Starting instructions for self study¶
Logging into Lovelace¶
Lovelace belongs within the university's authentication system. Click the top right "Log in" link and click the "To login page" link underneath "Sign in with university account". External students who have not received a university account can create a separate Lovelace account. To avoid conflicts, this self-created account cannot be an email address. If needed, check out the university's general sign in guide.
Registration in Lovelace¶
In order to answer to tasks in this course, you need to enroll for the course in Lovelace. Go to the front page and click the enroll button underneath the Elementary Programming Autumn 2022 course. Once you have enrolled you should receive an email that contains two important links for the course. This email will be sent to the address you have in your Peppi data. If your account is new, that address should be the one given to you by the university. For old accounts it can be another personal address.
You have two options for getting assistance during the course:
- The course area in ITEE's Discord server is the best way to ask for help remotely. Invitation to the Discrod server is included in the welcome email. The landing channel contains instructions on how to join course area(s).
- Email can also be used but only for specific questions. If you need more broad help with an exercise, email is the wrong place to ask as it is not interactive enough.
. We will not answer to inquiries in the line of "I don't know what to do in this exercise" via email - these questions should be presented in the exercises or Discord.
When asking via chat or email, the preferred way of sharing your answer with the TA is to give them the link to the answer you just sent. This link can only be opened by you and the course staff, so it can be safely shared in a public channel. You can copy the link to your clipboard by pressing the button next to the checker's result message. If it's copied successfully, you should see "Link copied!" pop up next to the button. If you cannot copy the link this way, click the button white right mouse button and choose "Copy link" or similar.
If you have already submitted your answer and closed the page, you can also find your answers page from the left side info box. Open the link and copy-paste the page address to the TA when asking your question. This link is also safe to share.

If a TA cannot answer your question without a link to your answer, we will not try to locate your answer from Lovelace - instead, we'll only reply by requesting you to send the said link.