interacting with the interface. We can attach handler functions to these events. Whenever the designated event occurs, the attached handler is called.
With user interface libraries it's common that each active user interface component has its own handler. This is set up when the components are defined. For instance, if we want a button, we can attach a handler to it when it is created, and this handler will be called by the library when the user clicks the button. Our simple library has this set up so that there's only one function for creating a button, and it takes three arguments:
  1. frame component where the button will be placed (see next section)
  2. the text on the button (string)
  3. function that will be the handler
Below is a high level description of what happens when a program using an interface library is started up.
  1. our program defines its user interface components along with their handlers
  2. our program calls the function that starts the library's main loop
  3. the library follows the user's actions
    1. the user does something that is interesting to our program (i.e. there's an
      that we attached a
    2. the library calls the handler function, effectively returning control to our program
    3. after the handler function returns, control moves back to the library
  4. a handler function in our program calls a function that exits the library's main loop, and control is returned to our program
  5. our program can perform cleanup before exiting (e.g. saving data)
  6. our program exits

Interface Simulator

Before moving on, it's best to look at the following approximation of a user interface library in order to get a better understanding of how they work in general. The code presented here several multitudes less complex than a real user interface library but works with a similar logic. The functions of the library can be used to define buttons, and it can be started. Once running, it will detect "clicks" (that are produced as random integer pairs instead of actually reading the mouse), and performs actions using the buttons' handler functions if a click hits one of them.
import random
import sys
import time
import turtle as t

WIDTH = 800
HEIGHT = 600

LEFT = 0
TOP = 2

window = []
state = {
    "draw": False,
    "running": False

def create_window(title):
    Creates a "window" where all user interface frames and elements are placed.
    In this approximation the window is just an empty list where frames are
    appended. This functin only clears an existing window list.
    return window
def create_frame(host, side=LEFT):
    Creates a frame. This function cheats a bit and just pushes a new frame
    into the window regardless of what its parameters are. Therefore this
    library does not support frames within frames, or frames below other

    frame = []
    return frame

def create_button(frame, label, action):
    Creates a button by adding a dictionary that describes a button to the
    frame list. The button's position is calculated from the frame's index
    within the window, and the number of buttons already in the frame so that
    the width of the button becomes BUTTON_WIDTH units and height becomes 
    BUTTON_HEIGHT units.
    left = window.index(frame) * BUTTON_WIDTH
    right = left + BUTTON_WIDTH
    top = len(frame) * BUTTON_HEIGHT
    bottom = top + BUTTON_HEIGHT
        "left": left,
        "right": right,
        "top": top,
        "bottom": bottom,
        "label": label,
        "action": action
def read_click():
    Reads a mouse click. For now just generates a random point inside the
    x = random.randint(0, WIDTH - 1)
    y = random.randint(0, HEIGHT - 1)
    return x, y
def detect_button(x, y, window):
    Finds which button was clicked, if any. If the clicked point is inside
    a button's boundaries, the button's action function is called.

    for frame in window:
        for button in frame:
            if button["left"] <= x <= button["right"]:
                if button["top"] <= y <= button["bottom"]:
                    function = button["action"]
def start():
    Reads clicks and checks if they hit a button. The loop is repeated as long
    as the state dictionary's "running" value is True. If drawing was enabled
    at startup, also draws the window and each clicked point.

    state["running"] = True
    if state["draw"]:
    while state["running"]:
        print(".", end="", flush=True)
        mouse_x, mouse_y = read_click()
        if state["draw"]:
            t.setx(mouse_x - WIDTH / 2)
            t.sety(HEIGHT / 2 - mouse_y)
        detect_button(mouse_x, mouse_y, window)
        # added to prevent the program from running too fast    
    if state["draw"]:
def quit():
    Sets the state dictionary's "running" flag to False, which ends the loop
    inside the start function.    
    state["running"] = False
def draw_window():
    Uses turtle to draw a picture of the window.
    t.setx(-1 * WIDTH / 2)
    t.sety(HEIGHT / 2)
    for frame in window:
        for button in frame:
            t.setx(button["left"] - WIDTH / 2)
            t.sety(HEIGHT / 2 - button["top"])
    if sys.argv[1].lower() in ["-d", "--draw"]:
        state["draw"] = True
except IndexError:

The single most important thing about this approximation is that you could replace it with the guilib library at any time - the function interfaces are exactly the same. In order to understand how user interface libraries work in general, we need to look at two specific functions in this approximation, and how those functions would be used in a program. In order to do that, we've also created the following small program that creates an interface with a few buttons.
import library

def print_donkey():
def print_hemulen():

window = library.create_window("test")
frame = library.create_frame(window)
library.create_button(frame, "button 1", print_donkey)
library.create_button(frame, "button 2", print_hemulen)
library.create_button(frame, "quit", library.quit)
print("so long, and thanks for all the fish")

Executing the code does not create a real interactive window because it only simulates what an actual library would do. Instead, you will see dots printed into the
, and occasionally either "donkey" or "hemulen". Each dot is a single mouse click, and the appearance of a word means a button was pressed by a click. The program will also end when the quit button is hit. A run of the program could look like this:
..so long, and thanks for all the fish
Because the simulator's code is much more simple, causal relations are easier to follow. Let's look at two functions in particular. Our goal is to understand why the program itself (i.e. librarytest.py) works like it does. The first half of the puzzle is the interface layout. From the program's viewpoint, an interface consists of frames (columns) and buttons (rows inside columns). The program can create frames, and push buttons into them. On the library side this is handled by the create_button function.
def create_button(frame, label, action):

    left = window.index(frame) * BUTTON_WIDTH
    right = left + BUTTON_WIDTH
    top = len(frame) * BUTTON_HEIGHT
    bottom = top + BUTTON_HEIGHT
        "left": left,
        "right": right,
        "top": top,
        "bottom": bottom,
        "label": label,
        "action": action
This function calculates the position of each button inside the window, and saves the x and y values of its edges to a
. This marks the region of the window that belongs to the button. The width of each button is 200 units and height is 60 units. The placement is based on the frame's
in the window list, and the amount of buttons already inside the frame. The other very important thing that's saved into the dictionary is the value of the action
. This value is a
that performs the action designated for he button. It's very important to note that the function is not called yet!
On the side of the program itself, a button is created by calling the create_button function, after we've defined the function that will be the button's handler.
def print_donkey():

window = library.create_window("test")
frame = library.create_frame(window)
library.create_nappi(frame, "nappi 1", print_donkey)
Please pay attention to how the function is handled like any old
: it is not called here, only handed as an
. The full example creates three buttons, which results in the following "interface":
"Window" layout
The buttons are regions inside the window, and clicking the mouse within that area causes the button to be pressed. This is the point where control is given to the library - to its start function to be precise. Here, we've removed some stuff from the full function to make it easier to see its logic:
def detect_button(x, y, window):
    for frame in window:
        for button in frame:
            if button["left"] <= x <= button["right"]:
                if button["top"] <= y <= button["bottom"]:
                    function = button["action"]

def start():
    state["running"] = True
    while state["running"]:
        print(".", end="", flush=True)
        mouse_x, mouse_y = read_click()
        detect_button(mouse_x, mouse_y, window)
        # added to prevent the program from running too fast
    if state["draw"]:
The corresponding function in a real user interface library would obviously be much more complex, but ultimately it does the same things:
  1. read the position of a mouse click
  2. find if the click was inside a user interface element
    1. if an element is hit, its action is executed and
    2. search is ended
This gets repeated in a loop until the program's execution ends. In our simulator, phase 1 is handled by calling the read_click function that provides x, y coordinates of (imaginary) mouse clicks. Phase 2 is implemented by going through all frames and their buttons in loops, and comparing button boundaries to the click coordinates. If the point is inside a button's boundaries, the button dictionary's "action"
is used to retrieve a
to a function, and then the function is called (without an argument).
The key point here is to concretely show the context where handler functions are eventually called. As seen here, the function call's arguments are determined at call time (and this time there aren't any). The syntax also shows that if a variable contains a function, and parentheses are placed at the end of the variable, this results in making a
to the referenced function. When this happens, control temporarily returns to the actual program, inside the
function. In the case of the first button, this function would be:
def print_donkey():
Therefore donkey is printed to the terminal. The dots printed into the terminal while running the program indicate mouse clicks regardless of whether a button was hit or not. When the library is "closed" with the quit function, control returns to the actual program ja resumes from the line following the call to the start function call. This is why "so long, and thanks for all the fish" is printed when the program ends.
print("so long, and thanks for all the fish")
The library file earlier which contains the full code also has an option to show a visualization of what happens in the window using turtle. You can activate this visualization by adding the -d or --draw
command line argument
when starting the program:
python librarytest.py --draw
Note that button labels will not show. The topmost button prints donkey, middle prints hemulen, and the last one quits the program. You can keep the terminal visible alongside the turtle window to see what's printed with each click.
Another cool detail: if you change the import on the first line of code to import guilib instead, you can run the test code, and it will create a real interface instead. So the first line would be:
import guilib as library
Now runnin the program creates an actual window. The window geometry will be different because layouting of elements is done by the library, not the program that uses it. This is described in more detail under the next heading.
The window created by librarytest.py when the actual guilib is used instead of the library simulator

Instructional Handler

Setting a handler function for interface components and various events in the program is an important part of typical modern programming. In this task you'll get to create one simple button with a handler attached.
Learning goals: Setting a
for an interface component. Creating a button with the windower module.

At the end of this assignment you can see a program that has the very first steps of a small user interface. The code has a function that is meant to be used as a handler, a window, and a frame. The one thing that's missing is adding a button to the frame that opens the instructions window.

Answer Specification:
The answer is a single line of code that adds a button to the frame. The button's label is "Help", and its handler is the only function seen in the code. There is no need to assign this button to a variable!

import guilib as ui

def show_help():
    Shows instructions to the user

        "This program only includes this help text at the moment..."

def create_window():
    window = ui.create_window("Amazing Program")
    frame = ui.create_frame(window, ui.TOP)
    # button creation should happen here

if __name__ == "__main__":

Warning: You have not logged in. You cannot answer.

Boxes and Packing

Before moving on to implementing features with handler functions, we should look into how interface components are defined with code. TKinter uses a method where the interface can be divided into frames and components. A frame is sort of like a
in Python in that it can contain other components - including frames. Placement is based on packing against a border (although this is not the only option). When packed, a target direction is determined for a component. For instance, if the direction is up, the component tries to get as far up as possible inside the frame. Components are packed in the order they are added, which means the first added component will be closest to the border it was packed against.
Packing example, arrows indicate packing direction
In general all components inside a frame should be packed to the same direction to avoid silly holes in the interface. In terms of simplicity this is exactly what our custom library does: all components inside each frame are packed against the top border. Only the packing direction of frames themselves can be changed when using our custom library. The library also hides a bunch of other placement related settings that TKinter offers, which means it limits options quite a bit. However it's not much of a loss. If you really want interfaces that look good, you should look further than TKinter. One example is PySide 2 that translates Qt, a way more powerful (but also way more complex) interface library to Python.
Shown below is a function that creates the shiny new graphical interface of our collection manager program, followed by a sceenshot what it looks like (on Linux). We've also added a quit function that serves as the
for the quit button.
import guilib as ui

def quit():

def create_window():
    window = ui.create_window("Collection Manager 0.1 alpha")
    button_frame = ui.create_frame(window, ui.LEFT)
    collection_frame = ui.create_frame(window, ui.LEFT)
    load_button = ui.create_button(button_frame, "Load", load_collection)
    construct_button = ui.create_button(button_frame, "Construct", construct_collection)
    save_button = ui.create_button(button_frame, "Save", save_collection)
    ui.create_horiz_separator(button_frame, 5)
    add_button = ui.create_button(button_frame, "Add", add)
    remove_button = ui.create_button(button_frame, "Remove", remove)
    edit_button = ui.create_button(button_frame, "Edit", edit)
    ui.create_horiz_separator(button_frame, 5)
    quit_button = ui.create_button(button_frame, "Quit", quit)
    listbox = ui.create_listbox(collection_frame)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #source, target = read_arguments(sys.argv)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("Program was interrupted, collection was not saved.")
Interface looks like this
The functions for creating buttons and other components generally say they return an
. As of now we save of all them to
in order to refer to them later. We don't actually know if we need to refer to them later though. Frames are clearly referred to inside this same function but buttons aren't. Separators aren't active components in the interface so the library doesn't even bother with returning them. Another thing worth of note is that while we can run the code at the moment, most buttons do not work (except quit). The main program's been changed to call the create_window function instead of the menu function, and we've commented out the part about reading command line arguments.

Information Smuggling

We don't need to look far to find out why the buttons are not working. The create_button function in the library has the following to say in its
Creates a button that the user can click. Buttons work through handler
functions. There must be a function in your code that is called whenever
the user presses the button. This function doesn't receive any arguments.
The function needs to be given to this function as its handler argument.

def donkey_button_handler():
    # something happens

create_button(frame, "donkey", donkey_button_handler)

Buttons are always packed against the top border of their frame which means
they will be stacked on top of each other. If you want to pack them in a
different way, you can always use this function as an example and write
your own.

:param widget frame: frame that will host the buttons
:param str label: text on the button
:param function handler: function that is called when the button is pressed
:return: returns the created button object
doesn't receive any
whereas our existing functions do expect to get some. In other words they are not fit to be used as handlers as they are. There's no reason to throw them away entirely though. For instance, load_collection still does its job perfectly well. We just need to give it the
to the collection file in some other way. With a little bit of further investigation we can discover a promising function from the library: open_file_dialog. Let's create a new function that calls the existing load_collection function once it's received a path from the open_file_dialog function. The same can be done for the construction feature (they both beed a different selection dialog). We'll also remove the input from construct_collection and change the folder to a
def construct_collection(folder):
        collection = sniffer.read_collection(folder)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("Folder not found")
    return collection

def open_load_window():
    path = ui.open_file_dialog("Select collection file (JSON)")
    collection = load_collection(path)

def open_construct_window():
    path = ui.open_folder_dialog("Select music collection root folder")
    collection = construct_collection(path)
This introduces another problem: the handler also cannot return anything, so how do we get the loaded/constructed collection to show up in other parts of the program? This is where the fact that
becomes handy. If a mutable
is defined in the
global scope
it can be accessed in all functions. This time we use some foresight and create a dictionary. This will allow us to assign other objects that we might want to share to its
components = {
    "collection": []
As a side note, Pylint will complain about this (although we've disabled that particular warning in the checkers) because it thinks this dictionary is a
since it's in the global scope. However the data contained within this object will most definitely change during program execution, so giving it an uppercase name would by misleading. We can now change the load and construct functions to assign the collection into this dictionary:
def load_collection(filename):
        with open(filename) as source:
            components["collection"] = json.load(source)
    except (IOError, json.JSONDecodeError):
        print("Unable to open the target file. Starting with an empty collection.")
        components["collection"] = []

def construct_collection(folder):
        components["collection"] = sniffer.read_collection(folder)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("Folder not found")

def open_load_window():
    path = ui.open_file_dialog("Select collection file (JSON)")

def open_construct_window():
    path = ui.open_folder_dialog("Select music collection root folder")
Since the returns were removed, the corresponding assignment of return values also had to go. We can now load or construct the collection. Now we need to make it visible in the interface. We have a function for this called add_list_row in the library, but we need to give it a listbox as an argument. Currently our listbox only exists inside the create_window function. The best way to make it available elsewhere is to put into this new dictionary we cooked up. Let's rewrite the printing functions to write into the listbox instead of the terminal.
def format_row(album, i):
    return (
        f"{i:2}. "
        f"{album['artist']} - {album['album']} ({album['year']}) "
        f"[{album['no_tracks']}] [{album['length'].lstrip('0:')}]"

def show(collection):
    for i, album in enumerate(collection):
        ui.add_list_row(components["listbox"], format_row(album, i + 1))
In order for the listbox to be available like this, it needs to be saved into the dictionary when it's created, and we can do it like this: components["listbox"] = ui.create_listbox(collection_frame). A single row is formatted in its own function because we predict it might be needed for updating a row after an album has been edited. Now we can achieve a nicely printed collection inside the window.
Collection as it currently looks like

Popping Windows

This section contains a lot of code but not that many new concepts. The goal is to make it possible to add albums again. Since this was previously done with
text inputs
, a small legion of changes is needed. The basic concept is that pressing the Add button in the interface opens a new subwindow containing fields for album information. The album is added to the collection when this window is closed - if the fields have valid values. Otherwise we inform the user about their mistake with an error message and let them fix it.
The library contains a few
related to subwindows. A subwindow is a way to open another window on top of an existing window. We can place frames and components into them just like the main window. A subwindow can be hidden and showed again with functions. A good way to go about is to create the window at the beginning of the program and then hide it whenever it's not needed. We prefer this over creating the window anew every time. The window will contain text field inputs and labels related to them. The whole thing is created in the original create_window function.
def create_window():
    # Main window creation
    window = ui.create_window("Collection Manager 0.1 alpha")
    button_frame = ui.create_frame(window, ui.LEFT)
    collection_frame = ui.create_frame(window, ui.LEFT)
    load_button = ui.create_button(button_frame, "Load", open_load_window)
    construct_button = ui.create_button(button_frame, "Construct", open_construct_window)
    save_button = ui.create_button(button_frame, "Save", open_save_window)
    ui.create_horiz_separator(button_frame, 5)
    add_button = ui.create_button(button_frame, "Add", open_add_window)
    remove_button = ui.create_button(button_frame, "Remove", remove)
    edit_button = ui.create_button(button_frame, "Edit", edit)
    ui.create_horiz_separator(button_frame, 5)
    quit_button = ui.create_button(button_frame, "Quit", quit)
    components["listbox"] = ui.create_listbox(collection_frame)

    # Subwindow creation
    album_form = ui.create_subwindow("Album information")
    field_frame = ui.create_frame(album_form)
    button_frame = ui.create_frame(album_form)
    label_frame = ui.create_frame(field_frame)
    input_frame = ui.create_frame(field_frame)
    ui.create_label(label_frame, "Artist")
    components["form_artist"] = ui.create_textfield(input_frame)
    ui.create_label(label_frame, "Album")
    components["form_album"] = ui.create_textfield(input_frame)
    ui.create_label(label_frame, "No. tracks")
    components["form_no_tracks"] = ui.create_textfield(input_frame)
    ui.create_label(label_frame, "Length")
    components["form_length"] = ui.create_textfield(input_frame)
    ui.create_label(label_frame, "Release year")
    components["form_year"] = ui.create_textfield(input_frame)
    ui.create_button(button_frame, "Save", save_form)
    components["album_form"] = album_form
References to each field in the form and to the form itself are needed in the components
so that the fields can be read in other parts of the program, and so that we can show and hide the window in the future. We also changed the
to a new function that opens the add dialog. Likewise a handler is created for the subwindow's Save button.
def open_add_window():

def save_form()
With these we can open and close the form and see what it looks like. The labels don't quite align with the fields, but we're not going to tune them right now.
Album information input form
Next we need this form to actually do something. This calls for some decision-making and planning. We've decided to use the same form for both adding and editing. We've also decided to save the album when the window is closed (when else?) This means we need to know what purpose the form was opened for, and smuggle this information to the save_form function. We can use the same mechanism as we use for accessing the collection list from everywhere in the program: save this information into the global
. While at it we're also going to separate this and the collection list into a second dictionary, and leave the components dictionary only for interface component references.
ADD = 1
EDIT = 2

components = {
    "listbox:" None,
    "album_form": None,
    "form_artist": None,
    "form_album": None,
    "form_no_tracks": None,
    "form_length": None,
    "form_year": None

state = {
    "collection": [],
    "action": NOT_SELECTED
We've implemented the actions with
. The numeral values of these constants don't matter at all but they're just more practical than
, let alone plain number. We've also put None as the value for each
. This is not mandatory but we've done it in order to show at the very beginning of the code what keys will be available in this dictionary. Using the action information in the state dictionary we can now proceed with the album form.
def save_form():
    if state["action"] == ADD:
        success = add(state["collection"])
        place = len(state["collection"]) - 1
    elif state["action"] == EDIT:
        success = edit(state["collection"])

    if success:
            format_row(state["collection"][place], place + 1),
        state["action"] = NOT_SELECTED
The action is set when the form is opened, and its value is checked when the form is closed with the Save button. We've also done some additional processing when the form is closed. We only want to close the form when the user has given valid data. We also need to clear all the fields so that their contents aren't haunting the user the next time they open the form. In case of a successful save the album must also be inserted into the listbox view. Another option would be to clear the entire listbox and then just call the show function that would display the entire collection afresh, but that involves a whole lot of wasted clock cycles. The add function itself becomes quite a bit larger:
def add(collection):
    artist = ui.read_field(components["form_artist"])
    album = ui.read_field(components["form_album"])
        no_tracks = int(ui.read_field(components["form_no_tracks"]))
    except ValueError:
        ui.open_msg_window("Error in data", "Number of tracks must be an integer", error=True)
        return False

        length = check_length(ui.read_field(components["form_no_tracks"]))
    except ValueError:
        ui.open_msg_window("Error in data", "Length must be written as HH:MM:SS", error=True)
        return False

        year = int(ui.read_field(components["form_year"]))
    except ValueError:
        ui.open_msg_window("Error in data", "Release year must be an integer", error=True)
        return False

        "artist": artist,
        "album": title,
        "no_tracks": no_tracks,
        "length": length,
        "year": year
    return True
The main culprit to this function becoming so long is user feedback: each error opens a message popup with a different error message, and that makes all of them require their own try-except. We're now using the library's message popup feature which can be used to open notifications in popup windows. The last argument - which we've given here as a
keyword argument
for increased clarity - tells the library to show the error icon in the popup. The form's contents are read with the read_field function, and this is where we need the references to fields from the components
. This function returns the field's content as a string. Note that check_length still doesn't actually do anything, but at least we're handling it when it ultimately does.
Filled form, with collection in the background
Collection after the addition

Streamlined Renovation

Removing albums used to be very clunky in the program: in order to select an album, the user had to type both album title and artist name. In order for our program to get on with the times it should allow choosing an album from the listbox in the interface with a simple mouse click. This is the primary reason we used a listbox instead of a plain textbox, because in a listbox each row is a clickable entity. Our library has a function for handling this: read_selected. This function returns the index and content of the selected row. The library also has a function for removing a row. With these the remove function becomes a whole lot simpler:
def remove():
    index, contents = ui.read_selected(components["listbox"])
    if index != None:
        ui.remove_row(components["listbox"], index)
This is the first instance of using pop
instead of remove to remove an
. We do this because pop removes based on index instead of value. It would also return the item it removed but we're not doing anything with it so it goes to the bin. The last line is needed to remove the album from the listbox. This leaves us with the minor problem of having a hole in the numbering after a removal. We're going to be lazy about this and "fix" the problem by removing the numbering altogether. Otherwise we'd have to reprint all rows starting from the removed index. Since we removed the collection parameter, this function can be used directly as the Remove button's
The same method of album selection can be used editing. This feature will be a combination of the add feature from before, and the remove feature we just did. We borrow the editing form from the former, and the selection code from the latter. We're going to open the same subwindow as we did with add, but this time each field is prefilled with its current value. In addition the album should be shown in its old place in the listbox after editing. So once again we need to make some decisions about what happens where. The easiest place to start is opening the form.
def open_edit_window():
    place = prefill_form()
    state["action"] = EDIT
    state["selected"] = place
The form must be prefilled at this stage before it is shown. This sounds like a job for a separate function. We also let that function take care of reading the selected album's place in the list (i.e. its index in the collection), and return it. Another decision we made here is saving the selected index to the state
. This is done as a safeguard to prevent the user from choosing another album while the form window is open which would overwrite the wrong album with the edited information. The new function is:
def prefill_form():
    index, contents = ui.read_selected(components["listbox"])
    album = state["collection"][index]
    ui.write_field(components["form_artist"], album["artist"])
    ui.write_field(components["form_album"], album["album"])
    ui.write_field(components["form_no_tracks"], album["no_tracks"])
    ui.write_field(components["form_length"], album["length"])
    ui.write_field(components["form_year"], album["year"])
    return index
Now we can open the form and see the existing values in all fields.
Edit form for the selected album, with prefilled values
The save button handler already exists but the guess we made about how to handle saving an edit wasn't entirely accurate. Let's add some things to it.
def save_form():
    if state["action"] == ADD:
        success = add(state["collection"])
        place = len(state["collection"]) - 1
    elif state["action"] == EDIT:
        place = state["selected"]
        success = edit(state["collection"], place)
        if success:
            ui.remove_list_row(components["listbox"], place)
            state["selected"] = None

    if success:
            format_row(state["collection"][place], place + 1),
        state["action"] = NOT_SELECTED
As seen here we chose to read the place from the state dictionary's "selected"
that was set when the form was opened. The edit itself is done by the edit function. If it reports a successful edit, the old row is removed from the box so that we can write the updated row in its place. Adding the row into the listbox and cleanup didn't change, so we did pretty well on that part. All that's left is changing the edit function.
def read_form(album):
    album["artist"] = ui.read_field(components["form_artist"])
    album["album"] = ui.read_field(components["form_album"])
        album["no_tracks"] = int(ui.read_field(components["form_no_tracks"]))
    except ValueError:
        ui.open_msg_window("Error in data", "Number of tracks must be an integer", error=True)
        return None

        album["length"] = check_length(ui.read_field(components["form_no_tracks"]))
    except ValueError:
        ui.open_msg_window("Error in data", "Length must be written as HH:MM:SS", error=True)
        return None

        album["year"] = int(ui.read_field(components["form_year"]))
    except ValueError:
        ui.open_msg_window("Error in data", "Release year must be an integer", error=True)
        return None

    return album

def edit(collection, index):
    album = read_form(collection[index].copy())
    if album:
        collection[index] = album
        return True
    return False

def add(collection):
    album = read_form({})
    if album:
        return True
    return False
Because both adding and editing need similar form reading, it was refactored into its own function. That's why we're also showing how the add function was changed from what it was. And that closes the chapter on our collection manager. Sorting features were left out from this version because we just wanted to show how to tie functions to interface elements, and how to pass data and state information between different parts of the program. The old sorting function was left in the code as an example, and it can be fairly easily converted to work with the new interface. One way is to make a button for each column that sorts the collection based on that column, and reverses the order if pressed again.
The final file that's been prettified a bit with Pylint (e.g. we removed unused variables from window creation because the buttons ended up not being referenced).
import json
import guilib as ui
import sniffer

ADD = 1
EDIT = 2

components = {
    "listbox": None,
    "album_form": None,
    "form_artist": None,
    "form_album": None,
    "form_no_tracks": None,
    "form_length": None,
    "form_year": None

state = {
    "collection": [],
    "action": NOT_SELECTED

def prompt_number(prompt):
    while True:
            number = int(input(prompt))
        except ValueError:
            print("Input an integer")
            return number

def prompt_time(prompt):
    while True:
        parts = input(prompt).split(":")
        if len(parts) == 3:
            h, min, s = parts
        elif len(parts) == 2:
            min, s = parts
            h = "0"
            print("Input the time as hours:minutes:seconds or minutes:seconds")

            h = int(h)
            min = int(min)
            s = int(s)
        except ValueError:
            print("Times must be integers")

        if not (0 <= min <= 59):
            print("Minutes must be between 0 and 59")
        if not (0 <= s <= 59):
            print("Seconds must be between 0 and 59")
        if h < 0:
            print("Hours must be a positive integer")

        return f"{h}:{min:02}:{s:02}"

def check_length(value):
    return value

def select_artist(album):
    return album["artist"]

def select_title(album):
    return album["album"]

def select_no_tracks(album):
    return album["no_tracks"]

def select_length(album):
    return album["length"]

def select_year(album):
    return album["year"]

def load_collection(filename):
        with open(filename) as source:
            state["collection"] = json.load(source)
    except (IOError, json.JSONDecodeError):
        print("Unable to open the target file. Starting with an empty collection.")
        state["collection"] = []

def save_collection(collection, filename):
        with open(filename, "w") as target:
            json.dump(collection, target)
    except IOError:
        print("Unable to open the target file. Saving failed.")

def read_form(album):
    album["artist"] = ui.read_field(components["form_artist"])
    album["album"] = ui.read_field(components["form_album"])
        album["no_tracks"] = int(ui.read_field(components["form_no_tracks"]))
    except ValueError:
        ui.open_msg_window("Error in data", "Number of tracks must be an integer", error=True)
        return None

        album["length"] = check_length(ui.read_field(components["form_no_tracks"]))
    except ValueError:
        ui.open_msg_window("Error in data", "Length must be written as HH:MM:SS", error=True)
        return None

        album["year"] = int(ui.read_field(components["form_year"]))
    except ValueError:
        ui.open_msg_window("Error in data", "Release year must be an integer", error=True)
        return None

    return album

def edit(collection, index):
    album = read_form(collection[index].copy())
    if album:
        collection[index] = album
        return True
    return False

def add(collection):
    album = read_form({})
    if album:
        return True
    return False

def remove():
    index, contents = ui.read_selected(components["listbox"])
    if index != None:
        ui.remove_list_row(components["listbox"], index)

def edit_fields(album):
    print("Current information:")
    print("{artist}, {album}, {no_tracks}, {length}, {year}".format(**album))
    print("Choose a field to edit by entering its number. Leave empty to stop.")
    print("1 - artist")
    print("2 - album title")
    print("3 - number of tracks")
    print("4 - album length")
    print("5 - release year")
    while True:
        field = input("Select field (1-5): ")
        if not field:
        elif field == "1":
            album["artist"] = input("Artist name: ")
        elif field == "2":
            album["album"] = input("Album title: ")
        elif field == "3":
            album["no_tracks"] = prompt_number("Number of tracks: ")
        elif field == "4":
            album["length"] = prompt_time("Album length: ")
        elif field == "5":
            album["year"] = prompt_number("Release year: ")
            print("Field does not exist")            

def show(collection):
    for i, album in enumerate(collection):
        ui.add_list_row(components["listbox"], format_row(album, i + 1))

def format_row(album, i):
    return (
        f"{i:2}. "
        f"{album['artist']} - {album['album']} ({album['year']}) "
        f"[{album['no_tracks']}] [{album['length'].lstrip('0:')}]"

def organize(collection):
    print("Choose a field to use for sorting the collection by inputting the corresponding number")
    print("1 - artist")
    print("2 - album title")
    print("3 - number of tracks")
    print("4 - album length")
    print("5 - release year")
    field = input("Choose field  (1-5): ")
    order = input("Order; (a)scending or (d)escending: ").lower()
    if order == "d":
        reverse = True
        reverse = False
    if field == "1":
        collection.sort(key=select_artist, reverse=reverse)
    elif field == "2":
        collection.sort(key=select_title, reverse=reverse)
    elif field == "3":
        collection.sort(key=select_no_tracks, reverse=reverse)
    elif field == "4":
        collection.sort(key=select_length, reverse=reverse)
    elif field == "5":
        collection.sort(key=select_year, reverse=reverse)
        print("Field doesn't exist")

def construct_collection(folder):
        components["collection"] = sniffer.read_collection(folder)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("Folder not found")

def read_arguments(arguments):
    if len(arguments) >= 3:
        source = arguments[1]
        target = arguments[2]
        return source, target
    elif len(arguments) == 2:
        source = arguments[1]
        return source, source
        return None, None

def open_load_window():
    path = ui.open_file_dialog("Select collection file (JSON)")

def open_save_window():
    path = ui.open_save_dialog("Choose filename (JSON)")
    save_collection(state["collection"], path)

def open_construct_window():
    path = ui.open_folder_dialog("Select music collection root folder")

def open_add_window():
    state["action"] = ADD

def open_edit_window():
    place = prefill_form()
    state["action"] = EDIT
    state["selected"] = place

def save_form():
    if state["action"] == ADD:
        success = add(state["collection"])
        place = len(state["collection"]) - 1
    elif state["action"] == EDIT:
        place = state["selected"]
        success = edit(state["collection"], place)
        if success:
            ui.remove_list_row(components["listbox"], place)
            state["selected"] = None

    if success:
            format_row(state["collection"][place], place + 1),
        state["action"] = NOT_SELECTED

def prefill_form():
    index, contents = ui.read_selected(components["listbox"])
    album = state["collection"][index]
    ui.write_field(components["form_artist"], album["artist"])
    ui.write_field(components["form_album"], album["album"])
    ui.write_field(components["form_no_tracks"], album["no_tracks"])
    ui.write_field(components["form_length"], album["length"])
    ui.write_field(components["form_year"], album["year"])
    return index

def quit():

def create_window():
    # Main window creation
    window = ui.create_window("Collection Manager 0.1 alpha")
    button_frame = ui.create_frame(window, ui.LEFT)
    collection_frame = ui.create_frame(window, ui.LEFT)
    ui.create_button(button_frame, "Load", open_load_window)
    ui.create_button(button_frame, "Construct", open_construct_window)
    ui.create_button(button_frame, "Save", open_save_window)
    ui.create_horiz_separator(button_frame, 5)
    ui.create_button(button_frame, "Add", open_add_window)
    ui.create_button(button_frame, "Remove", remove)
    ui.create_button(button_frame, "Edit", open_edit_window)
    ui.create_horiz_separator(button_frame, 5)
    ui.create_button(button_frame, "Quit", quit)
    components["listbox"] = ui.create_listbox(collection_frame)

    # Subwindow creation
    album_form = ui.create_subwindow("Album information")
    field_frame = ui.create_frame(album_form, ui.TOP)
    button_frame = ui.create_frame(album_form, ui.TOP)
    label_frame = ui.create_frame(field_frame, ui.LEFT)
    input_frame = ui.create_frame(field_frame, ui.LEFT)
    ui.create_label(label_frame, "Artist")
    components["form_artist"] = ui.create_textfield(input_frame)
    ui.create_label(label_frame, "Album")
    components["form_album"] = ui.create_textfield(input_frame)
    ui.create_label(label_frame, "No. tracks")
    components["form_no_tracks"] = ui.create_textfield(input_frame)
    ui.create_label(label_frame, "Length")
    components["form_length"] = ui.create_textfield(input_frame)
    ui.create_label(label_frame, "Release year")
    components["form_year"] = ui.create_textfield(input_frame)
    ui.create_button(button_frame, "Save", save_form)
    components["album_form"] = album_form

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #source, target = read_arguments(sys.argv)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("Program was interrupted, collection was not saved.")

The Very Final Words

Four long materials later we've come from basic functionality of a calculator to programs that approach magic. With just a couple of clicks the program can find all albums from the computer's music library on the hard drive - a feature that exists in modern music player applications as well. While doing all this we discovered that thousands of lines of code were not needed, and we didn't even need anything particularly difficult (relative, admittedly). It's all a matter of putting together small pieces one after the other, creating a much larger whole. The result may feel like magic, but ultimately it was just a clean, systemic process. The most important thing is to not tackle too big of a problem at once.
Of course when reading the examples it may seem that answers are found a bit too easily. However, it's not really about how quickly the answers are found - it's more about asking small enough questions. That way the answers will also be small, and the code will become orgnized in a manageable way. If you look at the code examples, the longest function is only 40 lines, and all individual features of the program are made with quite simple structures. Of course it's possible to go deeper and create more complex code, but why bother? Complex code can be entertaining to write in itself, but in efficient programming simplicity is a virtue.
The things in this material were mostly to fill some holes that were not covered by the first three. It is quite hard to do anything productive without using modules. However, Python's built-in modules can go quite far. But when you run out of means, it's good to keep in mind that someone else has probably already solved your problem, unless it is very specific. Even those cases are usually just special cases for a more generic problem that someone has solved. This was seen in the examples: we found existing solutions for both data storage and music file metadata reading - one inside Python, and we didn't have to go that far to find the other either.
At the very end we saw a glimpse of programming that's a bit more modern than terminal programs. Admittedly we went beyond basics in this section, but it's hard to get far in modern programming without knowing anything about handler functions and their friends. Then again, if you know just a little bit about them, a lot of doors are opened - modern libraries can do really impressive things with the most basic knowledge in relatively short time. Overall your creativity is not hindered nearly as much with implementation details as it would be if you tried to do everything yourself.
After the last material fades away all that's left are the final exercises, and of course the course project. At this point you possess everything you need to complete the project, and some initial planning has already been done. With a systematic approach the course project should not be that herculean of a task. It can definitely take some effort, especially if some answers don't come to you immediately. But as long as you don't tackle too big problems at once, you shouldn't trip yourself, and even the slowest progress becomes progress. Just follow the plan, one small piece at a time, and remember to test your program at every turn to make sure it does what you thought it should do. If you always make progress, conquering the world is just around the corner.

Image Sources

  1. original license: public domain (caption added)
  2. original license: CC-BY-NC 2.0 (caption added)
  3. original license: CC-BY-NC 2.0 (caption added)
  4. original license: CC-BY 2.0 (caption added)
  5. original license: public domain (caption added)
  1. Description
  2. Examples
Absolute path is an operating system term that refers to the full "address" of a file or folder. Absolute path is written starting from the disk root. When absolute path is used, the current directory does not matter. Absolute paths are usually avoided in code - especially in applications that are meant to be shared. Another user is very unlikely to have the exact same folder structure as the application's developer. In particular if an absolute path refers to the user's home folder, it is very likely not going to be the same for another user.
Ajonaikaisesta (engl. run time) puhuttaessa määreenä on se aikaväli, kun ohjelma on käynnissä. Esimerkiksi Pythonissa virheet (syntaksivirheitä lukuun ottamatta) tarkastetaan ajonaikaisesti. Ohjelma saattaa siis olla käynnissä ja toimia tiettyyn pisteeseen saakka, kunnes törmätään käsittelemättömään poikkeukseen – ajonaikaiseen virheeseen (engl. run time error).
  1. Description
  2. Esimerkit
Alustamisella (engl. initialize) tarkoitetaan yleisesti jonkin arvon asettamista muuttujalle muuttujan luonnin yhteydessä. Pythonissa ei ole mahdollista luoda muuttujaa, jolla ei ole myös jotain arvoa. Niinpä tyypillisesti käytetäänkin sanamuotoa ”muuttuja alustetaan arvolla x”, millä tarkoitetaan sitä, että muuttuja, joka luodaan, saa luomisen yhteydessä (eikä vasta joskus myöhemmin) arvon x.
  1. Description
  2. Esimerkit
Argumentti (engl. argument) on funktiokutsussa käytettävä arvo, joka välitetään kutsuttavalle funktiolle. Funktiokutsun alkaessa argumentit sijoitetaan parametreiksi kutsuttuihin muuttujiin, joiden kautta arvoihin pääsee funktion sisällä käsiksi.
Arvo (engl. value) on konkreettista, tietokoneen muistissa sijaitsevaa tietoa, jota käytetään ohjelman suorituksen aikana. Arvoilla on tyyppi ja sisältö; esimerkiksi numero 5 on tyypiltään kokonaisluku, jonka sisältö on 5. Useimmiten arvot liitetään muuttujiin, mutta myös operaatioiden ja funktiokutsujen paluuarvot sekä koodissa sellaisenaan esiintyvät arvot ovat arvoja. Käytännössä siis kaikkea konkreettista mitä ohjelma käsittelee voidaan kutsua arvoiksi.
Assignment is related to variables and values. A typical figure of speech is "assigning to a variable" which means giving a certain value to a variable (e.g. x = 5). More specifically, in Python, assignment to a variable means creating a connection between the name and value of the variable - the variable is a way to find the value.
Similar expressions that can be used to mean the same thing are: "saving to a variable", "storing to a variable", "referring to a variable", "stuffing a value into a variable"... etc.
Assignment operator i.e. the = character is used for variable assignment. When using the operator, the target variable must always be on the left side and the value (or statement that produces the value) on the right side.
Attribute is a value that belong to an object, sometimes also called property. It's a name that belongs to the object's internal namespace and it can be accessed through the object: timestamp.tm_hour would read the hours from a timestamp.
  1. Description
  2. Kurssin avainsanat
Avainsanat (engl. keyword) ovat ohjelmointikielessä kielen käyttöön varattuja sanoja, joilla on erityinen merkitys. Hyvät tekstieditorit tyypillisesti merkitsevät avainsanat muista nimistä eroavalla tavalla (esimerkiksi lihavoinnilla tai tietyllä värillä). Avainsanat ovat yleensä suojattuja, eli samannimisiä muuttujia ei voi luoda. Yleisiä avainsanoja Pythonissa ovat esimerkiksi funktioihin liittyvät def ja return. Avainsanat ovat siis osa ohjelmointikielen kielioppia.
Boolean is the most simple data type in programming languages because it has only two values: true (True in Python) and false (False in Python). Things like comparison operators return booleans, and they are often used in conditional statements and while loops. In Python all values are equivalent to one of the boolean values. Generally all so called empty values (0, "", None etc.) are equal to False while the rest are equal to True.
  1. Description
  2. Extra info
Boolean operator refers to Boolean algebra which deals in values of truthfulness. These operations include and, not, and or - all familiar from conditional statements. Out of these and is True if and only if both operands are True; or is True if at least one operand is True; and not is True is its sole operand is False.
Branch is an execution path in the program that is mutually exclusive with other branches in the same control structure. For example in a conditional structure each if, elif and else define their own branches and only of them is executed.
Bug is an error in the program's source code. As the result of a bug the program either doesn't start at all, crashes during execution, doesn't work correctly in some situations, or can even cause severe security issues. Careful programming and testing - including rare edge cases - reduces the probability of bugs. Tracking down the part of code that causes a bug and fixing it is called debugging.
Buitin functions are function that are included in the Python core. They can always be used without importing any modules or libraries.
Callback is a common mechanism, especially in modern programming, where another part of the program - often made by someone else - is given a function it is to call during its execution. If a normal function call is like a phone call, a callback is a like a call request. If a part of the program uses a callback, it usually described what kind of a function it accepts - especially what parameters the function can/must have and what kind of a value it should return.
Where UNIX-based systems produce \n characters (newline) to indicate line breaks, Windows uses \r\n where the r is a carriage return character. It's a remnant from mechanical typewriters, and indicates the procedure of physically moving the typewriter head to the beginning of the line. In general this is just something that's good to know - Python treats both line breaks quite nicely.
Code block or block is a term used for liens of codes that belong to the same context. A block is formed of lines that have the same indentation level (although a block can also contain other blocks). Typical blocks are the executable parts of conditional structures i.e. the indented code lines that follow a condition. A block ends when a line with less indentation than ones belonging to the block is encountered.
Code file is a text file that contains executable code. A Python code file can be ran from the terminal by typing python code.py where code.py is the file's name. When you run a code file the return values of individual lines are not shown unless they have been specfically rpinted.
  1. Description
  2. Material example
  3. Basic use
Command line argument or parameter is a name used for additional information that is passed to a terminal program when it's started. Command line arguments are typically separated by spaces. E.g. in python code.py, code.py is actually a command line argument. Command line arguments can be accessed in Python from the sys module's argv variable.
Comparison operators are used for comparing values to one another. They are familiar from mathematics and can be used to compare size. Comparison operators return a boolean value, True or False, depending on the result of the comparison. Comparison operators are: <, <=, >, >=, == and !=
Comparison values are used e.g. in sorting lists. A comparison value is a value derived from a list item that is used instead of the item itself in sorting. For instance, if a list contains lists, a comparison value can be an item taken from a certain index of each inner list. It can also be a more complex derivative such as the sum of items or their mean value.
  1. Description
  2. Examples
Condition is used in this course to refer to the part of conditional statements and while loops that defines when the statement is true. Anything between the keyword that starts the stamement and the colon that ends it is basically its condition.
  1. Description
  2. Examples
Conditional statement is a line of code that defines a single condition, followed by an indented code block which defines what should be done if the condition is true. Conditional statements include if and elif statements, the latter of which cannot be present without the former. Conditional statements that are linked together form conditional structures. A conditional statement must always end with a colon and it must be followed with at least one indented code line.
  1. Description
  2. Examples
Conditional structure is a structure that consists of one or more conditional statements that branches program execution. Most of them have at least two branches: if and else. Between the two there can also be an indefinite number of branches under elif statements. It is also possible to have nothing but a single if statement in a structure. Each branch in a conditional structure has at least some code that defines what the program does in a situation falling under a condition.
As a whole a conditional structure is interpreted by checking the truthfulness of the first branch (if). If it evaluates to True, program execution continues to the code block inside the statement after which execution skips the rest of the structure. If it evaluates to False, other branches will be evaluated in sequence until one of them is True, or if none of them are, the else branch is executed.
  1. Description
  2. Examples
Constant is a named literal value. They are used especially when the same literal value is used repeatedly in a program. Named constants are also just in general more practical in code than seemingly arbitrary literal values because its meaning can be derived from its name. Likewise if the value needs to be changed it is much easier if you only need to change it in one place (where it's defined). Python doesn't actually have a way to define "real" constants - they are simply variables. The difference is implied by writing constant names in full upper case. E.g THE_ANSWER = 42.
Control structure is a common name for different programming structures that control the program flow in some way. Within this course this includes conditional structures, loops and exception handling.
Data (engl. data) on ohjelmoinnin asiayhteydessä mitä vaan tietoa, joka ei kuitenkaan yleisesti kata itse ohjelmakoodia. Yleensä datasta puhuttaessa tarkoitetaan yksittäisiä literaaliarvoja, muuttujien sisältämää tietoa tai jostain tietolähteestä (kuten tiedostosta tai verkko-osoitteesta) luettua tai sinne kirjoitettua tietoa. Nyrkkisääntönä voi kuitenkin pitää sitä, että koodi ja data ovat eri asioita, ja koodi käsittelee dataa. (Joissain yhteyksissä koodikin lasketaan dataksi, mutta näihin ei tällä kurssilla syvennytä.)
Data format is the "syntax" of a data file, and it defines how data has been saved to the file. Data format also defines what kind of data can be stored in the file. The basic idea of each data format is to enable the saving of data structures in a program in some format that also makes it possible to load them back in later. A data format can be based on some existing standard (e.g. JSON) but ultimately it's the programmer's responsibility to choose what data is relevant for the program and how to best represent it.
Data structure is a common name for collections that contain multiple values. The purpose of a data structure is to store data that consists of more than one value. There are various ways to make a data structure and each of them convenient means for adding, removing and modifying values. Data structures implement a way to bundle data together. Generally the difficult details involved have been hidden from the programmer.
Choosing data structures that serve the purposes of your program and are easy to handle in your code is essential. The most common structures in Python are list, tuple and dictionary. Another convenient structure is set which doesn't contain duplicate values. In addition to built-in structures, more can be found from the collections module.
On later courses you'll also become familiar with other important structures like trees and graphs.
Debugging is the process of hunting down and fixing programming errors i.e. bugs. There are many ways to track down bugs. One of the more common ones in Python is the error message it shows when a program crashes. Another common method to find errors is the use of debug prints. This means putting additional print function calls in the code temporarily to either see how far the code gets or what kinds of values variables have. Debugging is such an important part of programming that there are even specific debugging tools that have been developed. We don't use them on this course however.
Default value is a value that can be defined for a function parameter. It will be used for that parameter's value if its corresponding argument has not been given in a function call. E.g. in def prompt_length(question, maximum=10): function definition, the maximum parameter has been made optional by giving it the default value of 10.
  1. Description
  2. Definition
  3. Value lookup
  4. Modifying dictionaries
Dictionary is a data structure that assigns keys (usually strings) to its values. The advantage of using dictionaries is that descriptively named keys make code that handles the data structure much easier to read. Starting from Python 3.7 dictionary keys and values are guaranteed to be in the order they were added.
In Python docstring is a comment-like entity but it has a special meaning. A docstring is usually delimited with triple quotes (i.e. '''document''' or """document""". If a docstring is placed immediately below a function's def statement (indented!), it becomes the function's documentation that is shown with the help function. Likewise a docstring placed at the very beginning of a code file becomes the module's documentation. A good doctstring describes what a function does, and explains its parameters and return values.
Docstrings should not be used as comments! Outside of the aforementioned places, commenting should be done with actual comments (lines starting with #).
Epätosi (engl. false) on toinen kahdesta mahdollisesta totuusarvosta ja toisen, eli toden, vastakohta. Sitä voidaan pitää lopputuloksena loogisissa ja vertailuoperaatorioissa, jotka eivät pidä paikkansa. Esimerkiksi vertailuoperaatio 5 < 4 ei pidä paikkansa, joten kyseinen operaatio evaluoituu epätodeksi. Pythonissa epätotta merkitään avainsanalla False.
  1. Description
  2. Examples
Error message is the Python interpreter's way of informing about an exception in a program. The error message contains information about where in the program the exception happened, which line caused the exception, the exception's type (e.g. SyntaxError) and a short verbal description. Error messages are your best friends and reading them is a very integral programming skill. Don't be afraid of them, they are only there to help you find out what's wrong in the code!
Escape in programming terms means interpreting a character in an exceptional way. For instance "n" is just the letter n but "\n" is a newline character. In this example the backslash character \ causes the normal interpretation of the n character to be escaped and replaced by another interpretation. The backslash functions as an escape character. One typical use is including " in a string that's delimited with ": "donkey ear interval is 14\""
Evaluointi (engl. evaluation) tarkoittaa lausekkeen tai muuttujan arvon lopputuloksen määrittämistä. Suoritettaessa lauseet evaluoituvat joksikin tietyksi arvoksi.
Event is a programming cocept that is generally used in the context of interactive applications that run in real time. These applications usually have a main loop that monitors for events. Events include: user clicks with the mouse, user presses a key, a certain amount of time has passed etc. Handler functions can be attached to events, and they will be called whenever the event is detected. This makes programming of interactive programs much easier because there's no need to worry about how actions on the screen are detected when implementing the application itself.
  1. Description
  2. Examples
Exception is a scenario in programming where the program cannot proceed as instructed. Exceptions have a type (e.g. TypeError) that can be used in handling the exception within the program. Type can also be useful when trying to solve the issue if it is not intended. In most cases exceptions also come with a message that gives more details about what caused the issue. In Python exceptions are handled with try-except structures.
Exception is the base class of most common exceptions. We also call it the Pokémon exception because if you use it in a try-except structure it will catch all the exceptions. In most cases this is not a good thing. It makes interpreting problem situations more difficult for both the user, and you, the developer. The latter is due to the fact that it will also catch any mistakes you made in your code, and you won't get any useful information when the program isn't behaving correctly.
Execution or running means going through a program or code snippet so that the instructions written within are carried out by the computer. Python interpreter executes code one statement at a time. While this is ongoing the program is "running". Execution ends when there is no more code to run, there's an unrecoverable error or when the program ends itself.
File extension is the part of the file's name that is on the right side of the last period in the name. They are commonly used for indicating file types. Image files for instance often have .png or .jpg as their extension. Python code files usually have .py at the end (e.g. donkeyswings.py).
File handle is a special object that Python uses to refer to an opened file. Most important note is that the handle is not the same as the file's contents - the handle can be used to read the contents, or write to the file. A file handle is obtained with the open function with the file's location (path) and the opening as arguments. E.g. with open("donkey.txt", "r") as somefile: opens donkey.txt inside a with statement (where files usually should be opened), with somefile as the file handle.
Filename is the name of a file that consists of the file's actual name and a file extension. For instance, donkeyswings.py is a complete filename where the given name is donkeyswings and the extension is .py.
Inside code, filenames are always strings.
  1. Description
  2. Conversions
Floating point number or float is an approximation for decimal numbers used by computers. Computers can't handle real decimal numbers due to their architecture, and that leaves us with floats. Floats can occasionally cause rounding errors - something to keep in mind. Python has a module for handling decimal numbers more accurately, called decimal.
  1. Description
  2. Examples
  3. Choosing parameters
The format method of strings is a powerful way in Python to insert values of variables into text that is either printed or saved to a file. Formatting works by defining placeholders in strings (e.g. {:.2f}) for marking spots where the format method arguments will be placed. Example: "Interval between donkey's ears is {:.2f}".format(measurement).
Note: format is an older way for general string formatting. Using f strings is a more modern way. However, there are still uses for the good old format method too.
  1. Description
  2. Examples
Function is an independent part of a program that consists of the defining line (with the def statement) and the lines of code that defines the function's behavior. Functions are used to clarify program structure and to reduce redundancy. Functions communicate with each other and the main program through their parameters and return values. Variables (including parameters) defined inside a function cannot be accessed from outside the function. Likewise functions should not read values outside of their own scope.
  1. Description
  2. Examples
Function call is a procedure where the program's execution "jumps" to another location in the code - to the beginning of the function that is being called. When a function is called it is given a varying number of arguments - values that are assigned to parameters defined in corresponding positions in the function definition. A function's execution ends when a return statement is encountered or there are no more lines inside the function's code to execute. When this happens, the program's execution returns to the line where the function was called, and the function call itself is "replaced" by the function's return value.
In short function calls allow one part of the program to utilize another part - e.g. the main program can use a function, or a function can use another function.
  1. Description
  2. Examples
Functions are defined with the def statement which specifies the name of the function and the names its parameters. Choosing these is an essential part of writing generally useful functions. The name should describe what the function does accurately but shortly. Parameter names should be chosen so that it's easy to deduce what kinds of values they will take as arguments. The function's code is indented inside the def statement as its own block. A function code can - and often does - include multiple lines. It can also include further indentations (like control structures).
  1. Description
  2. Examples
Generator is a special type of object that works like a list in, for example, a for loop. However, it's not a series of values in memory like a list would be, but a special function that produces values in a lazy way, yielding a new one whenever it is called. Because of this it's not possible to show the "contents" of a generator, and it's not subscribable with indices. Generators are not included in beginner level courses.
  1. Description
  2. Esimerkit
  3. Tilasanakirjat
Globaali muuttuja (engl. global variable) on pääohjelman tasolla esitelty muuttuja, jota muokataan suoraan funktiossa tuomatta sitä funktion nimiavaruuteen parametrin kautta. Globaalien muuttujien käyttö on huonoa ohjelmointityyliä, ja niiden sijaan tietoa kuuluisikin kuljettaa funktioille argumentteina ja ottaa funktiolta vastaan paluuarvoina muutettuja arvoja. Näin tekemällä välttää niin kutsutun globaalin tilan, joka huonontaa koodin ymmärrettävyyttä.
Global scope encompasses all names (variables, functions etc.) that have been defined on the main program level. All names that belong to the global scope can be accessed from anywhere in the program code. However they can only be assigned new values in the main program level. In general functions should only use constants and other functions from the global scope. Main program variables should always be passed to functions through parameters.
A handler function is a function that has been connected to an event so that when the event occurs, the function is called. This often means that the handler is not called from within the same code file or module it was defined in, and instead it works as a callback. Handlers are often related to user interface and game libraries where the program's main loop is running inside the library and monitors events. In this scenario handlers are the actual application's means of implementing their functionality through events. Because the application's writer cannot influence how handlers are called, handler parameters and return values must match the requirements set by the library.
  1. Description
  2. Esimerkit
Hypystä (engl. jump) puhuttaessa tarkoitetaan ohjausrakenteen aiheuttamaa siirtymistä, jonka jälkeen ohjelman suoritus jatkuukin jostain muualta kuin seuraavalta koodiriviltä.