  1. A
    1. API Blueprint
    2. Addressability
    3. Ajax
    4. Anonymous Function
    5. App Context
  2. B
    1. Blueprint
    2. Business Logic
  3. C
    1. CORS
    2. Callback
    3. Client
    4. Column
    5. Column Attribute
    6. Components Object
    7. Connectedness
    8. Control
    9. Converter
    10. Cookie
    11. Credentials
  4. D
    1. DOM
    2. Database Schema
    3. Decorator
  5. E
    1. Element
    2. Entry Point
  6. F
    1. Fixture
    2. Flask App
    3. Foreign Key
  7. G
    1. Generic Client
  8. H
    1. HTTP Method
    2. HTTP Request
    3. Hash
    4. Header
    5. Host Part
    6. Hypermedia
  9. I
    1. Idempotent
    2. Info Object
    3. Instance Folder
  10. J
    1. JSON
    2. JSON Schema
  11. L
    1. Link Relation
  12. M
    1. MIME Type
    2. Migration
    3. Model Class
  13. N
    1. Namespace
  14. O
    1. ORM
    2. OpenAPI
    3. Operation Object
  15. P
    1. Pagination
    2. Path Parameter
    3. Primary Key
    4. Profile
  16. Q
    1. Query
    2. Query Parameter
  17. R
    1. Regular Expression
    2. Request
    3. Request Body
    4. Request Object
    5. Resource
    6. Resource Class
    7. Resource Representation
    8. Response
    9. Response Body
    10. Response Object
    11. Rollback
    12. Routing
    13. Route
    14. Row
  18. S
    1. SQL
    2. Serialization
    3. Static Content
    4. Swagger
  19. T
    1. Table
    2. Test Setup
    3. Test Teardown
  20. U
    1. URI
    2. URL Template
    3. Uniform Interface
    4. Unique Constraint
  21. V
    1. View Function
    2. Virtualenv
  22. W
    1. Web API
  23. Y
    1. YAML
Ratkaistu: / tehtävää

Learning outcomes and material

During this exercise students will learn how to implement a RESTful clients and services that communicate with each other, and how to take advantage of hypermedia in that communication.

Introduction Lecture

Can be found here

Implementing Hypermedia Clients

In this final exercise we're visiting the other side of the API puzzle: the clients. We've been discussing the advantages
has for client developers for quite a bit. Now it's time to show how to actually implement these mythical clients. This exercise material has two parts: in the first one we make a fully automated machine client (Python script). In the second part we'll go over another means of communication between services using task queues with RabbitMQ.

API Clients with Python

Our first client is a submission script that manages its local MP3 files and compares their metadata against ones stored in the API. If local files have data that the API is missing, it automatically adds that data. If there's a conflict it just notifies a human user about it and asks their opinion - this is not an AI course after all.
Learning goals: Using Python's requests library to make
HTTP requests


Another exercise, another set of Python modules. We're using Requests for making API calls. Another module that is used in the latter half of the exercise is Pika, a RabbitMQ library for Python. Installation into your virtual environment as usual.
pip install requests
pip install pika
In order to test the examples in this material, you will need to run the MusicMeta API. By now we expect you to know how to do that. The code is unchanged from the end of the previous exercise, but is provided below for convenience.

Using Requests

The basic use of Requests is quite simple and very similar to using Flask's test client. The biggest obvious difference is that now we're actually making a
HTTP request
. Like the test client, Requests also has a function for each
HTTP method
. These functions also take similar arguments: URL as a mandatory first argument, then keyword arguments like headers, params and data (for
query parameters
request body
respectively). It also has a keyword argument json as a shortcut or sending a Python dictionary as JSON. For example, to get artists collection:
In [1]: import requests
In [2]: SERVER_URL = "http://localhost:5000"
In [3]: resp = requests.get(SERVER_URL + "/api/artists/")
In [4]: body = resp.json()
For another example, here is how to send a POST request, and read the Location header afterward:
In [5]: import json
In [6]: data = {"name": "PassCode", "location": "Osaka, JP"}
In [7]: resp = requests.post(SERVER_URL + "/api/artists/", json=data)
In [8]: resp.headers["Location"]
Out[8]: '/api/artists/passcode/'

Request Deleted

We didn't show you how to send a DELETE request. As you might have guessed, this means we're going to ask you how to do it.
Learning goals: How to write a HTTP request using requests, a DELETE request in particular.

Assuming that the
host part
of the URL is stored in a constant called SERVER_URL, write a code line that deletes the album Hypnagogia by Evoken. Check the MusicMeta swagger documentation if you don't remember how.
Remember the artist name should be in lower case, while the album is written as-is (capitalized).
Write the code line below, using requests.
Varoitus: Et ole kirjautunut sisään. Et voi vastata.
Often when making requests using
controls the client should use the method included in the
element. When doing this, using the request function is more convenient than using the method specific ones. Assuming we have the control as a dictionary called crtl:
In [10]: resp = requests.request(ctrl["method"], SERVER_URL + ctrl["href"])

Using Requests Sessions

Our intended client is expected to call the API a lot. Requests offers sessions which can help improve the performance of the client by reusing TCP connections. It can also set persistent
which is helpful in sending the Accept header, as well as authentication tokens for APIs that use them. Sessions should be used as context managers using with statement to ensure that the session is closed.
In [1]: import requests
In [2]: SERVER_URL = "http://private-xxxxx-yourapiname.apiary-mock.com"
In [3]: with requests.Session() as s:
   ...:     s.headers.update({"Accept": "application/vnd.mason+json"})
   ...:     resp = s.get(SERVER_URL + "/api/artists/")
With this setup, when using the session object to send
HTTP requests
, all the session headers are automatically included. Any headers defined in the request method call are added on top of the session headers (taking precedence in case of conflict).

Basic Client Actions

The client code we're about to see makes some relatively sane assumptions about the API. First of all, it works with the assumption that
link relations
that are promised in the API
state diagram are present in the representations sent by the API. Furthermore it trusts that the API will not send broken
JSON schema
. It will also have issues if new mandatory fields are added for POST and PUT requests (but we'll make it easy to update in this regard).
We're not going to show the full code here, only the parts that actually interact with the API (but you can download the full code later). Furthermore, while the client was tested with actual MP3 files, it might be easier for you to simply fake the tag data by creating a data class with necessary attributes, e.g. (only in Python 3.7. or newer)
from dataclasses import dataclass

class Tag:
    title: str
    album: str
    track: int
    year: str
    disc: int
    disc_total: int
In older Python versions you need to make a normal class and write the __init__ method yourself (data classes implement this kind of __init__ automatically).
class Tag:

    def __init__(self, title, album, track, year, disc=1, disc_total=1):
        self.title = title
        self.album = album
        self.track = track
        self.disc = disc
        self.disc_total = disc_total
        self.year = year
Learning goals: How to navigate an API with an automated client, and send requests. Taking advantage of hypermedia to implement dynamic clients.

Client Workflow

The submission script works by going through the local collection with the following order of processing:
  1. check first artist
  2. check first album by first artist
  3. check each track on first album
  4. check second album by first artist
and so on, creating artists, albums and tracks as needed. It also compares data and submits differences. It trusts the local curator more than the API, always submitting the local side as the correct version. However when it doesn't have data for some field, it uses the API side value. Since MP3 files don't have metadata about artists, it uses "TBA" for the location field (because it is mandatory).

GETting What You Need

The key principles of navigating a
API are:
  1. start at the
    entry point
  2. follow the
    link relations
    that will lead to your goal
This way your client doesn't give two hoots even if the API changed its
arbitrarily on a daily basis, as long as the resource state diagram remains unchanged. Our submission script needs to start at the artist collection. However, instead of starting the script with a GET to /api/artists/, it should start digging at the entry point /api/ and find the correct URI for the collection it's looking for by looking at the "href" attribute of the "mumeta:artists-all"
With this in mind, this is how the client should start its interaction with the API:
    with requests.Session() as s:
        s.headers.update({"Accept": "application/vnd.mason+json"})
        resp = s.get(API_URL + "/api/")
        if resp.status_code != 200:
            print("Unable to access API.")
            body = resp.json()
            artists_href = body["@controls"]["mumeta:artists-all"]["href"]
This is the only time the entry point is visited. From now on we'll be navigating with the link relations of
resource representations
(starting with the artist collection's representation). With the artist collection at hand, we can start to check artists from the local collection one by one.
def check_artist(s, name, artists_href):
    resp = s.get(API_URL + artists_href)
    body = resp.json()
    artist_href = find_artist_href(name, body["items"])
    if artist_href is None:
        artist_href = create_artist(s, name, body["@controls"]["mumeta:add-artist"])

    resp = s.get(API_URL + artist_href)
    body = resp.json()
    albums_href = body["@controls"]["mumeta:albums-by"]["href"]
We've chosen to fetch the artist collection anew for each artist, for the off chance that the artist we're checking is added by another client while we were processing the previous one. The first order of things is to go through the "items" attribute and look if the artist is there. Remembering the non-uniqueness issue with artist names, our script falls back to the human user to make a decision in the event of finding more than one artist with the same name. Doing comparisons in lowercase avoids capitalization inconsistencies.
def find_artist_href(name, collection):
    name = name.lower()
    hits = []
    for item in collection:
        if item["name"].lower() == name:
    if len(hits) == 1:
        return hits[0]["@controls"]["self"]["href"]
    elif len(hits) >= 2:
        return prompt_artist_choice(hits)
        return None
Assuming we find the artist, we can now use the item's "self" link relation to proceed into the artist resource. This is only an intermediate step that is needed (according to the state diagram) in order to find the "mumeta:albums-by" control for this artist. This is the resource we need for checking the artist's albums. We have skipped exception handling because we trust the API to adhere to its own documentation (also for the sake of brevity).

Rat in the Maze

Hypermedia can also be used for dumb things like making mazes that can be navigated using link relations. Solving one with an automated client is good exercise, so we decided to do some cheese hiding into a rather large maze...
Learning goals: Making a
client that chains together GET requests using
link relations
to find what it needs.

What to do
We have an API server running in https://pwpcourse.eu.pythonanywhere.com. Its media type is Mason. The server only has one resource, which only supports GET, and an entry point at /api/. The resource is a room, and it has two attributes:
  • "handle": string, the room's unique identifier
  • "content": string, possible values: "" and "cheese"
In addition it can have up to four directional controls which represent transitions from one room to another. Corner rooms only have two, rooms along the edge only have three. The controls belong to the maze namespace.
  • "maze:north": head towards the wall; you probably know nothing
  • "maze:south": head to warmer climates
  • "maze:east": go towards the sunrise
  • "maze:west": go west where the skies are blue
In addition the entry point has one control from the maze namespace: "maze:entrance" which leads to the first room.

Your quest is to find the cheese. The "maze" is just a square grid, but it has a lot of rooms. Unless you feel like clicking through thousands of links manually, using an automated machine client is recommended. When you find the cheese, remember to print out the room's handle - it's your answer to this task.
Your client needs some minimal intelligence so that it goes through the rooms in some logical order (e.g. one row at a time). Please make sure your client doesn't get stuck in infinite loops. Your client is sending actual network traffic - don't flood the API.
Which room contains the cheese?
Varoitus: Et ole kirjautunut sisään. Et voi vastata.

Schematic POSTing

When something doesn't exist, the submission script needs to obviously send it to the API. We're skipping ahead a bit to creating albums and tracks. For both the data comes from MP3 tags (for albums we take the first track's tag as the source). The POST
request body
for both can also be composed in a similar manner thanks to
JSON schema
included in the
control. The basic idea is to go through properties in the schema and for each property:
  1. find the corresponding local value (i.e. MP3 tag field)
  2. convert the value into the correct format using the property's "type" and related fields (like "pattern" and "format" for strings)
  3. add the value to the
    message body
    using the property name
In the event that a corresponding value is not found, the client can check whether that property is required. If it's not required, it can be safely skipped. Otherwise the client needs to figure out (or ask a human user) how to determine the correct value. We've chosen not to implement this part in the example though. It would be relevant only if the API added new attributes to its resources.
As a reminder of what it looks like, here's the "mumeta:add-album" control from the the albums collection
"mumeta:add-album": {
    "href": "/api/artists/scandal/albums/",
    "title": "Add a new album for this artist",
    "encoding": "json",
    "method": "POST",
    "schema": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "title": {
                "description": "Album title",
                "type": "string"
            "release": {
                "description": "Release date",
                "type": "string",
                "pattern": "^[0-9]{4}-[01][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$"
            "genre": {
                "description": "Album's genre(s)",
                "type": "string"
            "discs": {
                "description": "Number of discs",
                "type": "integer",
                "default": 1
        "required": ["title", "release"]
As it turns out, we only need one function for constructing POST requests for both albums and tracks:
def create_with_mapping(s, tag, ctrl, mapping):
    body = {}
    schema = ctrl["schema"]
    for name, props in schema["properties"].items():
        local_name = mapping[name]
        value = getattr(tag, local_name)
        if value is not None:
            value = convert_value(value, props)
            body[name] = value

    resp = submit_data(s, ctrl, body)
    if resp.status_code == 201:
        return resp.headers["Location"]
        raise APIError(resp.status_code, resp.content)
In this function, tag is an object. In real use it's an instance of tinytag.TinyTag, but can also be instance of the class Tag we showed earlier. The ctrl parameter is a dictionary picked from the
(e.g. "mumeta:add-album"). The mapping parameter is a dictionary with API side resource attribute names as keys and the corresponding MP3 tag fields as values. The knowledge of what goes where comes from reading the API's resource
. As an implementaion note, we're also using the getattr function which is how object's attributes can be accessed using strings in Python (as opposed to normally being accessed as e.g. tag.album).
The mapping dictionary for albums looks like this, where keys are API side names and values are names used in the tag objects.
    "title": "album",
    "discs": "disc_total",
    "genre": "genre",
    "release": "year",
Since all values are not stored in the same type or format as they are required to be in the request, the convert_value function (shown below) takes care of conversion:
def convert_value(value, schema_props):
    if schema_props["type"] == "integer":
        value = int(value)
    elif schema_props["type"] == "string":
        if schema_props.get("format") == "date":
            value = make_iso_format_date(value)
        elif schema_props.get("format") == "time":
            value = make_iso_format_time(value)
    return value
Finally, notice how we have put submit_data as its own function? What's great about this function is that it works for all POST and PUT requests in the client. It looks like this:
def submit_data(s, ctrl, data):
    resp = s.request(
        API_URL + ctrl["href"],
        headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
    return resp
Overall this solution is very dynamic. The client makes almost every decision using information it obtained from the API. The only thing we had to hardcode was the mapping of resource attribute names to MP3 tag field names. Everything else regarding how to construct the request is derived from the hypermedia control: what values to send; in what type/format; where to send the request and which HTTP method to use. Not only is this code resistant to changes in the API, it is also very reusable.
Of course if the control has "schemaUrl" instead of "schema", the additional step of obtaining the schema from the provided URL is needed, but is very simple to add.

To PUT or Not

When using dynamic code like the above example, editing a resource with PUT is a staggeringly similar act to creating a new one with POST. The bigger part of editing is actually figuring out if it's needed. Once again the core of this operation is the
. One reason to use the schema instead of the
resource representation's
attributes is that the attributes can contain derived attributes that should not be submitted in a PUT request (e.g. album resource does have "artist" attribute, but the value cannot be changed).
In order to decide whether it should send a PUT request, the client needs to compare its local data against the data it obtained from the API regarding an album or a track. For comparisons to make sense, we need to once again figure out what are the corresponding local values, and convert them into the same type/format. This process is very similar to what we did in the create_with_mapping function above, and in fact most of its code can be copied into a new function called compare_with_mapping:
def compare_with_mapping(s, tag, body, schema, mapping):
    edit = {}
    change = False
    for field, props in schema["properties"].items():
        api_value = body[field]
        local_name = mapping[field]
        tag_value = getattr(tag, local_name)
        if tag_value is not None:
            tag_value = convert_value(tag_value, props)
            if tag_value != api_value:
                change = True
                edit[field] = tag_value
        edit[field] = api_value

    if change:
            ctrl = body["@controls"]["edit"]
        except KeyError:
            resp = s.get(API_URL + body["@controls"]["self"]["href"])
            body = resp.json()
            ctrl = body["@controls"]["edit"]
        submit_data(s, ctrl, edit)
Overall this process looks very similar. There's just the added step of checking whether a field needs to be updated, and marking the change flag as True the first time a difference is discovered. Note also that for albums we're doing this comparison for the album resource, but for tracks we are actually doing it to track data that's in the album resource's "items" listing. This way we don't need to GET each individual track unless it needs to be updated. When this happens, we actually need to first GET the track and then find the edit
from there. This explains why we're not directly passing a control to this method, and also why finding the control at the end has the extra step if an edit control is not directly attached to the object we're comparing.
Fun fact: if at a later stage the API developer chooses to add the edit control to each track item in the album resource, this code would find that, making the extra step unnecessary. Sometimes clients can apply logic to find a control that's not immediately available. Following the self
link relation
of an item in a collection is a good guess about where to find additional controls related to that item.
A final reminder about PUT: remember that it must send the entire representation, not just the fields that have changed. The API should use the request body to replace the resource entirely. That is why we're always adding the API side value to fields when we don't have a new value for that field.

The Schemanator - Terminal Edition

Generic hypermedia clients are built on the idea that it's possible to fully interact with an API by generating a user interface using information provided by hypermedia controls. One part of this is prompting values for POST and PUT requests from the user by generating a form or similar from either a template or schema provided by the API. In this task you will do a simple command line version of a generic data prompt function.
Learning goals: How to make prompts and convert data based on
JSON schema
, fetching a schema from a schema URL, submitting a POST/PUT request.

Before you begin:
You can use the submit_data function from the submission script example as-is. The only difference is that the checker in task will provide complete URLs as the "href" attribute in controls. Therefore you should either remove the API_URL constant or set it to "" before submitting your answer.
You should also download the latest version of the Sensorhub API and
run it
. This will help you in testing.

Function to implement: prompt_from_schema
  • Parameters:
    1. requests session object - you must use this object to make any requests
    2. Mason hypermedia control as a dictionary
The function should obtain the schema in one of two ways:
  1. if the control has a "schema" attribute, use that schema
  2. otherwise send a GET request to the URL specified in "schemaUrl" attribute and read the schema from the response with .json()
Once it has a schema, it should ask the user to input all required values (using description as the input prompt), and convert these into correct types as specified in the schema. The types used in this exercise are "number", "integer" and "string". String formats or patterns are not used. Once the function has compiled the request data, it should send it to the API server using attributes from the hypermedia control. You can use the submit_data function for this.
You do not need to implement typechecking for the user's inputs - the checker will only give you valid inputs. You do need to prompt inputs in the order they appear in the "required" list though (inputs from the checker are given in this order). Use the builtin input function for making these prompts.

Testing your program
You can test this program against any API that uses Mason as its
media type
, you just have to check whether the API uses full URLs or omits the
host part
. All of our examples omit it, which means you need to use the API_URL constant for the host part. Just remember to change it to an empty string before submitting your answer. Best way to do this is to set it to empty string at the beginning, and change its value to your test target in the main program portion of your module (as seen below).
Here's a main program that you can use to test against the Sensorhub API, to create a sensor.
if __name__ == "__main__":
    API_URL = "http://localhost:5000"
    with requests.Session() as s:
        resp = s.get(API_URL + "/api/sensors/")
        body = resp.json()
        prompt_from_schema(s, body["@controls"]["senhub:add-sensor"])

About the checker
This checker does not run an API server, but rather just uses objects that emulate just enough of the behavior of requests.Session and requests.Response to make it possible to check your function. They do not provide the full set of methods and attributes of these objects so try to stick to the basics shown in the examples (i.e. get, request, put and post for the Session and json and status_code for Response).
Varoitus: Et ole kirjautunut sisään. Et voi vastata.

Closing Remarks and Full Example

Although this was a specific example, it should give you a good idea about how to approach client development in general when accessing a
API: minimize assumptions and allow the API
resource representations
to guide your client. When you need to hardcode logic, always base it on information from
. Always avoid working around the API - workarounds often rely on features that are not officially supported by the API, and may stop working at any time when the API is updated. Having a client that adjusts itself to the API is also respectful towards the API developer, making the job of maintaining the API much easier when there aren't clients out there relying on ancient/unintended features.
Here's the full example. If you want to run it without modifications, you need to actually have MP3 files with tag data that matches your Apiary documentation's examples. The submission script doesn't currently support VA albums.

TLS and Secrets Management

From this point on you will need to communicate with a RabbitMQ server. If you want to run the examples as they are, you need to have it running on your own computer. Simply installing and using default settings will be fine. However, we are also providing a live RabbitMQ server in the CSC cloud that you can use. Since it is publicly available, some measures are in place to increase security. First you will need some keys.


This task is a prepartion for the final boss of this exercise. You need to get an encrypted file, and decrypt it with the tools provided to you. This file contains credentials that you'll need to access the course's API server and RabbitMQ servers.

What to do
In order for you to complete the last part of this exercise, we have set up a server environment with two main components: an API server and a RabbitMQ server. In order to keep both of those secure in the wide open internet, we needed to also set up API keys and passwords. These have been prepared for each group. As sending keys and passwords in plain email would be a bad example, we have instead prepared encrypted files that contain them. In order to obtain your keys, you have to complete two steps:
  1. Have someone from your group email to the course email list, requesting the encrypted file
  2. Read the encrypted file with the small script provided at the Resource section of this task.
Once you have your keys, make sure to treat them like your own passwords.

Answering this task:
This task is here just to confirm that you were able to open the encrypted file. One of the pieces of data in the file is the API server's IP address. Type the address into the answer box to complete this task.
You need to install pycryptodome in order to use this script.
pip install pycryptodome
If the script is in the same folder as your encrypted file, unlock it by running and inputting your encryption key when prompted. The script will then print the contents of the encrypted file.
python pwp_decrypt.py my_secrets.bin
import sys
from getpass import getpass
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

if __name__ == "__main__":
        fname = sys.argv[1]
    except IndexError:
        print("Specify file to decrypt as command line argument")
        with open(fname, "rb") as f:
            nonce = f.read(16)
            tag = f.read(16)
            ciphertext = f.read(-1)

        key = getpass("Input key:").encode("utf-8")
        cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_EAX, nonce)
        print(cipher.decrypt_and_verify(ciphertext, tag).decode("utf-8"))

Type the API's IP address as your answer.
Varoitus: Et ole kirjautunut sisään. Et voi vastata.

Using TLS

TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a rather important topic in the internet world as it is the vehicle that allows sending secrets like API keys encrypted. As there are other courses that will give you a much better understanding into what TLS involves, we will cover it rather briefly and mostly focus on what you need to know to access the course servers that use TLS. We are only covering this subject because without TLS, all traffic including keys and passwords would be plain text.
Generally speaking, when you connect to a server using TLS you obtain its certificate that has two purposes: 1) it can be used to verify that the server is who it says it is; 2) to encrypt communication between your client that holds the certificate, and the server that holds the corresponding private key. We are mostly interested in the latter part for the purposes of this course in order to keep things a little bit simpler.
Our servers are using self-generated certificates which means no client will trust them by default. This is more or less the only option because we do not have hostnames for them, only IPs. If you point a browser to the API you will get a warning along these lines:
Browser screenshot of security warning with the error code NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID
Security warning that says the certificate was not issued by any trusted authority
There are two ways around this implementing your own TLS clients: you can download the certificate and configure your client with it to make it trusted, or you can just instruct the client to ignore the issue. The latter option is not recommended in real life use cases, but we will go that way for simplicity's sake.

TLS with Requests

When using the Requests module, things are relatively straightforward as it basically handles everything. However it will give you an error if you try to connect to a server with a self-signed certificate and will drop the connection. To get around the issue, include the optional verify argument:
requests.get("https://some.whe.re/api/", verify=False)
This instructs requests to not verify the server's identity. Which by the way is a really bad idea if you are connecting to anything that has any sort of actual value. To the extent that you will get a warning every time you do it.

TLS with Pika

In order to configure Pika to connect with TLS, you need a little bit more work and the help of the built-in ssl module. Pika needs to be given an SSL context which you can build with the ssl module. In our case we are simply going to build a context that does essentially what verify=False did for Requests. These three lines will prepare the context:
import ssl
context = ssl.create_default_context()
context.check_hostname = False
context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
Once you have your context, it is simply passed to the Pika connection along with your credentials. The following example assumes you have username, password, host, port, and vhost defined somewhere earlier in the file.
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(username, password)
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(
After this change to forming the connection, the rest of the examples work just like you were using a default RabbitMQ installation without credentials and TLS.

Managing Secrets

Before moving on we need to discuss the topic of how to make secrets available to your code. As code these days tends to end up in Github - particularly for your project - you should never include any credentials in your code. Not only is this incredible insecure, it also makes deployment harder. Generally speaking there are two primary ways to convey secrets to an application:
  1. Configuration files
  2. Environment variables
In some scenarios command line arguments and prompts can also be considered, but usually only for human users. When making automated machine clients, picking one of the two primary methods is recommended. In case of Flask, using a configuration file as explained in Flask API project example. For clients simply using requests you can make your own configuration file solution with e.g. Python's configparser, or use environment variables.
Environment variables are set with the set or export command depending on your operating system. Python access them through the environ dictionary in the os module, e.g.:
username = os.environ["PWP_RABBIT_USER"]
You can also remove the variable after retrieving provided unsetenv is supported on your system. This would be done just like removing and retrieving a key from any dictionary, with the pop method:
username = os.environ.pop("PWP_RABBIT_USER")
While the variable will still exist after you exit the application, it will not be available to any subprocesses etc. during the application's runtime so if you are doing something fun like, I don't know, running student code in order to check whether it's correct, it is probably a good idea to not let those processes access any important environment variables.
In general configuration files are easier to manage because with environment variables you still need to write them into the environment somehow, and this usually happens from a file so might as well use a configuration file at that point. The most important thing about configuration files is to just make sure they are only readable by the user your application is running as. While full web server setups usually use configuration files, in container deployments it can be more straightforward to configure the container launchup to write secrets into environment variables. Choose an approach that suits your needs.

Task Queues and Publish/Subscribe

Major part of the course has involved direct communication between the API and client where the client accesses the API through HTTP requests and gets mostly immediate responses. By that we mean the client expects to get whatever it was looking for as a direct response to its request. However, this is certainly not the only way of communication between services and clients or other services. In this last segment we are taking a peek at using task queues and publish/subscribe, two means of communication that are more asynchronous in nature.
This section will use RabbitMQ, a message broker commonly used to implement communication between services. We have provided you a running instance of RabbitMQ that you can access with credentials. You will be informed via course channels about how to get access. Feel free to use this instance to test examples, complete tasks, and implement these messaging protocols in your project if you want to go that way.
Our way of interacting with RabbitMQ is the Pika module which offers a Python interface for connecting to RabbitMQ.

Task Queues

Task queues are used to "place orders" for computational tasks that will be run by separate workers. Unlike API calls that would be targeted to a specific service by its address, tasks are sent to the message broker. As it is a queue, the first eligible worker to notice the message will undertake the task, marking it as being processed. They are generally used when you have lots of heavy tasks that can be run independently of each other, or tasks that need to be run in isolation. Worker pools are usually easy to scale as all a worker needs to do is connect to the message broker and it's ready to go. Usually workers don't have their own persistent storage.
For a real life example, Lovelace uses task queues when checking code submissions. This is a use case where task
queues fit like a glove:

Sensorhub Statistics

As to our code example, we're going to implement a feature to get statistics from a sensor. Because calculating statistics can be time-consuming, they will be calculated on separate workers. For the purposes of this example we are only calculating the mean value of measurements, but you could add all sorts of statistics without changes to the communication protocol. In our simple plan, only one set of stats will exist for a sensor at any given time. Here is a summary of how this will be implemented:
Download the API server example from below. Important changes are highlighted and explained in code snippets in the upcoming sections. If you want to test the code in your machine, be sure that you create and populate the database.
The full system that we are implementing in this material is presented by the diagram below. Details about each component can be found in the sections below. Our system will have one API server and one RabbitMQ server, but can have any number of workers and clients connected to it.
Diagram showing communication between API server, RabbitMQ, workers, and clients
Communication diagram with two workers and clients connected.

Statistics Model

The stats model doesn't have anything that wasn't covered in Exercise 1, but it's shown here to give you an idea what we are working with.
class Stats(db.Model):

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    generated = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False)
    mean = db.Column(db.Float, nullable=False)
    sensor_id = db.Column(
        unique=True, nullable=False

    sensor = db.relationship("Sensor", back_populates="stats")
It also has serialize, deserialize, and json_schema methods that are not shown here. A relationship pointing to this model will also be added to the Sensor model.
    stats = db.relationship("Stats", back_populates="sensor", uselist=False)

Statistics Resource

The statistics resource will look like this.
class SensorStats(Resource):

    def get(self, sensor):
        if sensor.stats:
            body = SensorhubBuilder(
            body.add_namespace("senhub", LINK_RELATIONS_URL)
            body.add_control("self", api.url_for(SensorStats, sensor=sensor))
            body.add_control("up", api.url_for(SensorItem, sensor=sensor))
            return Response(json.dumps(body, 200, mimetype=MASON)
            return Response(status_code=202)

    def put(self, sensor):
        if not request.json:
            raise UnsupportedMediaType

            validate(request.json, Stats.json_schema())
        except ValidationError as e:
            raise BadRequest(description=str(e))

        stats = Stats()
        sensor.stats = stats
        return Response(status_code=204)

    def delete(self, sensor):
        return Response(status_code=204)
There are mostly two things to note here. GET handling depends on whether stats currently exist or not - the mystery method _send_task will be called when stats are not available. We are using PUT to set the stats for the sensor regardless of whether they existed previously or not. This is done to deal with the situation where multiple GET requests are sent to the stats resource before the calculation service has finished processing. It will still result in stats being calculated multiple times, but we will only have one result at the end (the latest one). This issue could be addressed by adding suitable model class fields and logic to mark sensor's stats as being processed.

Sending Tasks

The process of sending a task has the following steps:
  1. Gather the data to be sent
  2. Form a connection to the RabbitMQ broker and get a channel object
  3. Declare a queue
  4. Send the task to the declared queue
The worker is going to need two pieces of information to complete its task: list of measurement values, and how to send the results back. The data can be obtained easily by forming a list of measurement values from the sensor's measurements relationship (this could be done in a more optimized manner, but we're keeping it simple). We also already have an answer for the latter part: we can include a hypermedia control in the payload. We'll also add the sensor's name (unique) for quick identification purposes later. With these things in mind we can look at the _send_task method.
    def _send_task(self, sensor):
        # get sensor measurements, values only
        body = SensorhubBuilder(
            data=[meas.value for meas in sensor.measurements],

        # form a connection, open channel and declare a queue
        connection = pika.BlockingConnection(
        channel = connection.channel()

        # publish message (task) to the default exchange
We are using the default exchange here to make the example simple. It allows us to declare queues freely. The queue name "stats" is given as routing_key argument to basic_publish. This will publish the message to the "stats" queue so that it can be picked up by workers who are consuming the "stats" queue. In order to be more efficient with connections, the middle part could be done on module level only once.
With this our API side is ready. It will now send requests for stats to the queue. You can already run the server and visit any stats URL. However, as there are no consumers for the queue, the task will simply sit there until a consumer shows up.

Statistic Worker

Next step is implementing the worker that consumes the task queue. To keep the example simple, this will be a Python program that runs from the command line and keeps serving until it is terminated with Ctrl-C. The workflow is roughly:
  1. Define a handler function for received tasks
  2. Connect to the RabbitMQ server and get a channel
  3. Declare the "stats" queue
  4. Enter the consuming loop to serve tasks
Once a task comes in, the following will occur:
  1. Check that the task has all we need (data and "edit" control)
  2. Calculate the stats and add a timestamp
  3. Use the hypermedia control "edit" to check where and how to send the stats
  4. Regardless of result, acknowledge the task as completed
In the first implementation round we won't implement handling for errors. All tasks will be acknowledged regardless of result because we don't want them to go back to the queue. For istance, if we were to receive a task without a usable "edit" control, the task simply cannot be completed, and returning it to the queue would be pointless. In the second implementation round we will add a mechanism to notify other parts of the system that there was a failure in comleting the task.
The full code is available below. Note that it includes the second implementation round additions as well. The example snippets below will only have pass in these spots.

Setting Up and Running

First we are going to look at the main function that will connect to the message broker, and start consuming the "stats" queue. Most of this is quite similar to what we did on the sending end in the API side. Prints in this and other functions are simply there to make it easier to follow what is going on. In real life these should be replaced by using the logging module or other logging facilities.
def main():
    connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(BROKER_ADDR))
    channel = connection.channel()
    channel.basic_consume(queue="stats", on_message_callback=handle_task)
    print("Service started")
The call to basic_consume is where we configure what queue will be consumed and how this worker will handle tasks. Note that we are not using auto_ack because we want to be sure our tasks are not lost in void if the worker dies or falls off the network in the middle of processing. This means the task handler needs to acknowledge the message when it has finished processing. With this setup we are ready to implement the actual logic for handling tasks.

Task Handler

The task handler in this case is the function that is responsible for parsing the task from the received message, calculating the statistics, and sending the response back in the designated manner (a PUT request to the address included in the message). If our workers handled more than one type of task, this function's role would be to parse the task and call the appropriate processing function. The code is presented below with comments for handling steps.
def handle_task(channel, method, properties, body):
    print("Handling task")
        # try to parse data and return address from the message body
        task = json.loads(body)
        data = task["data"]
        sensor = task["sensor"]
        href = task["@controls"]["edit"]["href"]
    except KeyError as e:
        # log error
        # calculate stats
        stats = calculate_stats(task["data"])
        stats["generated"] = datetime.now().isoformat()

        # send the results back to the API
        with requests.Session() as session:
            resp = session.put(
                API_SERVER + href,

        if resp.status_code != 204:
            # log error
            print("Failed PUT")
            print("Stats updated")
        # acknowledge the task regardless of outcome
        print("Task handled")
To keep this example easier to follow, the only thing we dig from the hypermedia control is the "href" for the address. The rest of how to send data back is hardcoded into this function. We set the call to the statistics function in a way that it returns a dictionary of whatever stats it was able to calculate, and we add a timestamp afterward. The data is sent back to the API with a PUT request as we designed. Also like we discussed earlier, there's a finally clause in the try structure that will, regardless of what happens, always acknowledge the message.
With this we have a fully operational system where clients can now request stats from the API, and those stats will be generated by the worker. However, if we have really heavy calculations that can take a long time, how would the client know when to check back? Similarly, how will the rest of the system know if something went wrong so that developers can start working on how to fix it?

Publish / Subscribe

The other topic of this material is broadcasting with publish / subscribe. Whereas with task queues only one recipient will consume the message, in publish / subscribe the message will be delivered to all consumers. This communication method is useful when sending events to the system in situations where we do not know the exact recipient, and/or there is multiple of them. In our example we can use it in two ways:
  1. We can broadcast an event when statistics calculation has been completed, and this can be picked up by some notification service to let the user know that the statistics they ordered are ready.
  2. We can broadcast log events so that system admins can notice problems
We can achieve this by creating two exchanges with the fanout type: one for notifications and one for logs. Services that are interested in those can then listen on the exchange of their choice.

Changes to Worker

The worker will need a couple of changes to fulfill these new requirements. The file provided earlier has these changes already included.

Setting Up Exchanges

First we need to introduce the exchanges in our main function. We also need to make the channel globally available. We're just going to be lazy and use the global keyword to achieve this, but generally it would be better to e.g. turn the worker into a class. The changed main function is shown below
def main():
    global channel
    connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(BROKER_ADDR))
    channel = connection.channel()
    channel.basic_consume(queue="stats", on_message_callback=handle_task)
    print("Service started")
Besides adding the exchanges, the rest is the same. Declaring these new exchanges doesn't interfere with the previous functionality in any way. Also just like queues, exchange declarations are idempotent, and should be declared at both ends.

Broadcast Functions

Once we have the exchanges, we can write functions that will publish to them. We'll make one for the notifications, and another one for logs. The same basic_publish method that was used on the API side to send the task is also used here, but this time we are providing the exchange argument instead of routing_key.
def send_notification(href, sensor):
            "task": "statistics",
            "sensor": sensor,
            "@namespaces": {
                "senhub": {"name": API_SERVER + LINK_RELATIONS}
            "@controls": {
                "senhub:stats": {
                    "href": href,
                    "title": "View stats"

def log_error(message):
            "timestamp": datetime.now().isoformat(),
            "content": message
For consistency we are once again using Mason in the notifications to include a control for accessing the statistics. The worker knows the URI because it just performed a PUT request to the same address. After these functions are in place, all that's left is to replace some of the prints with calls to these functions, which you can see in the final code.

Client Example

For the client we are going to make one important shortcut: the client will be allowed to connect and listen on the notifications exchange directly. In a real setup we probably should not be doing this directly, but we are already running three Python programs when we're done, and don't want to add any more intermediate steps to this example. We are going to implement a very simple client. It's going to take a sensor's name as command line argument, send a request to stats and then print them out when they are ready.

Requesting Stats

The core function is the one that requests stats from the API. This function can do one of two things when it receives a successful response (i.e. in the 200 range):
def request_stats(sensor):
    with requests.Session() as session:
        stats_url = API_SERVER + f"/api/sensors/{sensor}/stats/"
        resp = session.get(
    if resp.status_code == 200:
    elif resp.status_code == 202:
        except StopListening:
        print(f"Response {resp.status_code}")
In order to keep this shorter and focus on what's important, we did not discover the stats URL via the API's hypermedia like we did in Exercise 4. Under the elif branch we go into the listen mode by calling a function which we'll introduce next. This is also done under a try statement that catches a custom exception which we can use inside the handling logic to notify that we are done listening.

Listening In

In order to listen to notifications, the client needs to undergo a setup process that is quite similar to the one done by the stats worker. There's just a couple key differences because we are listening in on a fanout type exchange.
This is almost directly from the third RabbitMQ tutorial:
def listen_notifications():
    connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(BROKER_ADDR))
    channel = connection.channel()
    result = channel.queue_declare(queue="", exclusive=True)
When we declare a queue without a name, RabbitMQ will generate a queue name for us. Also if it's set to exclusive, it tells RabbitMQ to delete the queue once we disconnect from it. The generated name is available through the response we get from queue_declare. Using that we can bind the queue to the "notifications" exchange. After that we just need to start consuming, and pass any notifications in the channel to our handler.

Handling Notifications

When a notification is received, the client needs to check that it's valid, and then determine if it was the notification we are looking for. In our current designs nofitications for all sensors are sent through the same exchange with no routing key, so it's up to the consumer to figure out if it is interested in the notification. Once we get notification for the sensor we requested stats for, the client can send a new GET request to the API to retrieve the stats. The notification handler code is shown below:
def notification_handler(ch, method, properties, body):
        data = json.loads(body)
        href = data["@controls"]["senhub:stats"]["href"]
        notification_for = data["sensor"]
    except (KeyError, json.JSONDecodeError) as e:
        raise StopListening
        if notification_for == sensor:
            with requests.Session() as session:
                resp = session.get(href)

            if resp.status_code == 200:
                print(f"Response {resp.status_code}")
            raise StopListening
The sensor variable comes from the module level - it was set when we read its value from sys.argv. As discussed previously, this function can raise StopListening exception when either an error is encountered, or we have successfully obtained the stats that were initially requested.

Certified API User

This task is a bit of final exam on the topic.
Learning goals: Interacting with a hypermedia API and RabbitMQ with an automated client.

What to do
The end goal of this task is quite simple. You need to obtain a "certificate" that proves you have accessed the system correctly. Then you simply return the JSON file that contains your certificate and the checker will confirm its validity. This basically involves the following steps:
  1. Access the API to request your certificate
  2. Use the hypermedia response to allow your client to listen to notifications from the certificate worker
  3. Once your certificate is ready, access the API again using the address in the notification to download it
Because we are a little bit evil, we made the time it takes your certificate to be generated random from a few seconds to a couple of hours, and the storage time of the certificate very short. That is to say, you need to actually implement a client that does the whole process by itself so that it can grab the certificate immediately when it's ready.
We also did not document the API, so you need to rely on the hypermedia contents to navigate it. Just like previous examples, the entry point is /api/. Checking out the namespace URL is recommended to get to know what link relations are used by the API.
Configuring your client
Both the API and RabbitMQ are secured. You need the keys from the previous task to access them. The API address is also in the same file. The RabbitMQ address can only be found from the hypermedia response you get when requesting your certificate. Use a configuration file or environment variables to make the secrets available to your client. When sending requests to the API, the key goes into the Pwp-Api-Key header.
Answering the task
Answering this task is simple. Once you are able to obtain a certificate, save the entire document to a file and upload it. The JSON document should have three properites: group, certificate, and generated. The checker will validate the certificate.
Varoitus: Et ole kirjautunut sisään. Et voi vastata.
API Blueprint is a description language for REST APIs. Its primary categories are resources and their related actions (i.e. HTTP methods). It uses a relatively simple syntax. The advantage of using API Blueprint is the wide array of tools available. For example Apiary has a lot of features (interactive documentation, mockup server, test generation etc.) that can be utilized if the API is described in API Blueprint.
Another widely used alteranative for API Blueprint is OpenAPI.
Addressability is one of the key REST principles. It means that in an API everything should be presented as resources with URIs so that every possible action can be given an address. On the flipside this also means that every single address should always result in the same resource being accessed, with the same parameters. From the perspective of addressability, query parameters are part of the address.
Ajax is a common web technique. It used to be known as AJAX, an acronym for Asynchronous Javascript And XML but with JSON largely replacing XML, it become just Ajax. Ajax is used in web pages to make requests to the server without a page reload being triggered. These requests are asynchronous - the page script doesn't stop to wait for the response. Instead a callback is set to handle the response when it is received. Ajax can be used to make a request with any HTTP method.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Examples
Anonymous functions are usually used as in-place functions to define a callback. They are named such because they are defined just like functions, but don't have a name. In JavaScript function definition returns the function as an object so that it can e.g. passed as an argument to another function. Generally they are used as one-off callbacks when it makes the code more readable to have the function defined where the callback is needed rather than somewhere else. A typical example is the forEach method of arrays. It takes a callback as its arguments and calls that function for each of its members. One downside of anonymous functions is that they function is defined anew every time, and this can cause significant overhead if performed constantly.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Example
In Flask application context (app context for short) is an object that keeps tracks of application level data, e.g. configuration. You always need to have it when trying to manipulate the database etc. View functions will automatically have app context included, but if you want to manipulate the database or test functions from the interactive Python console, you need to obtain app context using a with statement.
Blueprint is a Flask feature, a way of grouping different parts of the web application in such a way that each part is registered as a blueprint with its own root URI. Typical example could be an admin blueprint for admin-related features, using the root URI /admin/. Inside a blueprint, are routes are defined relatively to this root, i.e. the route /users/ inside the admin blueprint would have the full route of /admin/users/.
Defines how data is processed in the application
Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a relaxation mechanism for Same Origin Policy (SOP). Through CORS headers, servers can allow requests from external origins, what can be requested, and what headers can be included in those requests. If a server doesn't provide CORS headers, browsers will browsers will apply the SOP and refuse to make requests unless the origin is the same. Note that the primary purpose of CORS is to allow only certain trusted origins. Example scenario: a site with dubious script cannot just steal a user's API credentials from another site's cookies and make requests using them because the APIs CORS configuration doesn't allow requests from the site's origin. NOTE: this is not a mechanism to protect your API, it's to protect browser users from accessing your API unintentionally.
Callback is a function that is passed to another part of the program, usually as an argument, to be called when certain conditions are met. For instance in making Ajax requests, it's typical to register a callback for at least success and error situations. A typical feature of callbacks is that the function cannot decide its own parameters, and must instead make do with the arguments given by the part of the program that calls it. Callbacks are also called handlers. One-off callbacks are often defined as anonymous functions.
Piece of software that consumes or utilizes the functionality of a Web API. Some clients are controlled by humans, while others (e.g. crawlers, monitors, scripts, agents) have different degree of autonomy.
In databases, columns define the attributes of objects stored in a table. A column has a type, and can have additional properties such as being unique. If a row doesn't conform with the column types and other restrictions, it cannot be inserted into the table.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Common keywords
In object relational mapping, column attributes are attributes in model classes that have been initialized as columns (e.g. in SQLAlchemy their initial value is obtained by initializing a Column). Each of these attributes corresponds to a column in the database table (that corresponds with the model class). A column attribute defines the column's type as well as additional properties (e.g. primary key).
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Example
In OpenAPI the components object is a storage for reusable components. Components inside this object can be referenced from other parts of the documentation. This makes it a good storage for any descriptions that pop up frequently, including path parameters, various schemas, and request body objects. This also includes security schemes if your API uses authentication.
Connectedness is a REST principle particularly related to hypermedia APIs. It states that there for each resource in the API, there must exist a path from every other resource to get there by following hypermedia links. Connectedness is easiest to analyze by creating an API state diagram.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Example
A hypermedia control is an attribute in a resource representation that describes a possible action to the client. It can be a link to follow, or an action that manipulates the resource in some way. Regardless of the used hypermedia format, controls include at least the URI to use when performing the action. In Mason controls also include the HTTP method to use (if it's not GET), and can also include a schema that describes what's considered valid for the request body.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Example
  3. Using
A (URL) converter is a piece of code used in web framework routing to convert a part of the URL into an argument that will be used in the view function. Simple converters are usually included in frameworks by default. Simple converters include things like turning number strings into integers etc. Typically custom converters are also supported. A common example would be turning a model instance's identifier in the URL to the identified model instance. This removes the boilerplate of fetching model instances from view functions, and also moves the handling of Not Found errors into the converter.
The term credentials is used in authentication to indicate the information that identifies you as a specific user from the system's point of view. By far the most common credentials is the combination of username and password. One primary goal of system security is the protection of credentials.
Document Object Model (DOM) is an interface through which Javascript code can interact with the HTML document. It's a tree structure that follows the HTML's hierarchy, and each HTML tag has its own node. Through DOM manipulation, Javascript code can insert new HTML into anywhere, modify its contents or remove it. Any modifications to the DOM are updated into the web page in real time. Do note that since this is a rendering operation, it's very likely one of the most costly operations your code can do. Therefore changing the entire contents of an element at once is better than changing it e.g. one line at a time.
Database schema is the "blueprint" of the database. It defines what tables are contained in the database, and what columns are in each table, and what additional attributes they have. A database's schema can be dumped into an SQL file, and a database can also be created from a schema file. When using object relational mapping (ORM), the schema is constructed from model classes.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Example
Decorator is a function wrapper. Whenever the decorated function is called, its decorator(s) will be called first. Likewise, when the decorated function returns values, they will be first returned to the decorator(s). In essence, the decorator is wrapped around the decorated function. Decorators are particularly useful in web development frameworks because they can be inserted between the framework's routing machinery, and the business logic implemented in a view function. Decorators can do filtering and conversion for arguments and/or return values. They can also add conditions to calling the view function, like authentication where the decorator raises an error instead of calling the view function if valid credentials are not presented.
In HTML element refers to a single tag - most of the time including a closing tag and everything in between. The element's properties are defined by the tag, and any of the properties can be used to select that element from the document object model (DOM). Elements can contain other elements, which forms the HTML document's hierarchy.
For APIs entry point is the "landing page" of the API. It's typically in the API root of the URL hierarchy and contains logical first steps for a client to take when interacting with the API. This means it typically has one or more hypermedia controls which usually point to relevant collections in the API or search functions.
In software testing, a fixture is a component that satisfies the preconditions required by tests. In web application testing the most common role for fixtures is to initialize the database into a state that makes testing possible. This generally involves creating a fresh database, and possibly populating it with some data. In this course fixtures are implemented using pytest's fixture architecture.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Creating DB
  3. Starting the App
This term contains basic instructions about setting up and running Flask applications. See the term tabs "Creating DB" and "Starting the App". For all instructions to work you need to be in the folder that contains your app.
In database terminology, foreign key means a column that has its value range determined by the values of a column in another table. They are used to create relationships between tables. The foreign key column in the target table must be unique.
For most hypermedia types, there exists a generic client. This is a client program that constructs a navigatable user interface based on hypermedia controls in the API, and can usually also generate data input forms. The ability to use such clients for testing and prototyping is one of the big advantages of hypermedia.
HTTP method is the "type" of an HTTP request, indicating what kind of an action the sender is intending to do. In web applications by far the most common method is GET which is used for retrieving data (i.e. HTML pages) from the server. The other method used in web applications is POST, used in submitting forms. However, in REST API use cases, PUT and DELETE methods are also commonly used to modify and delete data.
HTTP request is the entirety of the requets made by a client to a server using the HTTP protocol. It includes the request URL, request method (GET, POST etc.), headers and request body. In Python web frameworks the HTTP request is typically turned into a request object.
In computing a hash is a string that is calculated from another string or other data by an algorithm. Hashes have multiple uses ranging from encryption to encoding independent transmission. Hash algorithms can roughly be divided into one- and two-directional. One-directional hashing algorithms are not reversible - the original data cannot be calculated from the hash. They are commonly used to store passwords so that plain text passwords cannot be retrieved even if the database is compromised. Two-directional hashes can be reversed. A common example is the use of base64 to encode strings to use a limited set of characters from the ASCII range to ensure that different character encodings at various transmission nodes do not mess up the original data.
Headers are additional information fields included in HTTP requests and responses. Typical examples of headers are content-type and content-length which inform the receiver how the content should be interpreted, and how long it should be. In Flask headers are contained in the request.headers attribute that works like a dictionary.
Host part is the part of URL that indicates the server's address. For example, lovelace.oulu.fi is the host part. This part determines where (i.e. which IP address) in the world wide web the request is sent.
In API terminology hypermedia means additional information that is added on top of raw data in resource representations. It's derived from hypertext - the stuff that makes the world wide web tick. The purpose of the added hypermedia is to inform the client about actions that are available in relation to the resource they requested. When this information is conveyed in the representations sent by the API, the client doesn't need to know how to perform these actions beforehand - it only needs to parse them from the response.
An idempotent operation is an operation that, if applied multiple times with the same parameters, always has the same result regardless of how many times it's applied. If used properly, PUT is an idempotent operation: no matter how many times you replace the contents of a resource it will have the same contents as it would have if only one request had been made. On the other hand POST is usually not idempotent because it attempts to create a new resource with every request.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Example
The info object in OpenAPI gives basic information about your API. This basic information includes general description, API version number, and contact information. Even more importantly, it includes license information and link to your terms of service.
Instance folder is a Flask feature. It is intended for storing files that are needed when running the Flask application, but should not be in the project's code repository. Primary example of this is the prodcution configuration file which differs from installation to installation, and generally should remain unchanged when the application code is updated from the repository. The instance path can be found from the application context: app.instance_path. Flask has a reasonable default for it, but it can also be set manually when calling Flask constuctor by adding the instance_path keyword argument. The path should be written as absolute in this case.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Serializing / Parsing
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a popular document format in web development. It's a serialized representation of a data structure. Although the representation syntax originates from JavaScript, It's almost identical to Python dictionaries and lists in formatting and structure. A JSON document conists of key-value pairs (similar to Python dictionaries) and arrays (similar to Python lists). It's often used in APIs, and also in AJAX calls on web sites.
JSON schema is a JSON document that defines the validity criteria for JSON documents that fall under the schema. It defines the type of the root object, and types as well as additional constraints for attributes, and which attributes are required. JSON schemas serve two purposes in this course: clients can use them to generate requests to create/modify resources, and they can also be used on the API end to validate incoming requests.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Common MIME types
MIME type is a standard used for indicating the type of a document.In web development context it is placed in the Content-Type header. Browsers and servers the MIME type to determine how to process the request/response content. On this course the MIME type is in most cases application/json.
Database migration is a process where an existing database is updated with a new database schema. This is done in a way that does not lose data. Some changes can be migrated automatically. These include creation of new tables, removal of columns and adding nullable columns. Other changes often require a migration script that does the change in multiple steps so that old data can be transformed to fit the new schema. E.g. adding a non-nullable column usually involves adding it first as nullable, then using a piece of code to determine values for each row, and finally setting the column to non-nullable.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Example
In ORM terminology, a model class is a program level class that represents a database table. Instances of the class represent rows in the table. Creation and modification operations are performed using the class and instances. Model classes typically share a common parent (e.g. db.Model) and table columns are defined as class attributes with special constuctors (e.g. db.Column).
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Example
In API terminology, namespace is a prefix for names used by the API that makes them unique. The namespace should be a URI, but it doesn't have to be a real address. However, usually it is convenient to place a document that described the names within the namespace into the namespace URI. For our purposes, namespace contains the custom link relations used by the API.
Object relational mapping is a way of abstracting database use. Database tables are mapped to programming language classes. These are usually called models. A model class declaration defines the table's structure. When rows from the database table are fetched, they are represented as instances of the model class with columns as attributes. Likewise new rows are created by making new instances of the model class and committing them to the database. This course uses SQLAlchemy's ORM engine.
OpenAPI (previously: Swagger) is a description language for API documentation. It can be written with either JSON or YAML. An OpenAPI document is a single nested data structure which makes it suitable to be used with various tools. For example, Swagger UI is a basic tool that renders an OpenAPI description into a browsable documentation page. Other kinds of tools include using schemas in OpenAPI description for validation, and generating OpenAPI specification from live code.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Example
Operation object is one of the main parts of an OpenAPI specification. It describes one operation on a resource (e.g. GET). The operation object includes full details of how to perform the operation, and what kinds of responses can be expected from it. Two of its key parameters are requestBody which shows how to make the request, and responses, which is a mapping of potential responses.
With Flasgger, an operation object can be put into a view method's docstring, or a separate file, to document that particular view method.
Pagination divides a larger dataset into smaller subsets called pages. Search engine results would be the most common example. You usually get 10 or 20 first hits from you search, and then have to request the next page in order to get more. The purpose of pagination is to avoid transferring (and rendering) unnecessary data, and it is particularly useful in scenarios where the relevance of data declines rapidly (like search results where the accuracy drops the further you go). An API that offers paginated data will typically offer access to specific pages with both absolute (i.e. page number) and relative (e.g. "next", "prev", "first" etc.) URLs. These are usually implemented through query parameters.
In OpanAPI a path parameter is a variable placeholder in a path. It is the OpenAPI equivalent for URL parameters that we use in routing. Path parameter typically has a description and a schema that defines what is considered valid for its value. These parameter definitions are often placed into the components object as they will be used in multiple resources. In OpenAPI syntax path parameters in paths are marked with curly braces, e.g. /api/sensors/{sensor}/.
In database terminology primary key refers to the column in a table that's intended to be the primary way of identifying rows. Each table must have exactly one, and it needs to be unique. This is usually some kind of a unique identifier associated with objects presented by the table, or if such an identifier doesn't exist simply a running ID number (which is incremented automatically).
Profile is metadata about a resource. It's a document intended for client developers. A profile gives meaning to each word used in the resource representation be it link relation or data attribute (also known as semantic descriptors). With the help of profiles, client developers can teach machine clients to understand resource representations sent by the API. Note that profiles are not part of the API and are usually served as static HTML documents. Resource representations should always contain a link to their profile.
In database terminology, query is a command sent to the database that can fetch or alter data in the database. Queries use written with a script-like language. Most common is the structured query language (SQL). In object relational mapping, queries are abstracted behind Python method calls.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Example
Query parameters are additional parameters that are included in a URL. You can often see these in web searches. They are the primary mechanism of passing arbitrary parameters with an HTTP request. They are separated from the actual address by ?. Each parameter is written as a key=value pair, and they are separated from each other by &. In Flask applications they can be found from request.args which works like a dictionary.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Examples
Regular expressions are used in computing to define matching patterns for strings. In this course they are primarily used in validation of route variables, and in JSON schemas. Typical features of regular expressions are that they look like a string of garbage letters and get easily out of hand if you need to match something complex. They are also widely used in Lovelace text field exercises to match correct (and incorrect) answers.
In this course request referes to HTTP request. It's a request sent by a client to an HTTP server. It consists of the requested URL which identifies the resource the client wants to access, a method describing what it wants to do with the resource. Requests also include headers which provide further context information, and possihby a request body that can contain e.g. a file to upload.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Accessing
In an HTTP request, the request body is the actual content of the request. For example when uploading a file, the file's contents would be contained within the request body. When working with APIs, request body usually contains a JSON document. Request body is mostly used with POST, PUT and PATCH requests.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Getting data
Request object is related to web development frameworks. It's a programming language object representation of the HTTP request made to the server. It has attributes that contain all the information contained within the request, e.g. method, url, headers, request body. In Flask the object can be imported from Flask to make it globally available.
in RESTful API terminology, a resource is anything that is interesting enough that a client might want to access it. A resource is a representation of data that is stored in the API. While they usually represent data from the database tables it is important to understand that they do not have a one-to-one mapping to database tables. A resource can combine data from multiple tables, and there can be multiple representations of a single table. Also things like searches are seen as resources (it does, after all, return a filtered representation of data).
Resource classes are introduced in Flask-RESTful for implementing resources. They are inherited from flask_restful.Resource. A resource class has a view-like method for each HTTP method supported by the resource (method names are written in lowercase). Resources are routed through api.add_resource which routes all of the methods to the same URI (in accordance to REST principles). As a consequence, all methods must also have the same parameters.
In this course we use the term representation to emphasize that a resource is, in fact, a representation of something stored in the API server. In particular you can consider representation to mean the response sent by the API when it receives a GET request. This representation contains not only data but also hypermedia controls which describe the actions available to the client.
In this course response refers to HTTP response, the response given by an HTTP server when a request is made to it. Reponses are made of a status code, headers and (optionally) response body. Status code describes the result of the transaction (success, error, something else). Headers provide context information, and response body contains the document (e.g. HTML document) returned by the server.
Response body is the part of HTTP response that contains the actual data sent by the server. The body will be either text or binary, and this information with additional type instructions (e.g. JSON) are defined by the response's Content-type header. Only GET requests are expected to return a response body on a successful request.
Response object is the client side counterpart of request object. It is mainly used in testing: the Flask test client returns a response object when it makes a "request" to the server. The response object has various attributes that represent different parts of an actual HTTP response. Most important are usually status_code and data.
In database terminology, rollback is the cancellation of a database transaction by returning the database to a previous (stable) state. Rollbacks are generally needed if a transaction puts the database in an error state. On this course rollbacks are generally used in testing after deliberately causing errors.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Routing in Flask
  3. Reverse routing
  4. Flask-RESTful routing
URL routing in web frameworks is the process in which the framework transforms the URL from an HTTP request into a Python function call. When routing, a URL is matched against a sequence of URL templates defined by the web application. The request is routed to the function registered for the first matching URL template. Any variables defined in the template are passed to the function as parameters.
In relational database terminology, row refers to a single member of table, i.e. one object with properties that are defined by the table's columns. Rows must be uniquely identifiable by at least one column (the table's primary key).
SQL (structured query language) is a family of languages that are used for interacting with databases. Queries typically involve selecting a range of data from one or more tables, and defining an operation to perform to it (such as retrieve the contents).
Serialization is a common term in computer science. It's a process through which data structures from a program are turned into a format that can be saved on the hard drive or sent over the network. Serialization is a reversible process - it should be possible to restore the data structure from the representation. A very common serialization method in web development is JSON.
In web applications static content refers to content that is served from static files in the web server's hard drive (or in bigger installations from a separate media server). This includes images as well as javascript files. Also HTML files that are not generated from templates are static content.
Swagger is a set of tools for making API documentation easier. In this course we use it primarily to render easily browsable online documentation from OpenAPI description source files. Swagger open source tools also allow you to run mockup servers from your API description, and there is a Swagger editor where you can easily see the results of changes to your OpenAPI description in the live preview.
In this course we use Flasgger, a Swagger Flask extension, to take render API documentation.
In database terminology, a table is a collection of similar items. The attributes of those items are defined by the table's columns that are declared when the table is created. Each item in a table is contained in a row.
In software testing, test setup is a procedure that is undertaken before each test case. It prepares preconditions for the test. On this course this is done with pytest's fixtures.
In software testing, test teardown is a process that is undertaken after each test case. Generally this involves clearing up the database (e.g. dropping all tables) and closing file descriptors, socket connections etc. On this course pytest fixtures are used for this purpose.
Universal resource identifier (URI) is basically what the name says: it's a string that unambiguously identifies a resource, thereby making it addressable. In APIs everything that is interesting enough is given its own URI. URLs are URIs that specify the exact location where to find the resource which means including protocol (http) and server part (e.g. lovelace.oulu.fi) in addition to the part that identifies the resource within the server (e.g. /ohjelmoitava-web/programmable-web-project-spring-2019).
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Type converters
  3. Custom converters
URL template defines a range of possible URLs that all lead to the same view function by defining variables. While it's possible for these variables to take arbitrary values, they are more commonly used to select one object from a group of similar objects, i.e. one user's profile from all the user profiles in the web service (in Flask: /profile/<username>. If a matching object doesn't exist, the default response would be 404 Not Found. When using a web framework, variables in the URL template are usually passed to the corresponding view function as arguments.
Uniform interface is a REST principle which states that all HTTP methods, which are the verbs of the API, should always behave in the same standardized way. In summary:
  • GET - should return a representation of the resource; does not modify anything
  • POST - should create a new instance that belongs to the target collection
  • PUT - should replace the target resource with a new representation (usually only if it exists)
  • DELETE - should delete the target resource
  • PATCH - should describe a change to the resource
In database terminology, unique constraint is a what ensures the uniqueness of each row in a table. Primary key automatically creates a unique constraint, as do unique columns. A unique constraint can also be a combination of columns so that each combination of values between these columns is unique. For example, page numbers by themselves are hardly unique as each book has a first page, but a combination of book and page number is unique - you can only have one first page in a book.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Registering
View functions are Python functions (or methods) that are used for serving HTTP requests. In web applications that often means rendering a view (i.e. a web page). View functions are invoked from URLs by routing. A view function always has application context.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Creation
  3. Activation
A Python virtual environment (virtualenv, venv) is a system for managing packages separately from the operating system's main Python installation. They help project dependency management in multiple ways. First of all, you can install specific versions of packages per project. Second, you can easily get a list of requirements for your project without any extra packages. Third, they can placed in directories owned by non-admin users so that those users can install the packages they need without admin privileges. The venv module which is in charge of creating virtual environments comes with newer versions of Python.
Interface, implemented using web technologies, that exposes a functionality in a remote machine (server). By extension Web API is the exposed functionality itself.
  1. Kuvaus
  2. Example
YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a human-readable data serialization language that uses a similar object based notation as JSON but removes a lot of the "clutter" that makes JSON hard to read. Like Python, YAML uses indentation to distinguish blocks from each other, although it also supports using braces for this purpose (which, curiously enough, makes JSON valid YAML). It also removes the use of quotation characters where possible. It is one of the options for writing OpenAPI descriptions, and the one we are using on this course.