  1. O
    1. Oculus Best Practices Guide
      Reading Content
  2. P
    1. Piazza
  3. U
    1. Unity
  4. V
    1. Virtual Reality, LaValle 2016
      Reading Content
  5. Y
    1. YouTube: Introduction to XR Systems
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HW1: The Room

By Nathaniel Myren, Shantanu Tulshibagwale, Elmeri Uotila, and Alessandro Nardi.
Due date: 2024-01-30 23:59.


Please follow the instructions from This document and then submit your project build using the checkbox below. This HW assignment is longer and has more steps than HW2-3, since this HW is also your tutorial to Unity. So, remember to start early. HW2-3 are shorter and give you more creative freedom on the content.

Submit the Link to Your .zip File

Please use FileSender service to send your .zip file to us. Note that when using FileSender the link is only valid for a week, so submit your homework close to the deadline.
Login to FileSender using your university account, select the farthest possible expiration date, and then address it to:
  • your own university email address,
  • as well as to paula.alavesa@oulu.fi.
Open your email and paste the FileSender link to your .zip file that you just received in the textbox below.
Informative Guides to Help You Design, Develop, and Distribute Your VR App.
Piazza is our course's communication platform.
The platform for interactive, real-time, 3D content creation.
Virtual Reality, LaValle 2016 is the free online textbook we use in this course.
YouTube Channel: Spring 2023, Introduction to XR Systems