Course Grading¶
The course is evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5. The grade is based on completed tasks and course project scores. In addition there are two grading conditions that are not directly dependent on points: requirement for passing the course, and requirement for getting a grade higher than 1.
In short the course can be completed in three different ways, with different grade expectations. Choose your track according to your personal goals.
- No project: The any% speedrun of the course where only mandatory tasks are completed, grade expectation 1
- Small project: Submitting the required tasks, and a small course project, grade expectation 2-3
- Big project: Submitting a big project and its related build-up exercises, grade expectation 4-5
Minimum Requirements for Completion¶
Regardless of points collected from tasks, you cannot receive a grade for he course until the following requirements are met:
- correct evaluation from all material tasks except ones at the end of the fourth material after the "Graphical Brilliance" heading;
- correct evaluation from all review page tasks
- correct evaluation from all general exercises, which means getting an answer worth at least 1 point (course project exercises are not required)
The course project is not a mandatory part of completing the course. At the moment mandatory tasks have not been marked in Lovelace in any way, but we might add that feature during Autumn. Note that if you return a mandatory task late, it is still sufficient, even though it is only worth half of the points.
Exercise Scoring¶
All material and review tasks are worth one point. Exercises are typically worth 3 points, given in the following way:
- 1 point if the program as a whole works as specified
- 1 point if all individual functions work as specified
- If the program gets at least one of the above points, it can also get an extra point if the style score is 9+
- Tasks that are worth 4 points have more varying scoring criteria
You are allowed to try the tasks as many times as you like.
In the Autumn contact teaching instance of the course all scored exercises have a deadline. Submissions after the deadline will only receive half of the points. The highest obtainbed score remains in effect. In other words if you have returned a 2 point answer before the deadline, you could still return a 3 point answer after the deadline, but it would not affect your score because it will be worth only 1.5 points.
The weekly tasks are worth 152 points in total. 129 of these come from tasks targeted at everyone and 23 from course project specific tasks.
Course Project Scoring¶
The course project will be evaluated at the end of the course. The criteria can be found from the left side of each project return box, behind the "Evaluation Criteria" link.
For big projects the total points is 152 of which 52 are given based on the program's functionality, and the remaining 100 based on quality of the solution and code. 20 points of the quality come from Pylint, the rest are assessed by the reviewer.
For small projects the total points is 100 of which 40 are given based on the program's functionality, and the remaining 60 based on quality of the solution and code. 15 points of the quality come from Pylint, the rest are assessed by the reviewer.
Course grading will be based on the grading table below. However, please note that if you have not submitted a course project, the highest grade you can get is 1. Points from tasks are only counted if you have submitted an accepted course project. Point thresholds for grades are presented in the table below.
grade | score | description |
1 | - | Student has done only the mandatory tasks and has only shallow knowledge of programming |
2 | 220+ | Student has submitted a small course project that functions mostly correctly |
3 | 290+ | The student has submitted a well-made small project, or a big project that is lacking in many ways |
4 | 360+ | The student has submitted a big project, or done an exceptional small project as well as the project topic related exercise tasks |
5 | 410+ | The student has submitted a big project that fulfills all requirements and has high quality code |